I need serious help

I'm seriously stressed out every day about this. Do people hate Yooka-Laylee because it was a 90's styled 3d platformer? Does that mean people subconsciously hate 90's 3d platformer like Spyro, Crash and shit? My point is proven more because people like A Hat In time, when it feels like a Gamecube game instead. Does that mean people hate 90's 3d platformers and like early 2000's Nintendo platformers? Also, does this mean new 90's styled 3d platformers will never happen? Because I loved those games and I've been waiting for them to come back all this time. And Yooka-Laylee gave me the perfect rush of nostalgia when I saw it, NOT played it. I never played that game, so maybe everyone is right when they say it's bad. But then the controversy about JonTron started and all the good things about it "reviving 3d platformers" went out the window. And my life has been living hell from there on in. I was constantly reading hundreds of comments obsessively just to get if people liked it or not, and if they liked 3d platformers or not. Please I am very stressed out about this. If I like the game (that I haven't even played, mind you! I'm just basing this off the feel), but everyone says it's garbage, is that okay? I don't have to lose my mind because everyone hates it? How can I enjoy it if everyone says it's trash? How do I accept that this nostalgic game is called pure booty by everyone else? I can't watch Let's plays of A Hat in Time now because I'm thinking about how Yooka-Laylee wasn't that bad to me. I literally tried to do it an hour ago and my mind snapped. then I started reading comments again. By the way this is not a troll, I just have no where to post this shit since I don't use Facebook. Just Reddit, but they downvote immediately so no one sees what I'm going through. So please, do I have to ACCEPT the fact that this game I enjoy will not bring back 3d platformers and is considered a piece of shit by all?

Other urls found in this thread:


comments like this one when you search videos about the game on Youtube from "one month ago". The top video has this as the top comment. Which means its reputation is garbage.

Also the first video when you search for the game on Youtube is that it's a failure in every way and that it sucks. Would this still be happening if there WASNT any controversy?

Dunkey was spot on. It wasn't all bad, but it did miss the mark. Playtonic should reflect, but keep creating and do better. This genre won't die so long as there are people still interested. (AHiT, Odyssey, and even Ratchet are a testament to that.)

At this point I don't know what I want. I don't know if I want people to LIKE Yooka-Laylee, or for 3d platformers to make a comeback but in the style I want. Like the PS1/2 1998-2002 style. I don't know what I fucking want.


Learn how to fucking reddit space you hack.

He said autism.

That's a first. lmao.

settle down you autistic fuck and listen up
People didn’t want to play Yooka-Laylee because the only thing it had going for it was that it was Not! Banjo & Kazooie. The game had no other identity than that and was basically only selling it on B&K nostalgia, instead of making something new and fresh. In contrast, A Hat In Time has been a pretty big succcess for being a 3D platformer in a similar vein as B&K and YL, but with a unique art style, new mechanics, and a cute girl instead of some scaly faggot






O T H E R S .

This guy gets it

Found the e-celeb worshiping cucks.

The genre died for a reason you know.

This is the most autistic thing I’ve ever read in my life, holy shit.
Never change, Sup Forums.

My normie wife has no nostalgia for 90's platformers, no knowledge of the game or the drama surrounding it, generally likes games when I get her to play them, and she thought yooka laylee was boring as shit after about 45 minutes.

>I need serious help
Yes, you do, but not for the reasons you think.

The problem isn't that it's a collectathon
The problem is that it's worse than the collectathon from the 90s that it was meant to be a spiritual successor to

I'm not reading that but at least on Sup Forums people only hate it because of e-celeb drama. We went from daily hype threads to daily hate threads instantly when a certain YouTube personality was dropped.

As with Mighty Number 9 both games were as good or better then the games they were emulating, but because they were still emulating older styles of games, they got shat on since they didn't have the benefit of nostalgia like the originals did.

If the situation was reversed and the original megaman games and banjo games were released now in the same vein as these, they'd get just as much shit


no. it failed because 90;s platformers were better. even banjo kazooie is better than yooka laylee

>In contrast, A Hat In Time has been a pretty big succcess for being a 3D platformer
>has been a pretty big success
>sold a ton worse than YL


>Paul Machacek
Wow. Was he speedrunning the game to test for future speedrunners?

I don't watch Dunkey really, but if that's what he said then I do agree with him on it. I'm more of a Somecallmejohnny guy myself.

Maybe but it has way more shill threads on Sup Forums so out really depends on how you define success.

Yooka Laylee plays like a Great Value Banjo Kazooie. END OF RINE

The devs didn't learn from past mistakes.

The problem with Yooka Laylee is that it was selling itself entirely as being a new Banjo Kazooie but the game failed at that entirely.
The characters, the world design, the items, etc are all made like someone who watched a playthrough of BK or listened to someone else describe them rather than someone who actually played BK/BT and knew them well.

