Why the literal fuck is Andy Serkis so praised for his performance of Gollum? Some literal who voice actor in these games does such a flawless performance that I didn't realize it wasn't Serkis until I happened to read a thread about it.
Why the literal fuck is Andy Serkis so praised for his performance of Gollum...
why does someone's good job make someone else's good job not praiseworthy?
Because if everyone can do a "good job" then the good job is normal and not praiseworthy.
Andy did more than voice though.
>anyone can be an actor, anyone can voice act
It's time to grow up user. Don't shit on someone's performance because a "litteraly who" talented actor also did a good job.
As a matter of fact, you are talented too user. As a shitposter sadly.
Are you retarded? Gollum in the movies was ALWAYS physically portrayed on set by the actor and was one of the big pushes in the industry for motion capture
I'm explaining why the more common something becomes the less worthy it is of praise. This is human nature. You're far too easily impressed.
Could you do it?
OP is retarded as usual
>2 guys can do it
>therefore everyone can do it
Of course not.
More than one person can do it. Therefore the praise is now split evenly between those people if the performance is relatively equitable. The more this occurs the less value is placed on each performance and as a result there is less praise to go around. Do you need me to give you a food analogy?
It's easier to mimic someone's voice especially when you have a lot of source material than it is to innovate that voice along with the character's mannerisms.
Next you'll claim tracing a picture is the same as originally drawing it.
With that logic should we dismiss all the masterpieces of the past ? I mean people on photoshop are doing better artworks now. Méliès did some pretty shitty movies right ?
>Liam O'Brien
>literal who
Dude's a bit of a cuck, he's got some serious talent
The reason why you praise something changes over time with context, but the amount of praise you give something should be less condensed if you are exposed to more of the particular subject. If you are indiscriminately handing out praise to everything regardless of relative worth then the praise you are giving is worthless in the first place. Praise only has value if there are things you withhold praise from.
>praising a copycat voice actor this much
lol calm down son. next thing you're gonna jerk off over troy baker in that batman game
I'm not OP. I have no idea what he's talking about. I'm just educating you mongrels about the concept of praise and how it functions.
This, I knew a dude in highscool, the guy was able to mimic Gollum's voice like no one else. Andy Serkis played Gollum entirely, as a performer, as a voice actor. Not sure but he probably contributed even more on the developpement of the character. Look at his carrer, that guy played a lot of different and praised character.
Yeah that guy who gave his voice for Mordor probably did a good work, but that doesn't make him "an Andy Serkis" at all.
>Therefore the praise is now split evenly between those people if the performance is relatively equitable.
Except Andy is no longer receiving praise for it, people have stopped caring, so if we were to split all present and future praise it'd be effectively 0 for both. Unless you're claiming he deserves backdated praise, which makes no sense because we don't praise everyone with the creation of fire when they light their stove.
cool story, your post is still shit nonsense.
Serkis will always have the crown as the actor that took the role to the esteem it now possesses, but it's possible that some day someone will be able to take it even further. But even if that does happen there will be people that still prefer Serkis because he would be considered the original. Even though he's not the first person to act or voice act for the role.
Liam O'Brian did the voice and mocap for the games.
Whoa, people who exclusively play video games and do nothing else are fucking philistine plebs. Who would've guessed?
Dude vidya is art kek
You mean like you handed out praise freely to a literally who for doing a good job based on a similarly good performance from the past?
This shitpile is only as high as your colon makes it user.
Gollum voice isn't even hard to do you just speak from the back of your throat, Andy is well known because he spent years doing three movies in a mocap suit to build the representation of Gollum we have today
I didn't praise anyone.
Who cares lol