Are you a Mercy main, Sup Forums?
Are you a Mercy main, Sup Forums?
>gay trap fucking pornstar
>actually a heal slut
why are memes becoming real life.
You get banned for maining in OW
Il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu.
do you honestly really?
yeah. if it's a bad hero like widowmaker
I don't play overwatch
I wouldn't say I main Mercy, but I usually end up playing one of the healers because nobody else will.
Nope, Reaper. I like shotguns.
>play mercy
never again
literally just google his fucking name ya dingus. his twitter handle is his porn name
enjoy getting outranged by 100% of the cast
>play mercy
>get absolutely harassed by the enemy team
>"rez pls"
>mfw christian's living vicariously through the girls she fucks
>*teleports behind you*
>heh nothing personnel kid
I play for fun anyways, so idrc if he's low tier or not.
>play mercy
>die due to lack of protection
>2 seconds later
>playing overwatch
>retarded community that play it like cod
>game too shallow to keep you interested beyond a casual level
He fucks BBWs too
pic related
>being interested in it at a casual level
nah fuck off pleb, overwatch is complete irredeemable trash and you're a fucking pleb.
>Window with border
>Aero scheme which causes more input lag
Is this how retarded the average Overmeme player is?
>completely missing the point
Well done, fag.
Yes. Primary reason I will never touch a blizzard product again. One of the most anti-consumer companies around. What do you expect from a company coming out of Orange County?
dumb frogposter
No its just Adam Sessler got fucked up badly on cocaine
overwatch community is toxin
I'm a "whatever the team needs at the moment" main
>dumb phoneposter
what a shocker. neck yourself
It's ok, you can still main Hanzo
You're a huge cry baby faggot if you use the word toxic unironically
Jesus Christ I wish there was a way to filter matchmaking so that I only played with guys who played team sports while growing up
Not the guy you're responding to, but I've been phoneposting since 05. Fuck off newfag. Kill yourself.
I don't have a main, I play diamond and do what is necessary. I usually prefer Junkrat or Roadhog, which I often get 3-5 gold medals with. On really open maps I'll do Pharah, Bastion or Orisa depending on what the team needs. I will occasionally do Mei if I feel like being a shithead and pissing off the enemy team. If a healer is necessary, I will do Mercy because Ana is hot trash garbage, I don't like playing Lucio, and I can't do Zenyatta for shit.
Btw: I really like doing team comps of Bastion, Orisa, Mercy, Lucio, D.Va, and either Mei, Symmetra or Torbooble for the 6th. Shit is cheese as fuck.
>SJWs used this word decades after it was popularized so stop saying it
>Mercy mains are too dumb to screenshot
Explains why Mercy still hasn't been nerfed, these people are actually retarded.
Off-tank main, either D.Va or Zarya. I have no problems switching to a healer though, especially if I can go Lucio and go fast.
>literally every game is 6 dps vs 6 dps
the game has potential to be really fun but everyone instalocks dps and the game turns into a deathmatch
>I post them to Sup Forums man
I know he's joking but I miss the days when no one would mention Sup Forums on other sites. Sup Forums is literally the same as reddit now and has been for years
>*teleports behind you*