Do cute girls improve a game?

Do cute girls improve a game?

They make a game sell.

Doesn't even have to be a game for Sup Forums to dirty their screens over them.

No, gameplay does.

Improve? No
Sell? hell yeah

>Do cute girls improve a game?
Nope, it's a clear sign to steer clear of the game for me. I don't see why so many people want to play fucking barbie with their avatars.

Yes. They don't automaticaly make a game good. But all other things being equal I'd take a game with cute girls over a game without cute girls.

9 out of ten times, yes.

Cute yuri girls do.

Yes. Imagine playing a Nep game with an all-male, African American cast.

but then the goal of the game would be to grape everyone

cuteness is gameplay

Gear looks very good dressed like that.

What if she wasn't dressed?


Cute girls won't make a shit game good but they can make a good game better.

Only if you're a weeaboo pedophile.


Then she would be naked. That's inappropriate.

If you have girls in your game they might as well be cute

Yes, especially Uni

In moderation, yes. Too much and if feels like a boring anime.

these girls are 18+

yes, but not enough to make a shit game a good game (ie neptunia, senran kagura)

cute girls(male) do

lol, you must be a homosexual

Spoken like a true horny brainlet.

sure thing fogle
>t. pedophile

Seeing by Neptunia sales and the amount of games they release every year, it clearly make the game sell, that's for sure. Not saying Neptunia is bad, but it wouldn't sell even half without the girls.

Still, most games with cute girls doesn't sell nearly as much as the Nep games, so the girls alone won't aren't everything.

if the game is already good?
Yes, eye candy is almost never bad as long as it stays within universe

If the game's sole selling point is cute girls?
no, cute girls will never replace gameplay, just like Hyperdimension Neptunia is absolute shit but Sup Forumsirgins play it for the fanservice

Neptunia is a pretty decent series as of late, and most people don't play it for fanservice and only see it as a bonus. Sup Forums and /nepgen/ isn't even 1% of the fanbase.

I played the first game and it was absolute shit
then pirated the second to see if it kept being shit and guess what it was the same shit

So you never played VII? The first actually good game on the series? And the first games aren't shit, assuming you are speaking of the ReBirths. Maybe you are expecting too much from gameplay, when the series main aspect clearly isn't that. There is different kind of games, you know. Neptunia is focused on parody and on the characters, gameplay comes as a bonus and is also pretty decent.


Why bumping a thread that was already destroyed by trolls? Just create a Nep thread if you want to post Uni.

Not when they are the focus of the game.


But since we're on the topic, what is Girls Frontline? Fromw hat I can tell, its Kancolle but with guns instead of boats.

That about the size of it?

>waste all the budget on cute girls that the rest of the game ends up being utter shit as a result
I blame Neptunia for popularizing this shitty trend

Came for the waifus, stay for the overused memes

I wish Sega would spend more on character development. Now we get stuck with these clipart fettuccine hair spaghetti limb girls.

Compile had HEART at least.

Better than deliverately ugly girls, that is for sure.

not only do they improve a game, they sometimes make some meh games worthy of a buy.


Carlos pls

>Black Sister
>4GO Class: Thief

Attractive girls improve a game, cute girls make a game sell while masking flaws because weebs don't care as long as they get to jack off.

look at this fag

Holy shit is that a strawman if I ever saw one.

Must be a shitpost, lassey.

Return fire!

You need an IQ higher than 10 to reply to me

Cute girls serve exactly the same purpose as good graphics.

It's like someone just put lime paint on a cauliflower and glued it to the back of her head. Is this supposed to be TF2 or something?

Also I can 10-chain you in Puyo so you better watch yourself!

I wouldn't buy a bad game without cute girls
if they're cute enough they can make a bad game bearable

Prove me wrong. Excessive cute anime girls are masking gameplay flaws 99% of the time.

more brown neps

maybe not. But ugly ones will make it worse.

>cute anime girls
Your premise is flawed

i expected meaningful RPG gameplay but its pretty much
>spam strongest move with strongest CPU
>Heal with healslut
>Spam Strongest....
gets boring, but i guess you're right, the girls is pretty much all Neptunia is good for

Shit like this is why people make fun of you weebs

Name one instance of excessive cute anime girls damaging a game.

Neptunia and Senran Kagura

Neptunia is good though



And have no butt. It's like a small ball instead of two cheeks.

Anyways, etrian odyssey have cute girls, and that's a great series. Albeit, it have the best music, comfy setting (even when considering you might die at any point), great gameplay, well paced in most cases, lots of optiona.
But cute girls too!

Is this the new waifu bait thread?

Those games would be better with ugly realistic hags? No thanks

Name one good game without any cute girl


>implying she isn't moe as fuck

The queen is pretty hot dude.


How come a lot of games don't have cute girls? I want to see cute girls in games.

boys > girls

