"So user what games do you play?"

>"So user what games do you play?"

Other urls found in this thread:


>D-dark Souls

Hyperdimension Neptunia, you should try it, it's great.

Nothing you would have heard of you fucking casual

>cuphea- i mean cod and battlefield, sorry.


>i play cuphead

Is it acceptable to say The Witcher, or does it sound childish?

>tfw i tell someone i play rainbow six siege and they light up and say "me too!"
>mfw they're a silver 4 but have a better understanding of the operators and game mechanics than i do

Just say Red Dead Redemption every time

Haha video games?
You first.
Yes. I also like those games.

Manhunt 2

Oh that game is haaaard!

>we should play together sometime user!

>Just like my cock, bitch. But you won't quit that.

I said I like RPGs once to a boyfriend of my cousin and he said something to the effect of "meh I don't like pretending to be a mage or something, I'd rather shoot people in CoD"
This was post-Skyrim as well so even the casual retards got into RPGs
So yes, there'll always be someone who finds you childish unless you only play sports games and MP FPS

I don't play games.
I am an adult...

y-yes. I just remembered I'm busy. All the time. Sorry.

I never tell anyone I play video games, because I live in a place in America (east coast Virginia) where there are ZERO people who like the same games I do. So I am not missing out on friends with similar interests, the only thing that can happen is I look weird for telling the truth or I'll quickly get called out on lies.

>A little of this. A little of that. Mostly though, I prefer mind games.

>"Oh I like all sorts of games, lately I've been playing Dark Souls/Skyrim/Some other normie friendly game"
Nobody needs to know that I play Neptunia, but it's not that hard to just hide my powerlevel.

This. I just evoke my alter ego anytime someone asks me about ANYTHING that's slightly against the grain. That ideal self has an active sex life, goes on vacation with friends yearly and socializes in bars. While in reality I haven't been out socially in 6 years and and have never been to a house party + never had civilian sex (hookers don't count).

Elona plus and Dwarf Fortress.
Other than that I don't like modern games.

>A little bit of everything, what about you?
That's how I do it, it usually works.

>I'm so mature you guys
>posts weeaboo garbage
you're only fooling yourself guy.


Same, although if I really trust them I'd usually say
>I like playing old games on the computer

He's saying that's what he would respond, as a cover
You thick piece of shit

>oh you know... rpgs and jrpgs are my way to go, maybe a little bit of final fantasy or earthbound, persona/SMT once in a while, they're pretty good, especially SMT if your a fan of hard games. Now if you may excuse me i must go jack off, good day other user

do you suck cock like an adult too?

>trying to explain Dota2 to normies

I only watch mature kawaii uguu anime for grown ups

If I trust those people, I just say I play weeb shit and that they wouldn't care about said games.

I just tell them what I'm playing now, which is a fighting game or something. No need to act weird about it.

but dota2 is a normie game

>Someone playing DOTA 2 calling other people normies.

kys hard cunt


Little bit of everything yeno? Multiplayer it's whatever the lads are playing but geez a beasty single player game anytime

>Oh, you know, platformers, RPGs
Then we get back to work because time is money.

How out of touch of reailty you 2 must be, if you think normal people know what dota is

>A bit of everything
>oh user, what do you know about X game
>mfw i know every single aspect from lore to gameplay
>I heard about it, pretty fun game

Who gives a fuck?
You can say you play Hello Kitty crap with enough confidence and people won't care.

Not video games but
>mfw someone asks me what music I listen to

>3rd most played game on steam
>In the top 10 most watched games on twitch
Yeah dota is totally a secret club m8.
Ever hear of a game called Skyrim? The normies don't know about that one either.

>S-Shinran Kagoora

Well, how normal are we talking here? Every male under 30 probably knows it

>not having a normie playlist for when that question comes up
Come on user, be prepared.

I play video games

Yea if your friends are moms in their 50s


Fucking THIS. I don't even know what music I like and dislike anymore. Usually I just answer “a bit of everything, what do you like?”

>anything i can get my hands on, really.
>except sports games, i dont find them very fun
>but mostly shooters, puzzle games, or RPG's

>steam and twitch
haha you think steam and twitch are normal and normal people use them . I'm laughing at you irl right now
>Every male under 30 probably knows it
Excellent bait, i was very close to taking it

> Try to get in with a group of local game design class takers in college
> All they play is Hearthstone and Dota 2
> talk about interesting games I've been playing
> wow, user. "You have weird tastes"

just drop by Sup Forums and check out a certified Sup Forumscore list, they have actual real patrician taste


CSGO and PUBG Fuck with me faggots, also going to play COD WWII and destiny 2

>answer a bit of everything
>they keep pressing you
>finally just say a genre thinking it will get them to stop pressing
>Yeah I like a bit of jazz, a bit of rock, a bit of hip hop, etc
>they keep pressing you for specific artists
Jesus CHRIST can't you just let me be an autist in peace?

