Will the Chinese ever be held accountable?
Will the Chinese ever be held accountable?
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Racist much?
Of course not, do you think a country that has cheating and stealing as a main part of their culture will ever give a single lonely fuck?
>cheating at video games for literally no gain to you except winning meaningless online matches
why even bother?
I got nothing against the Chinese. Hong Kong seems cool as fuck.
>majority of players are from china
>majority of cheaters are from china
really makes me think
>piss in the streets
>crowd buffets like they've never eaten before
>litter and trash every town they visit
and the ban stops at PUBG. Give an inch...
It's chinese culture to cheat.
>may cause discrimination
yeah remember all those game companies that see the ass loads of money china fires out of a fucking cannon and think "not on my watch you fucking chinks"
When I played PSO2 they were banning cheaters at a rate of 20,000 per month when the game just started. Then they just went and IP banned China, after which monthly bans never exceeded 100.
China will kill mainstream online gaming
Chinese are not people.
There were held accountable on this very site when the entire country was range banned.
Go to any board with flags and note the lack of Chinese posters. They have to buy a pass to post.
By specifying that its chinese people who are the most cheaters he encourages people to treat all chinese players as cheaters, dude is being a racist encouraging anti-chinese sentiment.
After that one discussion about cheaters a few days ago where one autist wanted jail time for cheating in vidya, I'm very tempted to dust off my memory editing skills for Monster Hunter World.
I can imagine it's even more important when you are making money off the game you are playing.
>yfw if they actually give a breakdown of cheaters per region the chinese will outnumber all other regions so much that it's like a 99:1 ratio when they can still imply there's other cheaters if they don't give a breakdown
pretty sure that one was because the servers were being ddosed
with how anal they are I don't see how you could've gotten a stat on ban numbers
>cheating is quite popular in china
You can say that again, cheating is part of their culture they will constantly try to cheat each other and will just laugh about it when found out
He's not wrong, chinks are fucking scum.
Seeing places like Korea and Japan and then seeing China almost makes me understand why the Japs wanted them all dead.
Fuck the Chinese. Absolute human scum.
But all chinese people are cheaters and they dont think there is anything wrong with it, its how they do things.
Too bad they'd never ban China on this, because they're buying this shit left and right.
DDOS happened over a year after the IP ban. Also Sega publishes a report on how many accounts have been banned each month.
>chinese "people"
Well.... It is part of Chinese culture to cheat. If you can cheat without getting caught then it's okay to cheat in their eyes
After those /gif/ threads about chinese driving I don't give a fuck about discriminating chinks. They don't even count as human.
wow so much racism
shit game
I want a movie if this shit game.
>facts are discrimination
every time
>he encourages people to treat all chinese players as cheaters
it's not his responsibility to censor himself for the sake of other people's stupidity
All chinese players are cheaters.
>cheating and stealing as a main part of their culture
Was the driver's arm okay
Don't ban them, but they shouldn't be allowed on Western servers. They can cheat all they want amongst themselves.
Chinese aren't real people. I value dogs more than them.
Chinese and Korean have their citizen ID linked to their gaming ID. If you get banned you get banned for life m8. You can even get jailtime for cheating in online games over there.
Of course there are exceptions; buying illegal ids, VPN network to bypass chinese wall etc
Honestly I'm starting to wonder if the Japanese really did anything wrong when they invaded China.
Perhaps this is all a consequence of Mao raping every orifice of the country. Taiwan and Hong Kong, descendants of China largely untainted by communism, seem far more civilized than the mainland.
>2 million bought a game with literal botnet anti-cheat software
That makes sense. They should really enforce a heavy region lock.
And this is bad how? Racism isn't bad really as long as it's not about killing or enslaving someone. Overreacting drama queens is bad.
The chink apologists have arrived already huh
>Because other people will be racist, it's unfair to share statistics and metrics
WTF ban SCIENCE and DATA now. Burn everything that isn't feelings and unicorns ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY TRUMPKINS? THIS IS TRUMPS AMERICA.
How do they play with westerners anyways?
China has the big firewall
Fuck Mao and his PRC. Bring back the dynasty sovereignty and meritocracy like the good ol' ancient china. Behead these scums who contribute nothing to the country.
