> It's a " shadman drew vidya lolis again and is getting raided and arrested by the FBI... again " episode
I hate reruns
It's a " shadman drew vidya lolis again and is getting raided and arrested by the FBI... again " episode
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Is this real or is he just shitposting?
> pic related
Not me I love his antics
Only cunt who will proudly announce that he's a nazi and not give a damn because he's already so far past the point of no return
really? it has happened befpre?
>it's an non posts non-Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums episode
It's hard to tell. The guy is a shitpost incarnate.
shitposting, though not sure this is a real tweet by him or an edit.
truly is /ourguy/
of course, in cuck Euro countries drawing little girls is a crime (if you are a white man)
But raping real little girls isn't ( if you are a muslim)
I'm sure he's fine
Why do people want to fuck this character again?
IF they were going after him, why are they facing the other direction? Why are they taking cover from the other direction?
It's pretty obviously shitposting, everything shad does is shitposting, that's why i've grown to like the guy.
He got hit with drawing porn of an underage actress not a vidya loli, i think all that happened was he took down the image though. That could have all been bullshit too.
at a certain point he has to learn right ?
lolis are justice and all that but how many time does he have to get burned ?
Because it exists, people want to fuck chairs.
Those are obviously US patrol vehicles... Can't just be Eurocucks
I thought the parents were ok with that one. I only remember the Roblox fiasco.
shadman's gotten vanned before so he bought the opposing apartment from his registered apartment with cash so that he can get a headstart on the cops when they go busting down his fake apartment
He fucking is
His artstyle blows though but I'd still drink with him
Shadman needs to die
>not the VirgIncase
Come on man it was right there
Jk love you Incase draw more milf aliens
shadman is a big man who doesn't afraid of anything
don't compare artistry of animation vs stills
geee it's kinda dark
i know saying this is heresy but someone should do a zonevirgin shadchad
>that episode when he posted a pic of himself showing his six-pack on valentines day because he was looking for a girl to fug
did he not get enough attention as a kid or something?
based chadman
Shadman lives in america and you really shouldn't respond to garbage posts like that.
hope he gets raped in jail
>not shitposting everywhere you go
I'm curious if he actually got arrested again.
Also they have two trucks and a patrol car and are taking cover when going into arrest someone for drawing cartoons. Must be a slow day.
he does it for the lulz something people on this site have forgotten
What would he go to jail for
u mad cuck? suck some more mudslime dick nigger cuck
>Draw shit
>get arrested
epic country mes frères
Shadman is probably armed
He's not getting arrested lmao calm down
Why are faggots so mad at Shad anyway? Because his anatomy is off?
Tell me user, why do you hate him? Is it because Sup Forums told you to?
who is the camwhore milf cosplayer?
Wouldn't doubt he's just doing all that for attention.
a literal cartoon
probably illegal in freedomland
He drew the same character based on the actress showing off a driver's license that says she's 18.
Shadman lives in America NOW. He was actually arrested when he lived in Yurup though.
>doesnt beat meat to his own art
haha sure thing buddy
>Tell me user, why do you hate him?
Because his anatomy is shit
i'll take that as a yes
Because he's a faggot pedophile?
Because I'm jealous of him making a profit and not needing to actually improve his skills as an artist.
>"and that's why whenever we get a bunch of animals together, it's called a tzu!"
It's still hilarious like 15 years later