Based Blizzard
Why the fuck would you show your dog's dick like that in a company photo?
This photo is over 90% white
yet, I bet the majority of these people will rundown other devs for not being "diverse" enough. I always notice the people clamoring about things such as diversity and poverty are typically wealthy, in a gated community and live/work a non-diverse lifestyle.
No diversity.
Confirmed shit.
>all the woman in the front to make it seem more diverse
I wonder (((who))) was behind that
Is politics really that fun to talk about?
white women count as diversity
Or maybe it's because men are taller than women?
Fucking Sup Forumstard.
Blizzard just made some post recently about how important diversity is.
>blizzard has diversity
>all those women
No wonder they're trash now.
Blizzard is the one with a Diversity safe space at blizzcon lol.
>men are taller than women
And whites are smarter than blacks.
why the fuck are you looking at the dog's dick? faggot
and here's the racist that brought up race in a normal photo no one was upset about yet
>opening chests is more fun that playing the game
the absolute state of nu-Blizzard
>people preaching diversity work at a company full of whites
Every single time. Its like projection for the sin they think they are committing.
OP here, this is the World of Warcraft dev team not all of Blizzard
old blizzard > nu-blizzard
Blizzard is setting up a diversity day to celebrate its diversity.
Look at that DIVERSITY
Its only annoying when you disagree with the point of view :,)
Wow, look at all that diversity!
Its photo taking 101 to place the shorter people in front, You can still see a few women in the back but of course the shorter ones would bee in front or else they might as well not be in the picture.
>get together with some friends
>make something really cool
>keep growing to the point where you're a multibillion dollar company
>the only thing that remains of the company you formed is the name as everyone who made the company what it was leaves
Has there been a single company that's not done this? Ever?
>a private company does what they want at their private event
>those tiny """""dogs"""""
is there any clearer indicator of SJW trash than one of those rats?
Midway/NetherRealm of all companies is still pretty much the guys who made the old arcade games plus tons of more code monkeys.
fuck man. i love that picture
Didn't say they couldn't, I wouldn't expect some pedo weeb to have a point, but what was your point?
My point was that as far as I know people are free to roam blizzcon of all origins. So why have some dedicated space to "Diversity" if not to just fucking virtue signal. Work on your social skills.
most of those people probably own cats which is why only a handful brought their lapdogs. Other than that fat ginger holding up his meme dog
Oh that's kinda cool. But I never really paid MK much attention really.
>So why have some dedicated space to "Diversity"
Because other areas of the convention aren't dedicated to the ways other cultures are represented in their games? It's a place their devs can go to get community feedback on things they put int heir games that are influenced by other cultures? Hopefully it will keep autistic "who is your demisexual Overwatch character?" out of the Q&As that are for talking about more broad game content like characters, maps, mechanics, etc. It's really not that hard.
how many pedos do you think there are in this photo
This is alpha male behavior.
god i wish a bomb would explode in the middle of that
>Those white power fists
Blizzard are OUR guys
EPIC POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>company is entirely wh*te
>LITERALLY in 2017
shameful tbqh
Wew. Imagine caring this much about what people say on a Mandarin basket weaving forum.
There are some token asians and brown people in there. Jemal is likely in the back somewhere.
Where are the blacks? I only see a bunch of white males and tumblr women
It's always self-righteous and hypocritical white liberals who cry the hardest about diversity. I wonder how many of those people voted for Hillary?
These fuckers literally brought up a discussion about diversity out of the blue instead of talking about their games. SJWs are the ones who won't shut the fuck up about their politics. Sup Forums merely responds to tell them to fuck off.
>3rd row on the left
>400 lb man.
Fuck no, war is the only time politics are entertaining, and there's never going to be a war in a society where even the nazies and communists are a bunch of spineless cowards who won't do anything aside from shitposting on the internet.
I barely give a shit about politics but it's a lot more fun then trying to discuss games with shills and apologist casuals
t. triggered SJW
must have bought the "dog friendly" workplace meme
> I wonder how many of those people voted for Hillary?
All of them but they wouldn't bat an eye to a poor minority outside their glass headquarters in california
Are you implying that the world isn't in a war right now?
no it's shit to talk about and makes people miserable
and misery loves company :^)