Thoughts on Morrowind?

Thoughts on Morrowind?

Best province, home of the best race.

who, the whites?

I mean the fantasy setting best race

It's boring like all other Bethesda games.

the most fleshed out and interesting setting in video games. it's the only game in the series that tries to come up with answers to any questions you have about the province

try to answer these questions for both morrowind and cyrodiil in oblivion and see which one is more unique/original
>what are their exports/imports
>what is the geography like
>what's the architecture like
>what are the customs of the people
>what is the people's history? were they always there?
>what's their attitude to foreigners
>what's their system of government
>what's the native religion? are there any religious conflicts
>what's happening outside the main quest
>what's the law like and why? how do people feel about it?

retarded leveling system

I'm pretty sure everyone pretends that PGE1 Cyrodiil still exists

Shit game hyped up by 'MUH COMPLEX ARR-PEE-GEE.'

Most people here didn't make it to Balmorra, its just a meme at this point. If you must play a good TES game play Daggerfall or even Skyrim which outclasses Morrowind in everyway.

>what are their exports/imports
Morrowind: ash yams and autistic refugees/wizards
Cyrodiil: Wine
>what is the geography like
Morrowind: Ash & Mushrooms
Cyrodiil: Forest, swamp, plains and mountains
>what's the architecture like
Morrowind: crab shells
Cyrodiil: Gothic and elven
>what are the customs of the people
Morrowind: being autistic mongolian retards
Cyrodiil: Having autistic conversations
>what is the people's history? were they always there?
Morrowind: demigod shit
Cyrodiil: Tiber septim
>what's their attitude to foreigners
Morrowind: trump
Cyrodiil: Hillary
>what's their system of government
Morrowind: Emperor
Cyrodiil: Emperor
>what's the native religion? are there any religious conflicts
Morrowind: Tribunal
Cyrodiil: The seven or nine idk
>what's happening outside the main quest
Morrowind: morag tong
Cyrodiil: Dark Brotherhood
>what's the law like and why? how do people feel about it?
Morrowind: whevs
Cyrodiil: stop youvev ioalted the meme

Im drunk

but obliion is a fucking joke of a game after morrowind

Your answers sure sound drunk

shit graphics, awful combat, boring world

easily the best game bethesda has ever made.

>boot up mwmulti
>join server
>all quest NPCs are immortal, because 'griefers will kill them!!!" even though they'll respawn
>90% of conjuration spells are banned because "griefers!!!!"
>get randomly kicked for making custom spells because they're 2strong
How would someone even grief in Morrowind, why are you playing multiplayer if you haven't beaten the game? You go there to mess around, not play superserious.

grafics and animations were rotten back in 2k2 now imagine it 15 years later

Colovia is Trump country. Cyrodiil is California while Colovia is Jefferson.

Only right about the combat. But that is why mods exist.

I blame Morrowind for starting the trend of the faggy male Bosmer, like Fargoth.

>why are you playing multiplayer if you haven't beaten the game? You go there to mess around, not play superserious.
I bet you're some edgelord who was ruining new players' fun, otherwise I can't imagine why you get kicked. In most servers I've been on high-level players do their own thing, usually PVPing each other. Plus, TES3MP doesn't really support spellmaking yet.

I'm having tons of fun playing through the main quest with my friend, we just got mark and recall and amsilvi intervention, now onto boots of blinding speed.

>new players'
Why are they on multiplayer? Do they intentionally want to ruin their experience?

I've only ever put ten hours into Morrowind, we're having great fun co-oping on the hardest difficulty. My experience isn't being ruined.

It is and you just don't realize it because your only experience is the crippled multiplayer.

The multiplayer is fully functional with individual journals my man.

Also no matter how shit my day has been, whenever my friend walks up to me as an argonian I completely lose it because of the hilarious constipated duck walking animation. Fucking funny.

How does sneaky and stealing work in multiplayer?

>individual journals
Since when

The best of the provinces. Certainly the most unique. I liked Skyrim's setting too, but Morrowind's is certainly the most fascinating.

Not wrong at all

I want that dark elf to be my boyfriend

aged like shit

idk, Mal's Vanilla Server has individual quest progression and cell resets. TES3MP 7.0 will have custom spell saving and introduce a lot of scripting possibilities.

almost positive if you dl a copy of morrowind today it'll be the same as what was released in 2002

I would play that, the universal quests and journal system was the reason I never bothered with TES3MP. But I can't find anything about it on openmw website or the Steam group.

It’s the only good game Bethesda has ever made.

>was thinking the same thing

I want to kill dat grey skin.

Fill in the blanks

Mournhold! City of ____! City of ____!

The last elder scrolls game worth playing and the only one I could play for more than a few hours.

I was disappointed. I had always heard it had so much depth, but I found the copy/paste NPCs really stood against that. People praise the dialogue in this game for being so deep, but I disagree; for almost all of the quests, the dialogue is extremely brief, extremely flat and hardly goes in depth into the NPCs motivations or feelings about it

I was disappointed in that one quest, where you escape the ministry of truth prison and go to that secluded sacntuary; all of the NPCs in there say the exact same thing! Its fucking ridiculous, I want some insight into where they are, how they live, how they feel about it, or even just some flavor text, but when you talk to them, its the same copy/paste dialogue that you've already read.

It's simply impossible to get really absorbed in these quests, at least for me. People rag on Skyrim all the time but at least in Skyrim, for mosts quests, the NPCs will express how they feel, will explain their motives and you can ask reasonable questions for some flavor dialogue. Morrowind has none of that, its all so on the surface

LGNPC is the mod for you.