Who is your fightfu?
Who is your fightfu?
I like pic related, but I like a ton of fighting girls to be honest, like Cammy, Chunners, Juri, Mai, Morrigan, and the list goes on.
I think it's just the athletic appearance of the girls that get me. I kinda like a girl who could probably kick my ass desu
The only true answer
Only the best
Almost anybody from KOF, jesus christ
don't have one
Yuzu is a miracle of the universe.
The girl with the biggest dick.
This undead qt
Real talk, is it gay to find her attractive? Like here she isn't drawn with a dick, but she canonically has one, so I'm a bit conflicted here.
Tfw you realize she's completely naked 0_0
Loved her EX form in X2, but the newest version isn't that bad to play. Pretty not good in terms of the game though. Still love her though.
there is room in my heart for one girl
>Liking clitlets
fucking pleb
I love Filia!
It is not gay if you like her for everything but the dick, for liking anything just cos it has a dick makes it gay to do so.
Knowledge is half the battle.
My wife Kasumi of course!
>she canonically has one
Nonono, that's backward. Canonically a developer said fuck it she's just a girl regardless of what was said before.
Lilith Aesland. In-game only. I love her body in the game and fanart doesn't get it right for me.
I see you accidentally posted the wrong girl. I got u user.
correct choice
Chun-Li is undoubtedly the best
>tits are nice, non-cow tier level
>doesn't dress like a complete whore
>will be a loyal chinese wife
Makoto a best.
>she will never be in another kof
you posted her
Evil bitches with a hidden sweet side are my fightish.
Seung Mina but honorable mention to pretty much the entire female SC2 roster
How does he see with hair covering his eyes?
why dont we just agree to have different tastes bucko
how do you pee without being able to see your dick
Honorable mentions go to Honey from Fighting Vipers and Kokonoe from BlazBlue.
but user that is a dude
You posted her.
I like too many to pick a single one.
By turning my head down so I can see my penis
I want to marry Makoto and make lots of little squirrel kids with her!
Wish there were more pics of my main Mech Gal Haehyun.
Also, does Sup Forums not like Katarina?
damn dude you got some dhalsim neck going on to get around that intense obesity
My female version of Rock Lee.
how does it come that ever girl makoto in games sucks shit and is a giga cunt?
Can you handle her?
Are you implying that Makoto is a cunt?
Or a sweet lady with a hidden dark side.
This girl right here, do be kind to her she's sensitive about her age.
Project Justice 3 when?
my dash link/high low charge nigga
>Are you implying that Makoto is a cunt?
well yeah she is and thats that
You know we're talking about Makoto from Blazblue right?
OP already posted the best one.
This is a close second.
yeah i do
she is a cunt and thats it my senpai
Let's do this then senpai. What makes her a cunt?
Great taste my anons.
But unfortunately there is only one BB fightfu for me.
her "personality" and way of being in general
I'll give her all the kids she wants.
>One of the few girls that aren't stupid, evil, annoying or insane.
>A "cunt".
Looks and sounds like a woman and you're attracted to those features, so I'd say no. If you start fucking men dressed up as Poison, that's another matter, but with fictional characters you don't see their junk anyway most of the time unless in porn, so it's really silly to be conflicted over such things. Also, the creator views her as a woman, but said that she's whatever you want her to be, if that makes you feel better.
Unrelated, but
>Mods deleted a Metroid thread I guess because there were a few non-nude pictures of Samus in her Zero suit in there
>Leaves this thread up
The new mods really are some of the worst in years.
How the fuck has no one named the First Lady of Fighting Games yet? FUCK I hate this place!
This. Unironically. Except Bullet, although she does have her moments of temporary 'I misplaced my brain', and does get beaten up a hell of a lot.
Maybe look through the thread dumb fuck
She's one of the friendliest people you can run into in the blazblue universe though. She's only a bitch to one person and his name his Kagura.
How's bullet now? I used to play her for awhile in CPEX.
yeah wtf
they let shit like this up but delet good shit
delicious brown waifu
Was my main back in the OG BB days
if she is one of the friendliest people in that shitty universe then im glad its not that big of a thing
Bullet post-2.0 is actually pretty fun. Getting heat levels immediately after Drive hits instead of waiting for the end of a combo is really nice. I can't say much about overall balance because I started fighting games like literally two months ago, but Bullet so far is my favourite by a landslide to play as. It got even better after the patch.
Is it because he fucked her?
Did he?
Would be a lot more into Tao, if not for the horror of imagining what her mouth looks like underneath that shadow.
What do you think Min-Min's noodles taste like ha ha just wondering
Sounds like you don't even know the character fampai.
>Getting heat levels immediately after Drive hits instead of waiting for the end of a combo is really nice
Glad to see they fixed one of her major problems, I might practice with her later today.
I don't know, Kagura claims they did one night but Makoto will go to hell and back saying they didn't.
>OG BB days
I miss it.
I’d eat that pasta like the Italian-Canadian I am. That’s for sure
sounds like you are defending that cunt a bit too much
Not same user but
>Insults thing
>Liker of thing defends thing in equal proportion
>"ur defending a bit to much xd"
its not insults if its true
Citation needed.
Just started playing this and I'm loving the music. There's too many good fightfus for me to decide so I'm going with my favorite as of recent.
>She's a cunt
>Why is she a cunt?
>Because she is
It was my fault for expecting you to make an actual argument.
Till the Squid Sisters make smash at least.
she'll be in cross tag, right?
>Look at a fighting game
>really like the design of a character
>they're always the hardest characters to play and I already don't have the interest to play 1000 hours just to be decent at the game in general
Oh yeah, I have to mention a part of the reason that I like Makoto as my #2 is those big sprites during her Distortions/Astral.
If Bullet had those I don't think my trousers could handle it.
Parasoul says "hi."
Good thing you're not a waifufag, because real waifufags commit themselves.
>Claims to dislike perverts.
>Gets fucked by Chad.
Of course she'll deny it.
>Literally Yukiko
Patrician taste, my friend.
>dresses like a slut too
It's like all the variables are there save for the colored hair.
thats probably because i never played the game
i just hate makotofags
I'll main Yuzu when Unist comes out in Europe, against everyones warnings.
i don't blame you, most makoto fags don't even play the game either
Still not same user, but you're just retarded, then. Thanks for clearing that up.
Shit! I came here to post this and I was sure I wouldn't find her, but what do you know!
You posted her my nigga
R. Mika