He still plays online games

>he still plays online games
literally HOW?

I just don't get it, can someone explain? Literally everything out there is grandpa-tier or will be forgotten in a few years.

Lmao I bet he drew that beard with a sharpie

Holy fuck I thought Elliot Rodgers died

nah he's living in Brazil at the moment

is that Johnny Gat?


He's dead. He shot himself in the head in his car after he crashed it before police could get him.


why didn't he just bang a hooker?

because he felt that he deserved sex for absolutely free and that paying for it was beneath him. incels are fucking retarded as it turns out.

The only thing this loser will be remembered for is being the crazy virgin.

fuck off reddit, he's obviously the supreme gentleman

Outside of Sup Forums he's barely remembered at all

Is that really Elliot?

No he's not. He's just hiding out somewhere playing online games, like OP said.

I wonder what video games Elliot is hyped for.

>guy that looks like a chad couldn't get laid
Holy moly, the competition for pussy these days is bananas.

>Sup Forums in the background

Is there any hope for us,boys?

he was rich too. women are just unbelievable, aren't they?

That looks like a chad to you?

No, unfortunately you were born just in time for the nu-Tinder era were even the alpha males are struggling to have sex.

Man you must look really bad lmfao

We need to go back.

Pre-smartphone era, somewhere between 2000 - 2010
It was just the right mix of everything.

Your point?

there are more women in the world than men. stop being fucking delusional and go outside for once.

Underage banned

Back then you would have said the same thing about the 90s.

Oh, nah. I mostly just play TF2 these days.

>being this oblivious
Women are only attracted to 1% of men, you'll learn that once you reach and get past puberty. Google up who Elliot Rodger was while you're waiting for your testicles to drop.

No I wouldn't.
Because those were my best years. It's been getting pretty rough lately.

Why the fuck does the beard look like a Photoshop pattern mask

>there are more women in the world than men. stop being fucking delusional and go outside for once.
pfff, no they aren't

even in school there were like 80% boys in my class. My country is fucked there are no women

Struggling? The fuck is wrong with you guys? Getting laid is easy as long as you dont act like a sperg, fuck some women even like that shit

Maybe if you didn't live in Afghanistan you'd have girls at school. Just ask your parents to set you up with your 9 year old cousin

i feel a bit bad for poor Elliot, i hope he slays mad pussy up in heaven

Spoiler: He never actually tried to ask a woman out. He never got rejected. He was just so fucking autistic he thought women should come up and offer themselves to him.

>Getting laid is easy as long as you dont act like a sperg
No way?

Me too man. I know he doesnt deserve it considering he killed innocent people but he was just a lonely dude eho couldnt into emotional connections with others

the problem is I moved to another country and it's even worse

now guess the country germany lol

Pretty sure that bullshit bro, I remember reading how he tried to talk to girls multiple times but they would just tell him to buzz off.

Could be a different case I'm thinking of tho.

He was a turbo autist though. He looked decent but his personality was just horrible

Seriously how much of an idiot are you? Even autists can get gfs

tbf that's how I'm still a virg

I don't remember any part in the novel where he tried to talk to girls, he tried to make girls talk to him yes but never the other way around.

Elliot Rodgers... back from the grave.

>Even autists can get gfs

>different case I'm thinking of
You are. Go read through.

Haven't read all his stuff but I don't remember anything like that, he mostly would just look at couples and start seething in rage

Well, you know, it's Halloween so that sort of thing is expected.

The best thing about Elliot Rodger is that his manifesto is an open window todo your average user's mind.

Literal autists get married and get laid and yet here you are without one. Get out there say hi, spill your spaghetti, let them laugh at you and be cool about it. Chicms are into guys who dont take themselves too seriously

I look nothing like this dude and it still works.

I would talk to women but I have nothing to say. I'm a bland, boring man.

>be attractive, well-dressed and rich man
>die a virgin
>be a moderately attractive girl with no social skills or traits
>get mad cock from every direction
Elliot is a reminder about everything wrong with modern society.

Chicks love bland guys.

>The Virgin excuse

The truth is that so is 99% of humanity. Doesn't stop them.

>believing shitposts
go away

fuck off nigger die

This guy gets it. No one is inherently interesting. As far as humanity goes as a species we are unremarkable when compared to one another. Youre gonna turn to dust one day might as well get over that fear of being bland or awkward and have some fun.

You have no idea how bland I am.
The only four things I do when I'm not working are shitposting here, playing videogames, watching anime and sometimes reading books. Nothing more.

Incel dweeb

That sounds like a great tinder profile.

Lots of women out there like you except they shitpost on facebook, read historical fiction and watch shit reality tv. Women can be incredibly boring. Most are as a matter of fact.

I feel you man.
ever since I left college, My days consist of nothing but playing video games, anime, and drawing for a webcomic, and trying to get hired by any company as an animator.

Unfortunately, while I consider that kinda interesting, Most people do not.

>hurr durr le incel dweeb may may
It's time for you to return to reddit

Not the dude you're talking to but good lord I laughed way harder than I should have lol sorry man.


Rodger's ideas, thoughts and feelings are not unlike Sup Forums's, and we know he was talking from the bottom of his heart.

You got me!

Women don't have to be interesting to get attention/relationships/sex, having tiddies and vagina is enough.


Looool this is just too funny. I guarantee you 90% of Sup Forums could smash a thotty real quick. The problem is finding a chick that you actually love and not wanna smash and dash. I feel empty.

No you were just a kid. When will people realize that they're literally blinded by nostalgia. Hell, 2000-2010 had ALOT of shitty games released within that time but thing is you only remember the good ones. Some retard will in ten years claim that 2010-2020 was the best years of gaming and he'll be just as fucking wrong as you.

Good singleplayer games have gotten hard to come by if you don't like eastern Sup Forums shovelware.

This and he had a victim complex about it so he was probably super sullen and unconfident when he tried to talk to women which turns them off

>The problem is finding a chick that you actually love and not wanna smash and dash.
Look at this loser. That is easy as fuck to do.

Now finding that chick and getting her to love you back is literal dante must die tier.

found that girl almost 3 times now. and everytime they turn me down.

Bro I can't love hoes. Literally every girl around me is a hoe.