Mobile Phone Games

Imo mobile phone games are just copying cashgrabs off of popular games and never got my attention.
But some good classics or small games to have with you where ever you go is pretty sick though.
I'm searching for some good """unknown"""shit like KOTOR, terraria and machinarium.
Emulators count too.

Anybody has some good tips?

I don't wanna hear shit like clash clans, pokemon go or temple run.

Your phone's glitched.

>Young people still think that there is such a good thing as a good mobile phone game

NONE of them are good. NONE.


Pinout, Soda Dungeon

No that's a fact

Dragon Quest V. With one example I have defeated you. Step it up.

That's a port

And somehow it's more fun to play on mobile. Your point?


The words are all fucked up.

Fire Emblem Heroes is surprisingly fun. I didn't think it would be that great at first but you actually have to build teams to take down certain missions which the normal fire emblem games lack and with all the content they release it's getting better than the mainline fire emblem games.

Pinout looks fun, I'll give it a go

>find decent mobile game
>full of microtransactions and attempts to get you to pay more
>no paid version without the store
Just let me BUY the fucking game, holy mother of god

I chuckled.

Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic

Drastic is literally emulation kino

>not playing the only mobage game that matters

You're welcome.


Tiny wings is best iOS game

Go play final fantasy brave exvius and become depressed like an adult.

I'm usually bored at work so I have downloaded and tried hundreds of games
The only decent one I have found which has actual gameplay and isn't just a cashgrab is Ankora
It does have little ads but I just run it in offline mode

Seriously give it a try
The other one was Pixel Dungeon but got bored of it

If they did that, the game would die. microtransactions is what prints money, whales trying to get everything and competing to have better stuff than the others

ridiculous fishing, nigger.

Came back to say that I have a blast with pinout