>10 body
>hair, lips, dress on point
>dying in game offset by her juicy death scenes
Why don't you love her, user?
>10 body
>hair, lips, dress on point
>dying in game offset by her juicy death scenes
Why don't you love her, user?
but i do, she is best girl, with rebecca and sheva tying for 2nd.
>Rebecca and Sheva 2nd
>squeaky-voiced boylady
>token black girl so Capcom could dodge the PC Police
Let me fix that for you: second is a tie between pre-RE5 Jill (hot military chick) and Claire (the girl you've had a crush on since the 2ND grade).
they ruined her look in 6, i love her look in 4
Ada seems like the kind of woman who you would date and then she would bang other dudes behind your back.
Because her entire character is obnoxious and adds nothing to any game she is in.
>Ada Wong
Amen, alleluia! She looks plastic/waxy/too Caucasian. 4 and Darkside were perfection.
Because my love is already devoted to another
literally a whore
Eh... She just doesn't really do it for me.
I'd much rather Ashley, Rebecca, Jill, or Claire.
Man of my own tastes.
She's fucking dogshit. No character, basically a Mary Sue and only liked by cancerous 4fags.
Something something china something something gook
The only good RE game is 4. Shitty controls aren't scary, they're shitty.
Ada is pretty attractive, for a human.
Liking rev 2 and not rev 1. Holy fuck you must be a nigger I'll. Not even liking res4. Kys faggot
>playing movies
She only got a decent model in RE6. And we're known how that game plays.
Dr. Salvador has a prescription for that desu
REv2 actually has something going on and I actually care about the plot. The general area design and characters are also more appealing, and the villain isn't godawful
RE4 I don't like mostly for story reasons, I've gone on the Ada Epilogue rant a few too many times though, so I won't talk about that. What I will talk about is how inconsistent the tone is between the 3 areas, and how the Castle and Island are awful.
I click random buttons during action scenes to get that action RE feel
She's always up to shady shit and never tells you anything
They won't go anywhere with her relationship with Leon. 20 years of blue-balling is kinda silly.
spotted the self-inserting cück
Valid point. But why didn't Chris and Jill tie the knot either? You'd think they would, after all they had been through together.
Then again, Jill is nowhere to be seen in RE6. Another crime.
Ada best girl. Four best look but I still love her.
Go to bed Leon
You don't like latex pirates?
>four best look
>proceeds to post six
>He doesn't want a cute, capable, corn-fed Mama Bear
How gay can you be.
I loved her with all my being ever since i first laid eyes on her.
Relax, leon.
She's the best girl and I've fapped to her dozens and dozens of times. It actually hurts me that she's not real and I can't fuck her.
>not liking 4 and 7
>5 suddenly becomes good because of a one hour long DLC
>thinking 3 is better than 2
OP here. As hot as I am for Ada, I also get a bone whenever she is decapitated by Mr. Chainsaw. I don't know why; maybe it's her passive, headless body flopping over? I always let him do it.
When I got to RE6, I was surprised to see Ada's beautiful head attached to her body.
Claire is my next go-to girl, since, in my personal "head" canon, pic related is what I think should have happened before the end of 4.
You're a sick man OP but if she were real I wouldn't be above stooping as low as to fuck the body.
Addendum: To me, Claire is
>the girl you've had a crush on since the 2nd grade
And it's a name I like IRL. I know a qt with that name.
Anyone got any good pics of Ada from 6?
is that HD rework for RE4 done yet?
Best girl always and forever
The rest have been fighting for 2nd ever since
I know it's fucked, but I couldn't go that low. It's something I fapped to when I was a hormone-soaked teenage shitstain, and I can't seem to reprogram the neural pathways.
I'm a cleavage guy IRL, but her RE6 render is a step down from 4.
>not being in love with christmas cake Rebecca
nigga u gay
Judging her interactions with people I think Claire is autistic, no joke
Claire is the most "girl next door" RE girl, easily.
But I love her. Even in RE6, and they Mary Sue'd her a lot in it
So glad I never finished that tripe.
>Mary-sued and designed like a wax statue, with an unnecessary, unhot body double
>backstory retconned
>Jill nowhere to be seen
>rehashed monsters and enemies
>too much going on
I found a new Waifu, she's like Ada and Jill all rolled into one.
>limp hair
>awful skin
>Anything like Ada
Well, she's got Jill's dead eyes.
this is the most contrarian shit I've seen on Sup Forums
>doesn't like 4 and post legitimate reasons for disliking vii
>most contrarian shit on Sup Forums
You haven't been on Sup Forums that long have you?
Juli is Ada's spiritual daughter. Nothing wrong with her at all, user.
>ctrl + f "sherry"
>0 results
y i k e s
that picture looks like helena harper + ada wong
>implying she'll love me back
I doubt she loves anyone
I think it's her official TEW 1 render. But yes, she does look like a white Ada
Here you go
I accidentally read your green text as
>10 body hair
thank you
like i'm literally a gay barafag who picks chris as his husbando but even i know sherry is the best
But what about Deborah?
What about her?
Ada's just a cocktease.
>white ada
Because I'm a Jill man through and through.
When I was a kid, I waifu'd Jill but I probably fapped to Ada more than any RE girl to the point that I felt really dirty over it. She felt like some sort of mistress that was secretly ruining my life.
Aye, Jill and Claire men I can see. Claire the girl next door, Jill the one who lettered in volleyball and soccer in high school.
Why are they covered soap?
That's a lot of yogurt
>juicy death scenes
>guy actually goes on youtube and faps to Ada's death scenes
Wasn't the story of RE6 that the bad guy did everything he did all because he was obsessed with Ada Wong?
yeah basically
>outbreak was a fun 4 coop zombie survival
>too early for its time
>pc port never ever
why are we still here?
inb4 someone goes on about the private outbreak servers which are effectively dead
>make private servers to a dead ip
>ask for help how to setup a ISO and emulator
>ywn be Ada
>ywn wear such a cool outfit
Stay on topic, Sup Forumsirgins, or her head goes on Saddler's wall and her organs back to China.
What a waste of yogurt.