Most of the characters in the worlds are pointless and stand out like sore thumbs while in BK/BT each character is part of the world they're in and have some purpose as either an enemy or are part of a puzzle you need to solve to get a jiggy.
Items in BK/BT and even DK64 existed to help guide the player around the levels and make moving around the level fun, but in YK they're a chore to get and randomly thrown around and hidden everywhere, and the levels are so unnecessarily huge that most of the level is just completely empty.
The world design just feels like they scattered pagies randomly throughout the levels. In BK the world is full of land marks, and you know that each land mark has some stuff to do and after you've explored it fully you're done and you don't need to go back. Like for example in Mumbo's mountain you can easily split the map into sections like the Ruins, the village, the ant hill, Conga, etc. In Yooka Laylee you can't do that because huge parts of the levels are just bizarrely empty or look the same as other parts of the level, so it's hard to tell where you should go next.

The problem isn't the style of the game, the game is just not designed well, as either a Banjo Kazooie inspired game or as a 3D platformer in general.

It also failed because of work ethic. Rare HAD to make a game that sold, and worked to the bone to make it as good as it could be. They didn't have infinite money and they knew they had a deadline to meet. Yooka Laylee just had kickstarter autists with infinite money and no deadline, so they could just shit out whatever game they had at any time and that would be enough.

>banjo kazooie
>lets take things and make them living, lets give them googly eyes

>banjo tooie
>lets take animals and make them enemies

>yooka laylee

From what I've heard from other people, I think people expected something more when Playtonic just said they were going to make a Banjo-Kazooie-like game. And some people are casuals and complained about no way markers, no map, the "super hard" quizzes, etc. I got exactly what I expected, so I enjoyed it. I think A Hat in Time blew it out of the fucking water, but I still enjoy Yooka-Laylee.


It's been out for barely over a week and on PC only. Wait until it's released on consoles.

this nigga woke af

>Do people hate Yooka-Laylee because it was a 90's styled 3d platformer?
No, they hate it because it's slow, the level design is confusing, the powers sucked compared to the game it was ripping off, and items were sparse.

That last one pissed me off the most. Banjo Kazooie made it a feature to ensure that you always had enough items in a level to use all of your abilities. Yookafailee gave you maybe half the required items to move around a level using your abilities every level. If you wanted to use your items all the time, you had to farm.


Also counterpoint to your post: a Hat in Time.

Hat in Time is better than Yooka Laylee because the levels are concise, each one has its own gimmick so it doesn't get boring, and item usage is infinite. You got a hat? You got its powers. no scavenging for the eggs you need to solve a puzzle. All solutions to puzzles boil down to having the right hat or having the right item.

Also the bigger of the two: Hat in Time actually has exploration that isn't fucking boring. Things are close enough together where if you do a cursory glance of the level from any place you're standing, you can see something to collect.

Yooka Laylee's problem is that there were places you could stand where you had no clue what you should be trying to collect next. As in you would get to an objective and literally not see any collectables anywhere in sight on a new level. That's fucking stupid. That's poor level design made by copy+paste level makers who have never played a 3D platformer in their lives.

Yooka Laylee was worse than Donkey Kong 64 and that's fucking saying something.

YL felt really empty in a way that's tough to describe. It was like the world was one big flat texture with assets scattered, like most unity games do. It also controlled like shit, both the camera and the character needed to be fought with a lot of the time to get where you actually wanted.

>How can I enjoy it if everyone says it's trash?

Jesus, man, you've got issues. Who are you living your life for? You like what you like. Yes, maybe it's shit, but that doesn't mean you can't like it. For some reason many people are unable to accept that human beings are very contradictory and make no fucking sense.

>as good or better then the games they were emulating

Bullshit. I liked Yooka-Laylee, but it didn't have the level design of Banjo-Kazooie.

It really feels like they made their levels with the random tool. A Hat in Time and Odyssey all have objects specifically made for platforming and collection.
YL just had things scattered about with jumpable objects added later.

I got baited so fucking bad

I'll agree vehemently with this post and propose an adage that all collect-a-thon platformer games should adhere to:


The amount of dead space in your collect-a-thon is directly proportional to how shit it will be. It started with Donkey Kong 64, worked its way up to Banjo-Tooie (note "bundles" were a fucking mistake), and it all comes down to letting players have too much time and space between collecting things.

DK64 did some bullshit by trolling you with a string of red bananas going into a hallway that led to NOTHING for Diddy Kong to do, and you'd have to come back to this hallway 3 times with different characters just to get everything. That was a load of crap. Rare never recovered from this and applied it to every single thing they touched afterwards.

to add to this line, i think the levels themselves and "shit"(stuff you jump on) is too big, its not remotely as big as Nuts and Bolts but it seems as though the levels were designed for characterss bigger than yooka and laylee. that and the fucking quills being clumped in shitty hiding spots

>As with Mighty Number 9 both games were as good or better then the games they were emulating,
anyone who played Mighty Number 9 can tell you that you're full of shit.
Bubba Goes Number 9 plays worse than some Mega Man 2 romhacks.

