Admit it, the 10s is unanimously agreed to be Dark Souls' decade...

Admit it, the 10s is unanimously agreed to be Dark Souls' decade. How many quality games keep unironically being called "The Dark Souls of X". They may be wrong, but no remotely challenging (and quality) game in this current landscape can escape being compared to Dark Souls.

Damn, this is truly the Dark Souls of threads.

Bloodborne is better

Bloodborne was better.

It's what happens quite often in the industry where a game will become so ubiquitous that any games that are similar will just be copies or clones. Doom clones in the 90s, GTA clones in the 2000s, and Souls-likes in the 2010s.

Bloodborne is better.

ok and there has been better music since the Beatles. they are still legendary though

Bloodborne is just Dark Souls in a Victorian setting, whether it's better is irrelevant. Dark Souls is the one that left the lasting impression in the gaming industry.

>Bloodborne is just Dark Souls in a Victorian setting
I disagree


Miyazaki is simply the Rafael of our time; comparing his works has no further merit.

The Beatles were shit

It's a pretty good game so I don't have a problem with it. Every good game creates a million imitators, of those you only pick what you like and say fuck the rest.

There aren't that many Soulslike games that I can think of though compared to GTA and Doom clones. It's kind of hard to discuss Souls' influence seriously because so many games are compared to it just by virtue of being remotely challenging (Cuphead), but of course there are other games that definitely share similarities with it other than the difficulty (HK & HLD). Souls influence isn't just on soulslikes, so pinning down the games it influenced gets a bit murkier.

>Dark Souls: Tim Burton Edition is better than original Dark Souls
The absolute state of Sonygroes...

When are we getting a new From game though?


Good god, I wish we were given that glorious box art. The same can be said for the other games too.

The jap covers tend to be better than the American ones.

Why the fuck is everyone suddenly posting Goblin Slayer? I read the first few chapters and it looks just like
another Akame ga Kill

As right as you are Op, I still prefer Dragon's Dogma.

Thank you it means a lot

Regardless of their quality even though I like all of them a lot and think they are quality, '10s is the decade of Dark Souls without question.

You're welcome.

His autism is endearing

its not edgy for sake of edgy/over the top, he's just practical and really don't like goblins.

box art tier list is almost always eu>jp>us

you know why Sup Forums is full of PS sonyfags? ? because they prefer to be here, instead of playing their shitty games

If anything, the 00s and 10s will be remembered as the time video games got casualized to the point that a seemingly "challenging" game got meme'd hard because of said difficulty.
The decade when babbies who never played real hard games like the golden age classics, think they're tough shit for completing a game with literal unlimited continues.

>feeling the need to post this
wanna know how i know your 19 or younger

It's not just video games, education got casualized first. Those two are probably related.

I think the funny thing about the Souls games are that they aren't even that hard but the marketing tells you it is so when an average Joe finishes it, they feel like they overcame something "difficult." Basically, it's the modern way of flexing your epeen in video games. It's not like this is a new concept. I remember Ghost n Goblins was fucking notorious for years when it came to side scrollers and how the difficulty got compared to everything. Only difference is that Ghost n Goblins is actually hard.

I like both BB and DS equally but BB got so many fundamental concepts wrong that were previously established that it becomes kind of annoying after a while.
>lamps don't reset enemies
>instead you have to wait through 2 loading screens
>no lamp mechanics at all for that matter
>everything has to be done in the """dream world""" that could have easily been incorporated into the waking world for dat firelink shrine interconnectedness, and would have been more interesting
>level up lady, worst tumors of the franchise
>warping, again, has to be done across two load screens, and cannot be done from lamp to lamp
>no lightsource helmet
those were the main ones, but they're big ones.
