To this?
To this
To this.
To this
To this
try me bitch
To this?
How did Fate ever get popular? It's concentrated shit.
your mind becomes steel
prana burn
Anime > VN.
because chunni shit is fun
I agree.I like Fate-Zero but everything else is absolutely fucking shit, even by anime standards.
to this
>best Saber isn't in this concentrated autism
Literally a rape incest baby,
You can thank Merkel for this
and yet he's still the best
I can no longer hear that word without smiling
So many girls in the fate universe, yet the best one is the MC of a gacha game.
Non-canon lul
What's she from
>.I like Fate-Zero but everything else is absolutely fucking shit,
proof that zerofags are plebs
Kiritsugu saved him from the fire 5 minutes later