I wanna have a Persona 5 thread. It's been a few months since it came out so I'd have to imagine that almost everyone playing the game should be done by now. What'd you guys think of it? Anything you didn't enjoy? I liked the combat and environments and loved the sound track. P5 thread. Talk about the game and not who's best girl.
I wanna have a Persona 5 thread...
By the end, I am starting to really hate the dungeons. It is in the exact wrong spot of having too much or not enough complexity. Everything is done with the X button meaning you don't have enough control over what you are doing (like if you try to hit a treasure demon but end up magnetizing to a cover point), but at the same time you can't do simple things like crouch walk along a wall to sneak, but it doesn't matter because enemies can't see over boxes, etc. It really should have gone slightly more in either direction.
Coming from someone that never finished P3 back when it first released because I was young and bad at games, P5 is the first SMT game I've ever finished actually.
I was hooked from start to finish. It's probably the most polished JRPG I've ever played, from the design put into the menus, the battle system, the SPEED, it feels like a game that actually benefited from the delay.
I went in not expecting anything, and all the twists got me.
Legit after I finished the game, I felt sad once the credits song started to play. I loved the entire cast, and the fucking music. Holy shit.
My favorite JRPG is still a toss up between Chrono Trigger and Tales of Symphonia, but Persona 5 is fucking up there now. Actually it might even be #1 because it's most likely just nostalgia talking for the older titles.
I made it to the last mid-boss before the last boss and stopped playing because I didn't care anymore.
That endgame is a total slog.
It shouldn't be controversial to say that the only great story arcs and palaces are Kamoshida/Castle and Sae/Casino. Tailing Morgana and Haru then going through that fucking space station felt significantly longer and less important than even Yusuke and the museum.
And nothing felt more boring than the pyramid.
>That endgame is a total slog.
Did you get to Shido or Fred Flinstone? If it's Shido then he's not the final boss.
But I loved River in the Desert when his fight started. I loved the ost before that but holy shit did that song make the battle.
I tried to get into Chrono Trigger over the summer and just couldn't get into it. Play Persona 4 if you can. Golden if you have a vita or don't mind spending $40 for a vita tv. It was my first persona game.
Yuskue's mission was alright. Okumura foods sucked, and Futaba's castle was just not needed. I knew she was a party member from the start so I never expected her to have a fucking castle. It took me forever to bring myself through her shit.
And the shit after Shido felt unneeded too.
I liked it. The ending was easily my favourite part, since it had some proper Megaten vibes, what with climbing a tower, killing angels and finally fighting a god.
I'm getting kinda tired of Persona taking place in imaginary world, with protags not having any actual power outside it and them fighting with fake weapons. It'd be awesome to have a game without supernatural pocket dimensions, and just have characters come across hidden supernatural side of the world. But I guess that's not Persona.
>By the end, I am starting to really hate the dungeons.
I wish the dungeons were more like actual dungeons. When you down to it, they are just straight path with few side-rooms along the way. Would've been cool if they had alternate paths, having to go in one direction to get keys or solve puzzles... you know, substantial stuff.
So i think we can all agree that Takemi is the best girl in Persona 5 right?
I can also accept [Spoiler]Kawakami[/Spoiler] Who i am gonna be romancing during my second playthrough
I think the dungeons were definitely a step up from what we had in P4. Alternate paths and shit sounds cool but if that were the case we'd be waiting for a 2019 release.
This is my first persona, I just finished the third dungeon, I'm having a great time
More dungeons like Kamoshida's Castle and less like the space port is my one complaint. I still enjoyed the game though. I doubt they'll continue the thief motiff (I think I wouldn't mind) but I do hope they keep the sneaky dungeon exploration in persona 6.
I was shocked to learn that all the song vocals were supposed to be fluent lyrics because almost all of it sounds like Japanese attempt at English gibberish, which was probably more charming.
I'm just about to defeat Yaldabaoth, he kicked my ass at his 25% final form earlier. Any tips to survive the onslaught at the end?
I swear every time i try to spoiler text on mobile i always fuck it up
Fuse Yoshitsune
I beat 3/4 of the angels before fighting The Holy Grail.
I think the OST could have used a few more tracks but I still love it overall. The dungeon music is almost perfect with the Space Station being the lowest point imo.
Oh. Yeah in that case I feel you. The castle environment was one of the cooler ones.
Wait really? I thought it was some gook trying to speak fake english. A person fluent in english sang those?
Have fun. Get out of the thread though. You'll get everything spoiled for you.
Everyone hates Space Station it seems.