I get the feeling like they designed the levels for maybe a set of powers that never made it into the final game.

OP, listen. It doesn't really matter if Yooka Laylee is good or bad. All that matters is that you enjoyed it, and that feeling is yours. No one can take it from you.

I think one hurdle that YL wanted to get passed but couldnt because of incompetence was they didnt want the player to go assassins creed mode where they feel they are following a set path so you just turn your brain off and collect the notes/quills/coins. obviously the way you combat this is by being cute, you put notes on obvious paths sure, when you come to a pattern of shit like flowers you sprinkle 3-5 notes/quills/things and then you put a couple in some obviously spotted but questionably obtained locations. Im not sure Playtonic even had this philosophy remotely in mind with their item placement, some of the shit seems to just be thrown in because OH FUCK GUYS WE GOT A HUNDRED MORE OF THESE FUCKIN THINGS TO PLACE


They removed Jontron because they are sjw cucks.

Cucks will never make a good game

People hate it because an edgy e-celebrity had his voice removed for understandable reasons. If the hat in time devs had done the same, everyone here would hate that game too instead of having 8 threads suck its dick an hour.

the post above me is retarded

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty, but as much as cutting Jontron is totally the businesses decision, it is equally the consumers decision to not want to purchase your game on the studios supposed political outrage

>People hate it because an edgy e-celebrity had his voice removed for understandable reasons.
I agree, I personally know the political background of every minor character in my games :^)

>I personally know the political background of every minor character in my games :^)
This is modern Sup Forums. That statement is not at all out there in this day and age.

That doesn't change any facts in my post m8

To be fair, OP is acting like he has autism, either ironically or unironically. Quoting the other posts was out of line, but OP either has the 'tism or pretends to have the 'tism online.

i never said my post would change any of the facts in your post. There is no need to feel like I'm attacking you.

how about maybe you try fucking playing it so you have first hand experience instead of obsessively reading hundreds of comments about it in a feverish haze and then maybe you'll find out

Literally cannot make a hat in time thread without it getting deleted or getting paged 10 now. No one likes it, it was all dev shilling.

Your post makes little sense since hate and not buying are different things. You can refuse to buy a game because you disagree with the devs. When you ebgin lying and doing all you can to make sure it fails solely because of politics, you've basically crossed a line. The point is there wasn't really much wrong with the game and the hatred solely comes from "MUH JONTRON". Which is a fine reason to not buy if you feel like it I guess, but not a good reason to run around lying about the games quality and leaving fakes reviews everywhere because you're ass hurt the game isn't political enough.

>This is modern Sup Forums.
Yes, neo-Sup Forums would care about the political backgrounds of every minor character in video games.

Kind of like a certain
I'm thinking of it but the name just escapes me.

>The point is there wasn't really much wrong with the game
It's Empty space: The game

You're an idiot. It has a massive support base, but the mods hate it because there were people making 3-4 threads at a time for it.

most of Sup Forums doesnt play the games they talk about and they hate them. and to say there"isnt really much wrong with the game" may be a fair statement but there isnt really much right with it either. it is a game that plays, it doesnt do much particularly well. just because a bunch of autistes circlejerk hate a game does not immediately mean that a generic forgettable game that people expected a monumental success from is now a great game

Don't even bother, this place is hopeless.

Crash N' Sane Trilogy was extremely well received, so you kinda mentioned a game that overturns your entire premise already.

Crash didn't take out MY BOY JONTRON so you are still allowed to like it

>he doesnt know that andrew anglin was originally supposed to voice Crash but they canned him for being supposedly """Racist"""

>some literally who

>literally who
hes jontrons dad

>Do people hate Yooka-Laylee because it was a 90's styled 3d platformer?
No I didn't hate it but it was mediocre. The worlds were empty and pretty lifeless compared to Banjo, transformations were mostly garbage and it had a lot of bad filler content like the Rextro mini-games. Look at a hat in time it has influence from Banjo, leans more towards SM Sunshine/64 but it's been well received so far and getting good reviews.

The level design is absolute garbage, worlds that are 1.5x as big as Tooie's but with the complexity of Kazooie. There's a part in the last level where you blow up a planet and the ring falls down to make a ramp that leads to another area, which is completely meaningless since you get the fly technique before you enter that world anyways - that's Yooka-Laylee in a nutshell.

Even worse when you consider that one guy in his spare time made a better BK in his spare time, for fun


Op here. Tbh I never played Yooka-Laylee and I'm just going by videos and the way it looks. And it looks like any other 3d platformer. Maybe you guys are right and if I picked it up and played it I would think differently. But still, I'm wondering if the hate is exaggerated because of the Jontron controversy. I just wished that never happened and it was just a fun tribute to cutesy 3d platformers LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. But alas, no, I'm living in the worst timeline where my favorite type of games are destined to never come back. And I'm supposed to accept this truth.

in the time this thread has existed you could have just torrented it and played for 2 hours you goon

Are there any maps of Yooka-Laylee's worlds? I would love to add to this.