Fighting games are the ultimate brainlet filter.
Fighting games are the ultimate brainlet filter
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you mean it catches all the brainlets trickling into the rest of the genres and contains them?
fighting games are genuinely for autistic fucks. It's all about mindlessly memorizing the same button combos over and over.
i guess.
Fighting game fags tend to be very capable of playing musical instruments due to the similarities of learning a combo and learning say something like guitar tabs.
Muscle memorization, timing, and dexterity.
but i wouldn't go and say that they are smarter than most competitive scenes out there.
Cuz despite the FGC hating smash, we end up using all their shit instead( since unlike the smash scene, most are uneducated and poor.
there is a lot more to fighting games than memorizing combos
but its not like a Sup Forumsirgin would fuckin know
If yiu can't learn a few combos in under 30 minutes and take it online to play the actual game, then you're simply hopelessly bad at video games. Nobody complained about this shit until online play brought the kids in.
>there is a lot more to fighting games than memorizing combos
>but its not like a Sup Forumsirgin would fuckin know
He raged, angry tears pouring onto his keyboard
desu i find fighting games to be much easier on the brain than many other competitive games.
they have ridiculously difficult execution and require high levels precision and timing, but those are all mechanical stuff that comes down to lots of practice and muscle memory.
beyond that, it's mind games between you and your opponent, and fairly simple decision making. you always have full information about the entire state of the game, and there is only one opponent you have to focus on at any given time.
RTS on the other hand doesnt even have an execution barrier like fighters do - you click and drag the mouse to select what you want, then click where you want it to go or attack. learn to use hotkeys for orders and you're good to go.
but, in an RTS there are always a million different things for you to take care of at the same time. you have to scout your opponent, place buildings, tech up, keep track of armies and unit positions on the map, keep your economy running, all while trying to figure out what your opponent is going to do, which you usually dont know because fog of war exists.
personally, i find playing street fighter MUCH easier than playing supreme commander. one enemy to focus on, one screen to concentrate on, no offscreen bullshit to keep in mind, no hidden chees that might be coming from the fog, just straight up honest one on one. it's a lot more relaxing for me.
>He still thinks combos are the most important part of learning a fighting game
>It's all about mindlessly memorizing the same button combos over and over.
if your a boring fgc fag who can only have any sort of enjoyment when they win. Then i guess yeah.
Not the user you're replying to but I fucking suck at fighting games and even I know combos are literally like one of the least important skills you need to learn w.r.t. fighting games
Anyone game for Super Turbo or VSAV on fightcade?
switched my main to bishamon in vsav and need to see if I can hit my training mode execution autism in a real gayme
Online gaming was definitely a mistake and so was the Gen Z.
What fightan are we playing right now? I just ordered a stick for my Switch so I can play Waku Waku 7 and Garou like they were intended.
>inferiority complex from smashbabbies
Every time lol
>how to detect someone who is ass at fighting games
fighting games are filled with fucked up ambigous situations, and these take place withing a fraction of a second
one moment you could riding high and fucking up a guy, but then you get counter-hit, knocked down, and he puts you in a 50/50 situation, And guessing wrong means you lose the round.
Fighting games can be very stressful, but its the mind games that really exemplify the fun experience to be had in the genre.
>hurr durr Guilty Gear is all about combos
>get relentlessly pressured and can't do jack shit because you can't win in neutral and get combo'd to death
Combos have always been a meme. Even in anime fighters, neutral is what separates the wheat from the chaff.
>Fighting game fags tend to be very capable of playing musical instruments due to the similarities of learning a combo and learning say something like guitar tabs.
Yeah I noticed a lot of FG players are musicians.
>Even in anime fighters, neutral is what separates the wheat from the chaff.
Uh huh. Good luck poking with whatever when every time you face someone they convert to an autism dustloop that does 50%+. That John Choi shit works in SF, not so much in anime.
That would be racing sims. There is so much careful tuning in just one car and you must study every track rigorously if you want to have a chance at a podium finish online.
Injustice 2 babyyy
Picked up Manta but can't get in the zone with him. Hella fun tho
>implying its not the truth
>college tourneys
>church tourneys
>majority are white
>majority have college education
>majority have are middle class or higher
>worst case scenerio is a sperg who cries when he loses
>$2 weeklies at the back of a warehouse
>arcades closing down
>mostly minorities
>most are poor
>most are uneducated
>worst case scenerio is angry fuccboi who gets confrontational
I follow both and RTS games have all that on top of the insane multi tasking keeping track of everything going on across an entire map fuckery. RTS and FGC players both get into poker which is all about the mind game.
when you're good at fighting games it's less reliant on your intelligence and more reliant on your experience and reactions
>tfw come from a family of musicians
>never bothered to learn anything because I had motivation and depression issues. I do plan on picking up guitar, bass, and the drums, plus some electronic instruments one day and learning how to play those because I really have some musical ideas I want to put into form one day, even if I'll never be huge. I also want to learn how to sing.
One day...
Fighting games aren't good even if you assume that execution barriers are fine design. In that case, they are just bad rhythm games.
wtf driving my real car is easier than that
rts games are actually more execution heavy than fighting ga-
> supreme commander
all that you mention is just mind games and fairly simple decision making. both exist in all other genres of competitive games too, but many of those other genres massively expand the decision making process, to the point where fighting games look very simple and straightforward in comparison.
again, shit like microing dozens or even hundreds of units in an RTS while keeping up your map awareness and your economy massively overshadows the strategic depth of fighting games.
its pretty much a completely different skillset that's required of the player.
