*Kills the Wii U*

*Kills the Wii U*

Also Xbox One too, I guess.

>*gives birth to litter of cockroaches*

shane, because it really shows that games dont matter anymore
wii u still has like 4 more excellent games total than the ps4 including multiplats (and like 7 if not including). the ps4 is the most mediocre console ive owned and the wii u is one of the best.

*kills every ps4 game*

My name's not Shane kid

*goes on my PC like every other console exclusive*

>*kills all of Sup Forums's shitposters*

*manages to have a better library anyway*

I fucking wish

*kills everyone*

i meant ALL OF Sup Forums's shitposters not just Sonybros.


>[breaths in]


Every game is either a 3DS port, on CEM U, shit excluding SM4SH.

>kills every console in existence

Isn't everything "killing" the Wii U at this point?

>begs for every console game in existence

Nintendo killed the wii u don't kid yourself.

>3DS port
Clearly the enlightened inidividual is playing objectively worse version of WiiU titles missing features on the 3DS.
Call me when it's dolphin/ppsspp tier
>Everything else is shit
Ahahahahaha, there it is.

Nigga Smash 4 was 500 hours of gametime SO FAR. More than enough on it's owm

The Wii U will live longer than you *pulls out katana*


>shows that games don't matter anymore
No it shows that you have some weird bias. I preordered my Wii U and picked it up day 1 and for it's entire lifetime it was a disappointment sprinkled with bits of good not unlike the playstation 3.

The Wii U was absolutely game starved. Not just from 8/10 games, but games in general. It's exclusives were generally great but there weren't enough fucking games on that thing. Despite differences of the Opinion and multiplat to steam the PS4 simply has more games that are enjoyable to somebody on the spectrum. I like it's shmup library, I like assault suit valken, I liked WoFF, etc. I liked almost every exclusive on the Wii U as well, but there simply wasn't enough of the fucking things.



What emulator?

yeah man wii u was so great, fantastic games such as mario and uhhhhhh

psshhhhh nothing personal kiddos

*kills both Mario and Zelda with a single blow*


Xenoblade Chronicles X? Bayonetta 2? Wonderful 101? BOTW?

but Uncharted is a movie not a game.

user what consoles do those emulate and what console is the new Mario for?

Those emulators can work with switch games? I thought it only worked with Wii U games, are you memeing because of BoTW and forgot it came out on Wii U too?

literal who games

Are you actually claiming zombi u is worth owning?

Getting to play BOTW now and not need to buy a Switch until at least it's first hardware revision was honestly reason enough for my WiiU.

It just helps that the library was great

All consoles get emulated eventually

Just delete this. Not fair to compare a big budget hollywood movie to actual games

Nah that's just my library. ZombiU sucks ass

ah sorry mate all the mario games look the same
assumed it was some pii poo game

>being this cucked
let me throw a meme maybe you understand back at you

also vidya

not to mention it's also on PS4
does Pii Poo have ANY exclusives?

Possibly, but that wasnt the point.

Its understandable. I kept thinking people were emulating the Switch botw for some reason too.

>comparing a film to a game



I need to replay Pikmin 3 soon.

How's Ninja Gaiden?
I'm considering getting it as I just got a WiiU yesterday and only have Wind Waker HD and Animal Crossing.

I bought it in a big bundle of other games for super cheap and I haven't actually gotten around to it lol.

is a wii u worth getting?

Depends how much you get it for. Got mine for $100.

No. All the games are being ported to Switch. Besides, there's any emulator to play all the best Wii U games on PC.

Lucky. I don't have a ps4, x1, switch, or wii u. Whichever let's me play doom 2016 for 100 bones gets my money.

>All the games are being ported to Switch
Literally all of them, or just some?

it's not on wii u

>literally 5 Mario titles in the top 7 games

Wew lad.

Uhhh.... All of them is not true...

>still has a worse library than the Wii U 2012-2015
How did this happen?

>all multiplats sell far better on consoles

If Pcbros actually paid for games, they would be a viable market for devs.

>Loses sony 1 billion dollars

Silly sonybro.
The WiiU commited sudoku to preserve its honor.

The Wii U died alongside its creator. How poetic.

The PS4 sells at a profit since like 5 months after it launched. Pretty sure PSN also pulls in close to a billion a year. You are mistaking the PS3 for the PS4.

>begs for free online
>begs for free mods
>begs for 60fps+ and higher refresh rates
>begs for customization / personalization
>begs for doing everything else other than vidya
>begs for easily torrenting older games and playing them with no strings attached
>begs for emulation of games from other platforms
>begs for extra controllers that don't cost $40
>begs for more buttons
>begs for mouse precision

The literal only reason why you would buy a console over a PC is exclusives and that's it. But now you have games like Breath of the Wild and Persona 5 being emulated on PCs, they may still be in early stages but imagine what will happen a few years down the line.

Consoles will soon be completely obsolete and there will be no reason to buy one in the near future. PCs will always outclass consoles in every other way and nothing is going to change that.

>Consoles will soon be completely obsolete

Like I haven't heard that one before.

>But now you have games like Breath of the Wild and Persona 5 being emulated on PCs
>he fell for the emulator meme

The WiiU killed the WiiU.

fucking brutal

Fun but also kinda frustrating, i haven't finished 2 yet (barely played it actually) but both show they really lost focus after the original game, kinda like Dark Souls 2 the game is too busy trying to kill you to make it feel satisfying. BUT i did play in hard mode right away so i got it coming, and the visceral (literally) combat can still be engaging. If you're a fan it's worth it i guess, basically

>Posts pic of a ps4 that's not even his
>Probably doesn't even own one

Genyo Takeda, Ko Shiota Yasuhisa Kitano and Nobuyuki Akagi made the Wii U

The Wii U committed suicide, don't fool yourself.

*kills the dreamcast*

>>they may still be in early stages but imagine what will happen a few years down the line

>he fell for the emulator meme

*kills itself*

*kills the entire online component*

>can use literally any controller
>can use newer renderers to improve graphics

Your point nigger?

*not on ps4*

*Kills Paper Mario, Star Fox and F-Zero*

>kills another developer company

He really is a detriment to the company. When is this tired, old, hack gonna retire?

Overheats kills itself

ironic considering Shitch is literally designed to overheat