"Wow you actually play video games?! what are you, a baby?"

>"Wow you actually play video games?! what are you, a baby?"

I hate bullies. Such little shit eaters. They're what perpetuates my hatred of children

Actually I don't play video games. I just read about them and watch youtube and twitch playthroughs.


>*stabs you to death

Nobody in my schools ever made fun of me for playing video games because every guy played video games.


this is retarded
we had halo weekends in my barracks in ft lewis
we were playing fucking tiger woods 08 in iraq
everyone wanted to play mortal kombat in the neighborhood or even super bomberman
what is this crap about bullies picking on people who play vidya
who makes this shit up

they did to me but I went to school in the 90's before gaming was mainstream

damn that little tyke is ready to punch the living shit out of some fuckin' nazis

you show those dirty fuckin' krauts, tony! white power!

You're full of shit

>lil' jimmy jackson getting ready to knock a nazi stone the fuck cold onto the tarmac

>gonna fuck up all those nazis

>Who the fuck are you, kid?
>"I'm like the one punch man, 'cept I only punch nazis. I hope you're ready to meet your maker, dude."

he really is, i was still in elementary school during the 90s and people still played vidya back then, sf2, mk, tekken, soul cal, etc

>"Heh, say your prayers, nazi scum..."

>when you realize you were the bullies

>I'm gonna lay you out, nazi!


Do you think adults can't be bullies too user?

>"Leave the fourth reich to me."

god im pissed this whore didn't have her own route, best girl by a mile

>if you think you're gonna get through me and gas these jews, you better think again, nazi...

>Ready for a taste of your own medicine, nazi?

What kind of shitposting is this

>you'll nazi this one coming!

>Let me remind you which side won that war, nazi scum.

>It's just like the saying goes, nazi. Blood for blood, eye for an eye! And you spilt a whole lot of blood and shut the lids on a whole lotta eyes...

>it's about time you picked on someone your own size, nazi! Too bad you didn't give those jews a fair fight... So you wont get one either!

this is some really fucking aggressive wolfenstein(heh... stein....) marketing

me too friend
but apparently there was some dude working on a fan-made route
haven't seen that guy in forever

Guess the nazis must've got him. Fucking nazis...

>Say good night, alt-right...

>Say goodnight, alt-right
Okay, I giggled

Not him but
>soul cal

The game was released during the ass end of 99, so that's a really piss example of 90s game when the 2000s were a few months away.

besides that, yeah you can cherry pick fighting games which are normie food, especially when you were a little baby in the late 90s.

However if you were playing Pokemon or any other Nintendo game as a teen then yeah you were the target for ridicule

What about this thread has anything to do with Nazis?

>the kids who bullied people for playing vidya got bullied harder for doing that
felt good

always be prepared in case a nazi is lying in ambush getting ready to make the jump on you

>that kid who was crowned hero of the school for fucking up every single neo-nazi child on campus

But I am a Nazi. I'm just confused as to why you replied to OP a dozen times roleplaying as though -he- were a Nazi.
Is this some new meme? I don't understand.

mid 1998 you mean
i wasn't a console-babby who didn't go to arcades like most shmucks here

>But I am a nazi.

You know another thing that you also are?

Scheduled for immediate public execution by firing squad at 9:00 am. Don't miss your appointment, dummkopf!

you can't make me lole fag

>mid 1998 you mean

That's still stretching it, and again of course no one at school is going to make fun of you for doing something that you do in secret outside of school you closet gamer.

>when you realized you were that kid in seventh grade that whipped out your ds and wanted to play Pokémon diamond but your classmates in seventh grade were talking to opposite gender on bus and weren't autists

I had no chance the writing was on the wall

its a line from a song

>closet gamer
ok sure if you want to be this self conscious about it

>not finding the girl with a DS and playing pokemon pearl and being a happy nerd couple

Also holy shit, how old am I. If I wrote that post it would involved a link cable and a gameboy pocket.

Ice Blue Gameboy Pocket represent

Games are babies huh? Yeah, if you mean


Deal with it.

>Tfw had a girl like this who liked me but was a complete autist and couldn't get over my crush on a girl I had no chance with