>Senpai you are going to the big Halloween party this weekend right?
Senpai you are going to the big Halloween party this weekend right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>This weekend
Shit, did I travel forward in time?
But that's in like 2 weekends from now
I don't like going to random parties because someone dinged my car
You mean that party where every guy gangbangs you while wearing halloween masks, Rise?
>Not going trick or treating instead
what party
who are you
where am i
Why would I do that when all the Halloween parties are in two weeks?
whats the best way to slip something into a girls drink
>implying i have friends
I'm gonna go dressed up as a rapist!
Friday the 13th the Game is the only Halloween i need
Nah, you know I'm too much of a sperg for parties. Let's watch scary movies instead.
Also, it's like two weeks early for a Halloween party.
Lol going outside is so overrated. I put my pajamas on 3 hours ago when the sun was still out.
>not being naked all the time
lost so hard
>no cute cosplay gf
>no gf of any kind
What's it like not having social autism? I'm curious.
You can only ever dream of finding a woman with a belly so perfect.
Honestly just as suffering as being a social autist. I've done both sides of the coin and the older you get the more you realize basically everyone is miserable and trying to find that one thing to make life good.
To varying degrees though. Some are just alright, others are depressed. There are content people on minimum wage having good weekends off their faces on gear out clubbing and being satisfied with their decent looking gf
And there are rich mother fuckers snorting themselves into an early grave in sports cars wishing they could find someone they connected with.
I think having a girlfriend just numbs everything to an extent. Even when lifes shit someone to hold and fugg makes it bearable
>posts thots
back to >>>/reddit/ pls
What big party? No one invited me to anything.
Cammy Negro a cute!
quite pungent indeed
a woman is talking to you voluntarily so anything is possible at this point
Isn't that the russian trap?
i celebrate new year
and my birthday
that's all i need
Why do Americans think everyone does everything the same day they do?
It really triggers my autism when girls hold their hands at 90 degree angles like that. WHY?
Last year I was dumping shit tons of melatonin and other natural sleeping stuff into girls cocktails. It's like an undetectable roofie
Ok. When is Halloween for you?
>ywn a lewd Rise, not even once
>ywn a real girl, not even once
Who falls for anything. You jerk off and move on regretting it like usual.
That's a very Sup Forums response
Best Persona cosplay coming through
>3 average girls dressed poorly as persona girls leaning on chads car.jpg
LTG is a closet homo. This is him venting his gay rage.
Where are the best Persona cosplayers? Are they behind the car?
Of course, my friends who are going and hosting are almost as autistic as me so there will be mostly guys, but there will be women there. Not as if I'll be able to talk to them though.
Why is her ass so long?
Is she meant to look like a female Ross Donnovan?
The ass was long
Sounds like you're pretty ass blasted there you euroshit.
How's the progress on my outfit, senpai?
ufff muh penus
No one cares. You likely won't have the best genetic string there.
Emily Aurelia
I want to tie this person up and tickle torture her belly button!
Men are the real romantics, we can see past through some minor flaws and even find them cute.
Can you imagine girls wanting to fuck a guy with a lazy eye?
Wrong one.
"We're having a sleepover, user!"
>pale skin
>long arms
>big tits
>decent waist
>cute face
>decent legs
>weird ass
oh baby, this woman does things to moh deek
How rich is he