Should've nuked china instead
Blame the court system which would find them guiltier of more shit and give them even more prison time if they even acknowledge or try to help anyone around them.
Since the judges like to pad their stats with as many convictions as possible since to them it means they are better at their job the more they get. Since fuck if one helps an old lady up they can get taken to court and judges usually say shit like that one must have been guilty of something otherwise they would not have felt obliged to help.
So if you really want to discriminate against chinks. Discriminant against those higher up and in the government. Since they make it hard and borderline illegal as fuck to act like a genuine human being over there without consequences.
The funny thing is
>may cause
Anyone that plays online games already hates chinese players.
The Chinese encourage anti-Chinese sentiment by being the large majority of cheaters. Don't blame people who have eyes to see.
Yes, only the 2001 CGI arm was wounded.
You can't, fucking laowai.
can't help but feel like this is a slippery slope
first you ban the cheaters, etc
you know how it goes
Russia, China and Brazil should all be IP banned from any online game.
Why do I get the impression that you wouldn't care so much about encouraging racism/discrimination if we were talking about all white people being privileged or some shit.
Perhaps you should move yourself over to China to live with the rest of those commie faggots your childish mind idolises.
It's the niggers who cheat and steal not americans
>Boohoo how dare they play our games!
it doesn't block everything and VPN bypasses everything.
Obviously they are cheating to get high kills and wins on PUBG for max currency return to convert into loot boxes to be sold on steam market.
Chinese gold farmers and scammers are nothing new. They steal accounts, hack and cheat on them for currency, and then convert/sell to other players for profit. On solo they took every single slot on the leaderboard advertising their cheats, all Chinese hacker names with spammed numbers.
you know what i find funny? when you shit on muslims or russians or chinese like in this case the sjws call you racist, yet on a good day they say there's only 1 race = human race
That shit is all on purpose and engineered so the chinese population does not unite and start any riots
The goverment is absolutely terrified of their zerg like slaves, thats why its illegal to get together as a group in china and criticize the goverment in any way
haha, cute
Finland is unbanned by now, right?
Watch me
>saying the majority of cheaters come from chinkland is discrimantion
Jesus, such people should just die.
if people cant control their horses and treat chinese as the cheaters they are because somebody else told them some facts about said chineses, its on them, not the person giving out the info
It’s not cheating when you’re making up the rules as you go.
Uma delicia
For what? You can't do anything interesting.
I thought it was funny that they shit on white people all the time but you are racist for just sharing accurately collected statistics.
did you know white people are the only people who can be racist? If you are any other race you are incapable of being labeled racist regardless of behavior.
Terrible bungie jumping form.
maybe the Communists wouldn't have a chance to take over if the Japanese didn't invade
can't say if the Soviets would've still helped the Communists somehow though
they have to be aware of something to block it, this is a game instead of a site that posts anti-chinese propaganda, I don't even think they know it exists
also it's piss easy to get past it
>Kindness is a punishable crime in China
Are they trying to be cartoonish supervillains?
This. Let's tone down the prejudice, this isn't fucking Sup Forums.
>Don't talk to me or my son
t. Comrade Pedro Xia Liao
You chink aren't people
I've heard about BR and Chinese problems, but not Russians. What have they done online?
After ordering a ton of dirt cheap useful shit from China i started to love them desu
what the fuck
Facts are racist?!?!??
>s-shut up, you may cause discrimination against criminals!
You should thank me. Because of me and my money games are exist.
What board was /chinkshit general/ on again? I found it once and completely forgot about it until now.
Sup Forums
Enjoy your slow poisoning and spyware.
>Stop sharing data that reflects poorly on other races even if it is true.
tell that to the gold reserves of Japan, Chile and Lebanon
>FRONTLINE ban 330.000 players
>they all create new acounts and keep playing
>PUBG bans 115.000
>if they want to play they need to buy it again, there before removing most of then from the game
I'll do it!
My house is made of asbestos. It's already too late.
>Hong Kong
Pick one.
>Squinty eye icon
>Racist against chinamen
What did they mean by this?
Don't ever call someone from Hong Kong Chinese.
user, they are already in the process of implementing a literal thought police on their own country, they already are cartoonish supervillains
what the fuck story?