Yoshitsune or try to farm more
Also ann=best girl
For sure. Had not even seen all the other girl when I knew she was best waifu. Slutty masochistic doctor is just too perfect.
I like the station, its just the things you need to do to get there
The space station was cool. I think I prefer it over Kaneshiro's palace.
Just heal up and keep your buffs up. He was piss easy.
Kaneshiros palace had the best music though.
The game never recovers from how poorly written and rushed the Okumura arc was. Dungeon designs got boring and you don't even pull off enough thief-like heists to deserve the title of Phantom Thieves.
Shido is overrated. A lot of the female confidants sucked, especially ones like Ohya where nothing happens or Makoto where it's not even about her.
The game spoils the so called 'spoiler'. You'd have to be fucking high on drugs to miss it.
Persona 5 is worst Persona
The dungeons in P5 are "hand made" and that was supposed to be an improvement over the other games, but they puzzles are so piss easy and there's so much fucking backtracking that by the end of the game i honestly preferred the dungeons in P3 and P4
How is there backtracking, you can teleport.
For me I had no problem with the angel rush leading up to Bath-kun, but inevitably I'd get some shitty random encounter right before the save point that would kill me and send me back.
I guess my party was too specialized, but that one angel persona with concentrate, heat riser and strong physical skills fucking wiped Bath-kun, with Ann taking out the sword.
>It's been a few months
It came out last year EOP
It was P3-4 again, with a little more polish. I enjoyed it, I guess. Could've used a lot more work though.
Gameplay was smoother and more convenient, but overall the same as before.
OST was perfectly fine and fit the game very well, but the tracks are less memorable.
Palaces were average at the absolute best even if being generous, only good in visuals and music.
Story was too forced and felt like a slog to experience, not that the other two didn't
Stuff I personally didn't like, but I can understand others liking.
>The characters.
>The boss designs,
>The lack of Shadows (Not "I AM THE SHADOW, YOUR TRUE SELF" VERSIONS) in general.
>The boss designs
They got lazy starting with Madarame
Kaneshiro and Okumura were the worst
>not Sae's
>Kamoshida turned into a big fucking demon
>Madarame just turns into a bunch of paitings
>Kaneshiro turns into a piggy bank because he is fat
feels like they were not even trying with some of them
>Kaneshiro turns into a piggy bank
He doesn't even turn into a piggy bank. It just joins the fight and he's on it or in it.
Its unique, but I don't think that having vocals automatically makes something the best, I just like the sound of Kaneshiros (Madarames as well).
>not this stupid thing
I didn't really like any of them, myself. Though I'm not trying to say that they're dreadful either.
Why is the pyramid boss so boring and gimmicky?
All of the boss battles were great desu
Kaneshiro is the worst boss and he's not even bad
>When flute kicks in
>Why are most of the bosses so boring and gimmicky
I know god has to be the baddy but shido should have been the final boss. Better fight, better build up, better dungeon, better battle theme.
I loved it by the beginning, but hated it by the end.
Everything for me just started slowly declining by the 3/4s mark.
I love the setting, design, and soundtrack.
But that entire last half of the game did not need to exist. It feels like they purposely made it longer just to pad the game out.
The forcefully rushed pacing was awful and barely let you have any time to do any of the social stuff unless you were playing on safe mode.
Okumura's boss fight was a mistake, Shidos palace in general was a mistake.
The final area of momentos was draining because you couldn't go back and get items to restore SP and the entire main villain and boss fight had no real meaning and was just straight up confusing.
P5 was a good game but it far outstayed its welcome.
Totally agree. The battle theme screamed last boss.
Love the game, but I found it too easy. The SP items should have been removed from the game, they negate any difficulty whatsoever.
Most of the bosses were lame from a fight perspective, but fun from story perspective. The music was stellar all game long, except from 2-3 tracks which weren't that good.
Last boss is an absolute joke. If anything Shido really took the cake as the most interesting boss fight in the game. The music and phases were awesome.
No the worst boss was wakaba aka just stand around and then use physical moves for three turns
It made up for it by having the best ending
Because you know he can just go back to the city once in a while to visit his best friends. P4 also implies they hang out, but it's harder when you live in the bonies.
Game has too many glaring flaws for me to consider it good. It's a shame because I love the concept and the designs in the game are fucking fantastic, but the game just isn't good. I don't get how some people consider this GOTY.
I meant the Futaba/Wakaba boss ending
is it a flute?
they really need to change the morning/evening system
The funny thing about that fight is if you have the first physical reflect persona on your team, you one shot the boss when she does her mega attack. It requires a tiny bit of leveling above the average, but its doable.
>that worried look on makoto's face