What is the Citizen Kane of gaming?
What is the Citizen Kane of gaming?
The Last of Us
Citizen Kane: The Official Game of the Movie
Wasn't it BioShock infinite?
Why you do dis, its only 4pm and you do dis to me
>the Citizen Kane of gaming?
Minecraft. Most humble beginnings. Made its way to the peak of the gaming world and changed gaming forever.
Sonic 2
sauce on bottom left pic?
Does anyone even know why Citizen Kane is good? Just looks like a basic biopic. I thought the best movie EVAR MADE would be something like Bergman, Tarkovsky, or Bresson. Maybe film critics are just as pathetic as vidya critics.
Unironically this.
It's because it triggers the elites.
Citizen Kane as in best game of all time or Citizen Kane as mediocre mystery styled game
I've watched it twice and I think it's a situation where it was fucking mindblowing in terms of production values, acting, and 2deep4u plot...FOR ITS TIME. It's been surpassed a hundred times over since then but since it was "The First", everyone has to suck its cock all the time. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic film considering its release year but I'd rather watch even a modern C+ movie than watch Kane again. I'd say it's probably worth watching once since it's such a cultural touchstone but don't expect it to change your life or anything.
More like Citizen Reddit
Anything on some shitty some with game reviews where the score is 95-100 is the citizen kane of vidya. Might as well say undertale or hl2 or the last of us, usually western made trash
Don't forget though that there is loads of modern shit that can't touch Citizen Kane. Even all these years later. I'm not sucking its dick but it's not entirely a meme of how good it is.
Shaped the industry and made alot of advancements/innovations, but the subject matter itself is kindof average? Doom.
Seriously Citizen Kane is good because of the acknowledgement of cinematography and sets, its not an amazing movie, it was the first to really do what it did. Also a character study like that was never done at all before, it was "2deep4U" when the norm of the time was "I say exactly what Im thinking and feeling so the audience understands"
Final Fantasy X
Supposedly a timeless classic that was very influential and groundbreaking but when you play it you realize that none of its merits are anything special by modern standards.
sauce on top right pic
>it was fucking mindblowing in terms of production values, acting, and 2deep4u plot...FOR ITS TIME. It's been surpassed a hundred times over since then but since it was "The First", everyone has to suck its cock all the time.
You should have said this about Final Fantasy VII even though Citizen Kane is legitimately good.
confirmed for not knowing a fucking thing
Citizen Kane is famous because it changed the way people viewed the moviemaking process and stucture. It brought in a new era of storytelling techniques and literally changed the medium for all time.
the closest thing we have to that imo is Half Life
because its famous for similar reasons and it came about not at the start but quite early in the mediums lifespan, changing the way people looked at the way you could make a game
yours truly, Sup Forums
lmao what a posturing pseud
K-ON! was better
Sup Forums is right again
Pretentious, overrated drivel that's acclaimed solely for doing something new rather than having any substance?
There's a few of them.
>Sup Forums
I thought you guys just talked about Sneedcraftian Banesque kino?
I would call "The Seventh Seal" much better and more valuable movie than Kane everyday, honestly.
Without a doubt, either Super Mario 64 or DOOM.
Neither invented the wheel, but pioneered many different techniques and served as the template for how to present ideas to players.
You could argue for Half Life as well because of how it really showed what video game narrative could be. (Bonus points for half life is that it hasn't aged exceptionally well, and its appeal is more scholarly to new generations of gamers)
Super Mario 64, easily
Ocarina of Time by the looks of it
>Citizen Kane
>no substance
Watch it again like right now.
What did Half Life innovate when Doom came before it.
What exactly do people mean when they praise the movie for being groundbreaking and influential? I didn't notice anything special when I watched it. Gotta admit, I'm not very educated when it comes to cinematic history.
Can someone explain?
Sup Forums is honestly the masterboard of the entire site. Everyone goes there as well as Sup Forums based users go to everywhere else.
Movies around that time were very very simple, and this broke new ground by having cinematography. it WAS groundbreaking, now its just a fairly decent movie, youve seen all its breakthroughs a thousand times now because it had that big of an impact on the industry so it doesnt impress you, its like CGI now, use to be impressive when it was coming up, now you just expect it to be good. Grown people really use to think the prequel Star wars movies had realistic CGI, thats how far along weve come.
Note. Citizen Kane isn't even a good movie. It just paved to the way to how movies are made today. It carved a path. Other better movies made that path beaten.
The narrative. Remember the long "semi-interactive" intro section when you ride the train into the laboratory? Nobody did that before. Overall, Half-Life is not known for shooting itself but for mixing storytelling with shoooting.
>Citizen Kane isn't even a good movie
Literally the most brainlet reddit meme mentality.
Compared to movies now it is pretty crap.
Back then it was something amazing because of production alone.
It is only noted as good because of how new and mind blowing it was then.
Show a mechanical ink pen to a writer in the 12 hundreds and it will blow their fucking mind. Show an adult who has never heard of Citizen Kane now the movie and they wouldn't give a shit.
Truth to be told, they kinda had - "whole movie in green screen" feels odd to me, when I watch it. Im not completely against it, of course but I prefer mixing both this and normal scenography. I know that Pacific Rim is not some masterpiece movie but I really liked how Toro actually had constructed robots cockpits. It felt automatically better.