>hes all the brainlets trickling into the rest of the genres
yeh nah, you still wont be good
>playing musical instruments are genuinely for autistic fucks. It's all about mindlessly memorizing the same arpeggios and scales over and over.
thats true of everything. thats what practice is. you experience situations enough that you dont have to come up with a solution on the fly because youve seen this episode before.
with that said, any decent fighting game has more possible situations than anyone could possible be prepared for, so even the most experienced players will have to occasionally learn things during a tourny match.
RTS is bad for spectators so it's a garbage genre. The action should be in the game, not on the keyboard.
its a completely different kind of "execution"
"execution" in an RTS simply means doing things as fast as you can. the faster you can give commands, the more things you can do within a given time frame. the limiting factor is mostly how many things your brain can keep track of at the same time.
in fighting games, execution is about precise input sequences with frame-perfect timing, and being off by just 1/60th of a second can make you drop a combo and result in eating a fat punish, which can easily cost you a round.
Has it happened to any of you that the interest in videogames is lost except for a certain genre? I discovered fighting games 2 years ago and can't play other stuff now.
man i'd give everything for a new Darkstalkers or at least for Capcom to include victor, bishamon and sasquatch in mvci, who are your mains btw?
Knowing how to do combos will only get you so far in fighting games.
It differs from game to game, but they all have nuances that seperrate casual players from good ones.
What's the difference? both involve cars
>it's about combos
>im-fucking-plying it's not about the oki and neutral play
If neutrals are so great, why water a game down with literal quick time events?
>who are your mains btw?
ST- n.ken and o.ryu
VS- bishamon and demitri
>Sup Forums discusses fighting games
>It's all combos! It's just memorization! It's a fucking rhythm game!
Throw tech
Tick throws
Throw mixups
High/low mixups
Frame data
Frame traps
Optimal punishes
Counter-specific punishes
Corner carry
Corner pressure
Corner combos
Wall combos
Option select
And so on. Tell me you armchair experts who don't play fighting games, if it's as simple as you make it out to be how would you boil down all of these concepts and prove that they don't need to be applied on the fly in real matches?
why do you have to aim your gun in quake? this guy just juggled me, so fucking unfair! when i hit a rocket i only get 100 but this nerd got a full 400 to beat my full stack!
I don't play fighting games because the popular ones suck, and the cool ones are too far above my head and I can't sink enough time to reach competency. Nobody I know is interested enough in trying one out for us to figure out the game against eachother, like my friends did back in the day with Smash.
Objectively the game with the highest skill ceiling. Brainlets would get an aneurysm trying to comprehend all the things going on.
So you're saying Quake has all the depth of a fighting game with none of the complexity because it uses a mouse instead of just buttons?
The only thing that really sucks about fighting games is you need a really good connection and the game needs to have good netcode or its not fun
Who cares. It's a shit ded game.
Number of buttons doesn't matter in a fighter, only number and complexity of options on average. Virtua Fighter has 3 buttons, with one being Guard, and it's incredibly complex.
Quake has a lot of complexity in the movement, which also leads to complexity in tracking targets. The movement is complex enough that racing is a competitive subgame unto itself -- see Defrag.
Kolin, Demitri, Nina Williams, Marahia, Bayonetta, Slayer
Meant to reply to
what do you even mean by complexity? is learning maps not complex? most fighting games not called tekken only have 1 map.
is learning all of the movement idiosyncrasies not complex?
learning things is part of the skill and also part of the fun. the issue is that people think theyre supposed to remember the exact frame data of every move in the game, but thats like expecting to learn every possible jump, even those that are unimportant, on every map.
ITT: genres Sup Forumslets will never understand.
Got any cool webms of my boy Bison blowing it up instead of jobbing, by any chance?
You cared enough to reply. literally paid TOs including Valle to use their service to get their players used to signing up via it and establish a monopoly
This is boring and racist
I don't have many WebMs on me but there's this I guess.
That's a stalemate, not a checkmate.
It's just as well, I was looking for this one, thanks user. That's a high-level Bison strat
>brainlet filter
>played by a bunch of nigs
Maybe there's a difference between learning a 3D environment and learning a list of attack match ups.
Queen attacks horizontal and diagonal.
I know a nig who turned down a full ride to Harvard to go to MIT because he was looking to be a heart surgeon. Could be the smart nigs gravitate towards fighting games and you just can't compete, brainlet
>random stun
>guaranteed stun combos
>2 combo deaths
>yet somehow people spout ST is a good game or the best fighting game
He was a star student who had 4.0 though. Why do you blame your comparative failure on other factors?
who are you quoting?
Practicing SFV at the moment.
Really want Inj 2 but I think I'll just wait until the GotY edition. God, the roster looks so fucking good to me. Darkseid and Black Manta both in a game and they both look so fun to play too.
Black intellectuals know that trying to improve their situation is meaningless because their race holds them back, so they gravitate towards sophisticated and masculine entertainment such as fighting games.
>It's not fucking fair that SJWs would liken MY efforts to some imaginary privilege
>"Hey I went to school with a black guy that got offers from Harvard and MIT. Cool right?"
So you despise the lazy blacks who never amount to anything but hoodrats and blame all their problems on racism, but the ones who aspire to more and achieve greater success had it handed to them? Okay.
everyone knows a knights movement is 2 then 1, not 1 then 2 you pleb
It can be either, brush up on the rules. Knights are sneaky as fuck
>a knights movement is 2 then 1, not 1 then 2 you pleb
Knights can move in any way they want as long as it makes an L, even jump over your other pieces.
red is wrong
blue is right
think you better check the chess forums, buddy
still ends up on the same square don't it?
yes but you'd look like an idiot to autistic nerds