How am i supposed to buy anything? I get shit for money and everything costs like a million macca. Is the game bullshit or am i just doing something wrong?
How am i supposed to buy anything? I get shit for money and everything costs like a million macca...
Are you playing on hard or something ? It boost the price I believe.
Anyway, just fuse demons bro and DO NOT invest any points in STR. It is completly pointless stat, put points in DEX if you want a good physical character
Buy the DLC goy.
Invest in dex and don't bother with weapons, they only increase damage for your basic attack, not skills. Just use a knife with a status effect for initiating combat.
Do sidequests, explore and sell all the vendor trash you come across. You get more and more money as you progress through the game.
*blocks your way*
*gives bufu to every single demon including Pele because the fusion system is a big piece of shit*
Nothin personel
>don’t invest into STR
i just came from a strength build run of nocturne. I figured things wouldn’t be much different.
That nigga was easy
Don't worry, Apocalypse is once more a world of STR. But it's completely broken in IV with Dex doing significantly more for damage as well as increasing gun skill damage as well.
DEX increase both phys and gun elements. STR only add to your attack.
Shit, I mean "your basic attack"
i still cant believe i beat this game. i had to use a guide on where to go sometimes. i just dont have the time for that kind of bullshit
Does apocalypse bring back the hp cost skills? The thing i really hate about this game so far is how much emphasis there is on mp management now. Same goes with items. Everything is so damn scarce all of a sudden.
Get the macca apps like Fundraise and Scout Bonus.
Unfortunately not.
I though it was pretty straightforward. There's not a whole lot of place you can go, just go toward random places and enter.
its not always straightforward. the sequel improved upon that whole problem
Nigga, you're supposed to explore an unknow land. But as far as exploration go, there's not a whole lot, so even when they say "go to x" and you have no idea where x is, you'll still find it without too much trouble.
Why are SMT maps such puke?
aint got time for that like i said
Am I the only one here who didn't mind the map ? Are you all casuals with no sense of directions ?
I can't stand it. Have up on playing because i don't have time to find Irakazuki or whatever while walking through poison and being attacked all the time
It's just a bunch of corridor man
No, it has been that way since SJ. Get MP walk as soon as you can
I'm lost in Tokyo.