>movies now are better than movies in the 1940s
the first game to be called citizen kane was metroid prime
LUL no ones remember that shit anymore.
Someone who hasn't seen the movie could still easily like it dude, those kinds of things actually happen in real life believe it or not.
Movies now are largely not made as a visual art now but events and franchises. Orson definitely fucking cared a lot, less movie makers do now.
Watch 10 or so movies from that time. Then you will understand. Basically is the anti linearity of the plot, the transitions from scene to scene, camera angles, etc etc. It really changed Cinema forever but it is a classic made entirely out of the professionals that work in the industry and not the public nor the critic, in fact I think the movie bombed in its original release and got mix reviews at best.
The first Mario.
It pioneered a lot of techniques (mostly cinematography related) that were not mainstream or even used at all before it. And even if not necessarily new it was groundbreaking in how perfectly it utilized them. I could name a few things.
>use of Deep Focus (both front and background are in focus which allow it to have multiple layers of things going. See the childhood scene of Kane being adopted for the most famous example)
>ton of extreme low angles (often achieved with cutting a hole in the floor where the camera could stand) to make characters (mostly Kane) seem larger than life. (and they also showed the ceiling, very new at the time. Usually sets didn't even have ceilings cuz they never shot from that angle)
>meaningful usage of montage (see the breakfast montage for most famous example). Also newsreel montages got popularized here probably
>also generally extremely good and innovative with editing, both doing cool space or time related cuts (aka tie two things together thematically by cutting even if they weren't in the same space or time), and with a lot of jarring cuts iirc
>nonlinear storytelling (film told mostly through flashbacks
>which also gives it not just 1 but multiple unreliable narrators, completely unheard of at the time
I named Deep Focus first for a reason though, that was the most mindblowing thing at the time
>half life
Are you fucking shitting me? The closest thing we have is DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D.
Doom is to this day the best FPS game ever made, prove me wrong.
Super Mario Brothers is the correct answer. Not the first, but cemented the medium's language for decades to come.
Season 2 when?
Whatever it is I can guarantee you it isn't western.
that and cunny
oh no nipples
It's great for as a movie and innovative for it's time in film.
Naughty Dog for the character himself
Super Mario 64 for the buzzword
Truly the greatest game of our time.
>I can't value shit and it's impact on it's time based on context
>I've watched it twice and I think it's a situation where it was fucking mindblowing in terms of production values, acting, and 2deep4u plot...FOR ITS TIME. It's been surpassed a hundred times over since then but since it was "The First", everyone has to suck its cock all the time. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic film considering its release year but I'd rather watch even a modern C+ movie than watch Kane again. I'd say it's probably worth watching once since it's such a cultural touchstone but don't expect it to change your life or anything.
Why are taking about Zelda in a movie thread?
I'm not really well-versed in movies, but here are the main reasons why Citizen Kane is considered such an important movie:
>really good cinematography, introducing a lot of techniques that are still used in filmmaking
>encapsulated several genres at the same time (mystery, romance, tragedy, thriller, etc.)
>good, meaningful plot
>wasn't very popular upon its release, but became popular later
So in many ways, asking for the Citizen Kane of gaming is basically asking for the most influential game of all time, one that still holds up by today's standards. I don't really think there's once such game that can be pointed to, but I can think of a few.
>Ocarina of Time
>Final Fantasy 7
>Half Life
People might consider this a pleb opinion, but honestly, I think Dark Souls is also a candidate here. You can't deny its influence.
Hmmm, so the Citizen Kane of gaming would be a game that:
1. Has a general excellence to it.
2. Is innovative in a way that it completely alters the industry.
3. Is culturally considered to be a point of undisputed excellence that is accepted as a "good" example of it's kind.
It was great compared to the movies that came before it. Believe me, my parents had tcm on all the time when I was growing up. I know what crappy movies from the same year citizen kane was released look like and I know how great it was by comparison. You could compare it to something like super mario 64 or ocarina of time. They might not be so great if they were made in 2017, but they showed the way forward when they were released.
Yeah but if the medium moves on, it's not fair to still call that the best movie ever made then
If you went purely by the impact a film had at the time, it would be impossible to ever top L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat
I have not seen Citizen Kane but I have seen this director's god awful adaptation of Kafka's The Trial. Was Orwell retarded or what?
Also with that said this is probably accurate.
Source on the titties on the right of OP's pic.
You just answered your own question. Half Life was the first slow-paced shooter that brought a narrative aspect to a genre that was getting stale. It's same genre as Doom, but it doesn't play as Doom.
Showing your tryhard pleb status there by naming that over La Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon, which was actually the first film shown to a public audience, not that one with the added meme story of 'omg they got scared of a train actually coming at them'
Except the "meme story" is the most important part of that, since we were talking about the impact a film had at its time
What games have a bird yell at you halfway through? That's the Citizen Kane of gaming
He called it a meme because it literally did not happen. Look it up.
>this is what VIIbabbies actually believe
>mods still havent seen the cocks and tits in op pic
Blending the cinematic and interactive elements of the medium into a cohesive unit.
I did look it up beforehand. Give me proof of it not happening, there is none
It was the Half-Life 2 of it's time: technically impressive, much more immersive than it's contemporaries, dissected and studied endlessly