Who is the most handsome video game man?
Who is the most handsome video game man?
Reinhardt. Stop asking this stupid fucking enquiry.
This. Women have such shit taste in men with their bishouji or however you spell it.
Kid Cobra of course
I want Nathan Drake to fuck me with his charismatic dick. Hate his game tho
>Sonybros are gay
Wow, who would have thought.
Why no Joshua?
>implying nintendomos aren't gayers
Jokes on you, I'm an Xbot, AKA, qt ayy lmao waifu zone.
Nathan Drake and Solid Snake
Because beneath those bandages he probably looks awful
Have you actually seen what badly burnt people really look like?
That and just ramming your dick inside his burnt ass will probably have him howling in pain
>just ramming your dick inside his burnt ass will probably have him howling in pain
That fucking wording, my sides.
people love that half bacon girl from katawa shoujo, why can't we love wrapped bacon boys?
There's something really lewd about his body shape.
Link, every girl wants to fuck him.
can a drawfag draw mario and other cartoony characters in this pose?
*blocks your path*
>half of the fucking female cast has some degree of affection towards him
>including a main heroine who needs him so much she literally dies without him
>including the yandere antagonist
His husband is better
just for you
best man was ruined by sony numales forcing roasties onto him desu
RIP kratos
why do you fags make the same thread every day
Why are the most handsome vidya men also the cutest at the same time?
There wasn't a handsome thread yesterday.
out of those, Snake
most video game men suck, they're all male fantasies so not attractive at all
Yeah, it was about the strongest vidya man.
It's very different.
Mightve been? It didn't have any posts.
kill yourself roastie
If you notice this thread every day then that means you're looking out for it.
What are your thoughts on vidya men with helmets?
they're cute, i want them to kiss eachother without removing the helmets so it makes a *klonk* noise
Probably the same as the last 20 threads you asked this in
Why are you guys quit for like an entire week, but then have like multiple husbando threads in rapid succession?
I liked when Digimon actually had cute feet. Now they're all machines
I really can't choose, but if I had to pick only one, I'd go with this stud.
inb4 slut
yes, we have more fun
They had massive pizza feet.
a lot
and it was great
there's nothing wrong with being a slut
Why cover a cute face
Helmets and full masks + bara body is best
And I don't mean because it adds to the mystery or whatever, I simply like helmets aesthetically and the guy below could look like quasimodo and I'd still fuck him roughly so long as he was built and had a full helmet or mask on
I often get my dick hard by looking at the lifeless corpses of spec ops tier dead npcs in shooters and such, especially when you can move them
I'm gonna marry Ninjara!
I want to ruin 9S so bad
Males are better
because waifu fags do the same, but our thread get shit up with furry everytime so the mods can delete them rightfully
Degenerates don't get to complain about other degenerates.
Fags are more willing to leave the comfort zone of normal shit. That's not my fault and it doesn't matter as long as it a game character.
He's probably not a degenerate, he's likely one of those guys who hangs around these threads for the sole purpose of waiting to report stuff.
Being gay isn't degenerate, fuck off you homophobe.
>this is the kind of guy who report vidya related pictures of anthro characters
It is when you get a train ran on you. But we can ignore that for now and post more vidya men instead
Sadly sometimes it actually works.
>tfw no chua and yordle boyfriends
How is it our fault that all the best boy's aren't human
Really. Just because all female anthros are shit doesn't mean I gotta be held to the same standard.
can confirm, it works everytime with me. especially with housamo characters
>Who is the most handsome video game man?
>Thread devolves into furryposting
Never change, Sup Forums
Mods probably think Housamo is a porn game (or a VN) when it's got proper gameplay.
Stop making handsome and/or cute furries and this will stop being an issue.
At least the kassposter seems to be less active
But bowser posting is always rampant and watch as thread quality often declines as soon as bowser is posted
Either that or those ratposters
>implying they aren't the most handsome
Bowser's a classic.
He'll be around until the end of time.
They're vidya for the most part
>Make a non-human character
>Make them cute
Literally not my fault.
>most part
The furries posted are usually like 99% vidya. That's more than "the most part."
fuck off
It's funny because I was thinking about mentioning Gabu in this post but then I was worried that would summon him.
Not that I dislike Gabu as a character.
(You) finally showed up huh?
No bf for you
this manlet
You don't have a game, Gabu.
You have no place here, sorry.
Those look like soft pecs.
Ah yes, I had forgotten about gabuposter.
Thread doom imminent already
At least Coming out on top being released on steam allowed for some gay threads already
Funny how it goes to show you fags that you don't need to keep those threads once a week or whatever, especially since these last ones were full of 3DPD and still remained on
this spunk monk
Maybe you'd get one if you weren't a fucking furry.
What about his other form?
Excuse me but that's where you're wrong. Gabu is vidya just like everyone else here!
I love this smelly boy!
Venom Snake>Big Boss>Adam Jensen>>>Leon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Donte
Why is Bigby so devilishly handsome? I need to catch up on my Fables, man. Such a good comic.
When's TWAU2 coming out?
Can we gas the furries and the barafags already?
Nathan Drake is pretty fucking handsome but so is Big Boss. Tough choice
he will never choke you until you pass out with his thicc thighs
I wouldn't go so far as saying Housamo has got proper gameplay but sure
So all the nintenbros?
Seeing people with bare skull heads does funny things to me.
He's vidya until the end of the month.
should always include feet in the pic
Hey that's my shot.
Of course
heres hoping he'd transform during sex and fuckin' ruin me
I honestly need to re-read the series myself, too. I remember it being pretty good overall but I dont normally read too much comics/manga anyways.
As for TWAU2 all I remember hearing about it is that its coming in 2018 iirc, the game was the only reason I was subscribed to the telltale newsletter
Twinks should be forcebly injected with test and made to work out
Twunks and otters are fine
Elias is a fetish all by himself