Jessica Chobot is now 40 years old

Jessica Chobot is now 40 years old

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still would
1:47 for gamer culture at its finest

I still never got over the fact that not only did Bioware put her in ME3, but you could casually fuck her in it.

..really? Which Character?

>trixie 360 got pregnant and no lewds exist

The press girl. they modeled her after Chobot and had her voice her. they fucked it up, as usual. and yes, you could fuck her after doing a few exclusives with her for her publication.

How does she look these days?

>mfw chobot means trunk in my language


>that humanoid creature
Holy sheeeeit

veronica belmont is physically perfect. fuccc


epic for the win

... you be sayin'...everyone was lustin' for a 33-yr-old 7 years ago...bruh she looks like 25

She was born in 1977

Lol! Dinosaur here haha I'll be 47 in a few months...


Stupid dog

That looks more like Brianna Wu than Jessica Chobot.


yikes dude, why are you here instead of reading a book by the fireplace and sipping some scotch, or giving your wife a foot massage?

>posting on Sup Forums

damn what the fuck grandpa
I hope to fuck I don't do the same when I'm 47

I don't drink or do drugs. I've also never married. I have had sex though...20 years ago lol

She's not that attractive, i don't get it.

So you don't even have Wizard spells, eh?

jesus christ, she looks like a cuter version of my girlfriend

>cuter version of MY girlfriend
Jeez, user.. I'm.. happy for you?


I see nothing wrong with that.
I think I actually prefer that to teens.

> People age

Water is wet.

>big tits
>name is Belmont

How the fuck this is the first time seeing this goddess

Poor mans Naomi Kyle

That's awful.

>Naomi Kyle
Poor man's Mia Malkova.

Reminder that her crossover into the mainstream died along with Ryan Dunn.

>she got married to a black man and had 8 kids with him

So? I'm 30. Time passes. People age. Life is hell. I'd still fuck her.

I never understood why people thought she was pretty

gonna need proof on that, you can't just throw shit around without backing up your claim faggot

>Kathia Nobili
>That video


Link pls.

She was never attractive to begin with.

How come Kathia Nobili never became popular?

These roleplay videos she make snow are shit because it's obvious they are all done with her partner. I want to watch some slut whore herself out not voyeur married life.

>40 years old

Man that reminds me I have such a weird taste with porn.
One of my best faps was this one video where the grandma was sitting on the chair masturbating with a dildo to the webcam and she would squirt all the time on the chair.
Shit always makes blow a load and I have yet to understand why. Dont think I would actually fuck a old lady.


Her old mainstream stuff was the shit,the voyeur shit is ok but at least we still get to see her.

>SoulsShit character creators can make literally everything but an attractive female

>he doesn’t know how to make qt’s


XD the "lick" heard round the world!
Good lord i was depressed when this shit happened

Fucking hell


You joking right?
How old do you need to get to understand Sup Forums is a place for young people with too much time?
Do you really have nothing better to do?
Jesus Christ

I didn't say they modeled her well.

Your sacrifice is appreciated.

you literally cant make attractive females in the soulsborne games
go ahead and post your butt ugly waifu that you think looks good






She’s literally married to a white, numale tech blogger.

Sup ForumsERMIN LEAVE!!!!!!!

what is a jessica chobot

what the fuck is that real? those two look like they despise each other.

>he doesn't like kawaii faces and linebacker shoulders

didn't she become some rich old dude's trophy wife and basically disappear?

The woman that killed "epic" and "for the win" in one fell swoop.


I only fuck women over 40

Imagine if that psp was a penis

30 year old women are still hot

they are just batshit insane if they aren't married is all

>he keeps track of Hollywood whores

How much dick do you think she sucked?
Was it your dick?

Because you have no other options. And they are fatbodies.

That'd be a big penius

They can be mammys too.

theyre mother and daughter

this. people past the age of 27 who aren't married yet basically are doomed to be adult children who can't adjust to pairbonding or family life.

No, that was you and other WoW faggots.

>youngfags keep saying this throughout their teenage years
You know you're joining the ranks of the oldfags in a few years anyway. You're here forever isn't just a meme.
How dumb do you have to be to not understand that?


shit user. im 28

That's right, Sup Forums. Listen to this totally-not a Jew.

Getting married boost GDP and makes you into a stable and predictable male. You wouldn't want to do anything that endangers your wife's and children's income now would you?

My company needs employees, therefore you need to make children.

I never touched WoW in my life.
Everyone on the internet used to say "Epic win" and FTW until this chick said it out loud and everyone realized how gay it was.

It amazes me how much stuff was in ME3 I completely wiped from my memory. Its like I was scarred after the magic space elevator.

>Everyone on the internet
Only faggotbookers and WoWfags said it, nigger.

So am I. I was speaking statistically. If you have your mind set to it, you can still do it user. Find you a non-former-slut and get a family started. I'm doing my best to get fit, advance my career, and do the same thing right now, I'm just not getting my hopes up.

>that ape in the background
you just KNOW

>tfw 25 year old KHV and know it's never going to happen

I don't really care about being alone, it's just that my mom feels like she has failed, and that she will never have grandchildren.

Its no orgasm october now.

But later...

Way to out yourself as a newfag.

her nipples need a realignment

Probably the one where she did beast suff, I wouldn't bother with it.

>it's just that my mom feels like she has failed, and that she will never have grandchildren.

this is my biggest regret over my current position in life. my parents are great people, and both me and my 32 year old sister are single and childless. my sister just had some really bad luck as all of her boyfriends turned out to have actual mental issues (bipolar, secret drug addicts, etc) while I am just a bitter autist who was rejected over and over in college so I just gave up for a while. I'm trying to turn my life around, but I don't think my parents are ever going to see grandkids. And I feel awful, because they're great, and deserve to.

It's a bit worse for me, because most of my problems come from the fact that my father was a horrible father, and my mom blames herself for that.

Gemma has big tits, and tits are soft and squishy. Try wearing a skin-tight speedo and see if your nuts end up in the same place every time.

That's perfectly possible, user

pic related, for example

Nobody young marries anymore in my country because it's useless. Everyone around me 20-35 is in couple but not married. Even my gf's mother isn't married.
Stop projecting your retarded culture.