>mfw this is what awkward virgins working in the video game/electronic departments tell me

same fucking here dude
>hey so what music you listen to?
>nah you wont like it
>dude i love all music! c'mon show me!
>fine youtube.com/watch?v=5rzjD2ImpCM
fuck. off.

I usually just say "You wouldn't know" or something like that

Lil pump and all that mumble rap bih

>Driving around with friends
>they pass you the aux cord

Why? No one's gonna call you childish or a nerd, music is like the top thing people accept as subjective


This question is so fucking annoying holy shit. Do they think I play 1 or 2 games exclusively?

Okay then

you dont deserve to be apart of the human race, end your life

Yes, because people these days are not aware of the concept of electronic music. Stop making stupid shit up in your autistic mind


I know a guy that only plays sports games, its fucking weird

I don't know man, I listen to some pretty autistic shit.

are you accusing me of lying?
this actually happened and the bitch i showed it to only listens to Linkin Park and fucking country

this sounds like complete shit

>"Do you like visual novels user?"

How do I say no and that I think visual novels are gay without hurting anyone's feelings?

Yeah because Linkin Park definitely have never made songs like this youtube.com/watch?v=qqC5sdsHLq8
Just shut the fuck up with your stories if they're about a single retarded cunt when that user is afraid to talk about music with any random non-mongoloid normie

what's gay about them? don't you like a good mushy romance story huh?

whatever user, i know it happened more than once, even and thats good enough for me.

I proudly tell people I listen to Taylor Swift. Also Lana Del Rey, Portugal. The Man, Post Malone, Kodak Black, Flume, XXXTENTACION, Khalid, etc.

nature-based northern european atmospheric black metal

I love atmospheric BM
give me some of your favorite bands, STAT

>tfw you don't have a favorite genre


Recent rotation has been as follows

Woods of Desolation
Caladan Brood
Paysage d'Hiver
Emyn Muil

Looking to get into non normie atmoblack, but too lazy to look for new bands...

>you can't honestly say "oh i've been playing this neat indie game" without coming off as a sperg
>meanwhile you can mention any pretentious head-up-its-own-ass-then-out-the-mouth indie movie tripe and they'll think you're cultured for it

normies were a mistake

I forgot Grift, listen to Grift


>Looking to get into non normie atmoblack, but too lazy to look for new bands
I know that feel
>subscribe to atmospheric black metal youtube channel (basically promotion channel for all kinds of bands) to find new bands
>can't be assed to check out the discography of all these bands even if they're good
I like Dämmerfarben and Falls of Rauros
That's pretty great.
You should listen to this album simply because it's hilarious if nothing else youtube.com/watch?v=VXPmTg5c9JE

not him but I fucking love Insularum by Fanisk and the first Wolves in the Throne Room album.

Gave them both a quick listen, definitely not atmospheric/melodic enough for me

>under the impression they might know some metal so show them something like this
>"wow that sounds so shitty why is he growling like a dog, looool"
>"is that a flute or some shit, not metal dude this is some forest fairy music"
>"user you need to listen to real metal like Korn or maybe some deftones:)))"
do yurops and muricans hate each others metal?

Fucking love Skalmold youtube.com/watch?v=9n-fUv1ZDKI
I dunno why Americans hate any kind of folk in their metal, probably because the only folk-y things they have are country music
Anyway, viking metal is a bit harsh for people who only know metal through KoRn, took me like a good 5 years to reach Amon Amarth from a starting point of only liking Linkin Park, KoRn, and SOAD

please refer to the 8 posts above you where we talked about nature-based atmoblack

idk about the other dudes but Im a red blooded american who pretty much only listens to european metal


I just tell them that I play some fighting games then I ask what they like.

I don't really listen to music, and people always found that strange for whatever reason

>a little bit of everything haha

Liking music is probably just under food and sleep on the list of "things human beings like"

it is very unusual to not like music period

If you have to lie about your vidya tastes, then you are the very definition of a beta and a pleb.

Old styled arcade games.

It isn't that I don't listen to music at all. I listen to a few pieces like every couple of weeks or so, but the people I talk to apparently spend hours a day listening to it and this is what's considered normal

>I only play games where you can punch the shit out of nazis.