Reminder that she did
Reminder that she did
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best girl(s)
No shes a fucking asshole
Two Faced is a double crossing bitch, but Walrus did nothing wrong.
Poor groose.
Reminder that according to lore, there are an infinite amount of Cling Ons that experiment with an Alpaca before ending up with a pizza-eating Italian jabroni
but user Cling on is still best girl
>But user? Cling On is still best girl?
What the fuck are you asshats talking about
Is this some eceleb shit
sounds like you already know the answer to that question
I want to experiment with Alpaca, to be honest.
Yes, but you'll never be the alpaca or the jabroni
but who kill the series? jahns?
>Hated that voice and infliction for a while
>Eventually start tolerating it
>Start finding it cute
Fuck. Not again.
>Vinny was trying to get two face to date him
>Fails over and over
>gets cucked by a walrus
>Sloppy 2nds brothers
The best bros
>And then walrus gets cucked by fucking Donkey kong
Lack of content in the game
He deserved it.
>Vinny doing scoot's voice
The only thing I hate about the miitopia streams
two double rejected confession
it was beautiful
>cheated on vinny with walrus
thottie deserved worse
The fact vinny got cling on was the best.
He felt so happy
>Vinny doing any voice that isn't SMBSS Mario/Luigi
>Witch and wario had a successful marriage with no mishaps
>The most boring characters
Honestly yea, theres honestly not alot of things in Tomodachi Life, you see basically everything very early on, which is really annoying.
It feels like they could easily add a crap ton more minigames/interactions but they never did. Miitopia has an even worse problem because its a 20 hour rpg and you see literally every interaction before the end of the first world.
I dunno I really like shitty bender, mainly because it's so fucking terrible and he knows it so it never gets overused.
Who is best girl and why is it alpca
>Vinny never did an entire stream of cuphead as vine AM
its not?
its cling on?
It's the rarity of it that makes it so special. Plus there's no way he could keep it funny for that long. He already ran out of content other than heroin is medicine and smoke cigarettes. That guy in chat that said he was gonna write him a bunch of 30's relevant things to talk about should have delivered.
Ehh, you know.
Post yfw
what the fuck are you guys talking about
This was actually sort of hard to watch.
>watching vinesauce
I remember when I was 12 too.
Alright, I'll give you that one. The occasional one is alright.
Also, the Bowser voice he did in SMRPG was genuinely good at some points.
When he managed to do that low gutteral voice, it fits so damn well.
I almost got a little turned on.
Can someone post the clip?
Who had the worse voice?
Dheerse or Seabiscuit?
The Cult of Watchers did everything wrong.
Seabiscuit's voice actually clipped the audio a couple of times
Seabiscuit for sure.
Even Seabiscuit is not that bad.
being a sponge fucking sucks
*fuhking suuuuuuuuuuucks
>Who can't sleep without clownjobs?
He wasn't going to ever top "No hard feelings, lad" anyway.
So according to lore is Miitopia before after or an alternate universe to tomodachi life?
>*Teleport behind you*
>No hard feelings lad
[spoilers]It's an infinite loop of Vlinny being brought into existence by Vinny, being hated by Vinny for being liked for reasons beyond his understanding, Vlinny coming to hate himself, and Vlinny becoming the dark curse
Who here has tried LSD?
>believing the infinite timelines theory
Its obviously a sequel, after the timeline getting rewritten so many times reality broke and created this temporary world, its why many of the established relationships ceased to exist, why many characters that never showed up on the island suddenly became part of the quest and why Vlinny became the curse
that made me do a double take
>He deserved it.
Walrus and Two-Faced were both innocent, Two-faced wanted to remain friends with Vinny but he didn't took the rejection well and Walrus tried to get him together with Alpaca so he could be happy and accept their relationship, Vinny was the true villain of the island all along
Top-tier waifu, OP.
Two-Faced is CUTE!
>literally and figuratively two faced chick who will friendzone and cuck you, also a furry
>drug addict, Japanese anthropomorphic animal that is very passive but you won't want to get on her bad side
>possibly brain damaged alien that always speaks like she is asking a question, may or not be gay
Not even Evangelion has this much quality waifu
Which is the best Vinny stream?
In my opinion, DKC and DKC2 are fucking top 5 at least.
Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild are also comfy as fuck. I fell asleep to those streams so many times.
When was that?
Mr. Bones for recent stuff
That 3D bridge builder game was also pure and I mean PURE kino
>actually got the word clownjob banned because people kept using it
All of the bridge building ones have been pure gold.
>Muh triangles
DKC is a classic but I will go with Earthbound, its rare to find someone who hasn't played it before
Mr. Bones was hands down my favorite stream he has ever done. That game was the gift that kept on giving all the way to the end
Plug n Plague is probably my favorite Sunday segment by a large margin.
I really liked his dawn of sorrow stream for some reason, hope he gets around to aria
He didn't even need to go all over-the-top with the old-timey style. Just talking normally while referring to the stream as vine AM and the chat as a telegraph would have been plenty.
>The whore
>Best girl
Good. It was overdone. It wasn't very funny the second time he used it, and even he knew that.
Using it for the ending of Cuphead was a nice touch, though.
The chat almost ruined it though. There were some real backseat gaming going on and people were doing a piss poor job at trying to ''subtly'' help him out.
Oh, yeah. I completely forgot about DoS. That was pretty fun. When he got those rare fucking drops, everyone flipped their shit.
What the hell are any of you people talking about?
Is this even video games?
>"not knowing [random asinine thing]
No, fuck you. Answer the question.
he suffers so that others can be happy.
Talking about the Super Mario Brothers Super Show
It's a streamer
If you don't get it, you don't get it. It's okay.
>The chat almost ruined it though
Yeah, it definitely had some shit moments. I was looking forward to him getting his shit fucked by Territorial Oak, but chat HAD to backseat and tell Vinny to run. Thank god he closed chat for the final boss.
I'm half glad though that chat told him to change his player name from Binyot to Vinny, because that would've completely ruined the tone of the ending.
>Answer the question.
Man I don't care much about e-celeb stuff but I love Vinny's Mario voices. I'm at the point where I watch Vinesauce videos just hoping he does them. Then again, he's pretty tolerable for a streamer, no shitty layout, no reading subscribers names or messages out loud. Too much meme shit though
I enjoyed his Conker stream. Enjoying his Miitopia stuff too. I like how he is streaming RE 7 now even though Joel did it a couple months ago.
DKC and DKC2 are great. SMRPG and Earthbound was comfy. I want him to actually do another full stream of FFIX.
Who are you again?.
in a nutshell a streamer did this Tomodachi Life series where the interactions between the odd looking miis excalated into this crazy soap opera where everything happened at random yet sometimes it was like the game was self aware, some crazy shit happens like love triangles, alien invasions, evil clones etc.
Forgot to add, after 50 episodes and a fuckload of fan art and theories being made he did a "sequel" in Miitopia featuring some of the same characters plus many new ones, creating more speculation about how all of that fits into the "lore"
>Too much meme
They're pretty much synonymous at this point, user.
Was Sponge gay for David Bowie?.
I still wish i could watch the entirety of the tomodachi streams with the twitch chat, just for the spectacle of it all.