/v said

/v said
>The Evil Within is good
>actually it's shit
>Dishonored is good
>actually it's shit
>Sleeping Dogs is good
>actually it's shit
>Shadow of Mordor is shit
>actually it's good
>Devil May Cry 2 is shit
>actually it's good
I'll never ever listen to you again

Other urls found in this thread:


the only 2 on that list that Sup Forums has ever said was good are
sleeping dogs and devil may cry 2 and even then they still made a list of bad things about those 2 games
the rest you are talking out of your arse

Yathzee said it pretty fucking well, the Evil within is a very fussy game that demands restraint from the player while showing none of it itself.
>evil within 2
>enemies 1 hit kill you in an area, better sneak through it, it seems like the game doesn't want me to fight
>no. wait it you actually cannot sneak past this monster, you have to kill him and allow him to alert the other mosters, who are actually very easy to kill for some reason
>other enemy charges straight at you when their is no cover around at all, but you are supposed to hide this time
I like this game for the story but the level and gameplay design is ass.

everything you said is correct except for shadow of mordor and sleeping dogs

you just arn't a gamer i guess

I have literally never seen anybody say that Devil May Cry 2 was good.
Sup Forums has liked Dishonored, Sleeping Dogs and Mordor. Sup Forums never liked DMC2 or The Evil Within. Liking Evil Within was as unfashionable as liking RE6.

>Dishonored is shit

You quit right after the tutorial, didn't you.

I made a thread when I finished the first DMC and 8 out of 10 people said DMC2 is unplayable and better be avoided
it's fun and way better combat-wise than the first one, only thing that bothers me is that bosses sometimes go full retard
there was a Sleeping Dogs thread like two weeks ago, the majority said it's a fun game
it isn't, combat is shit, counters don't work half the time, only fun things are the 'executions', not to mention driving is horrible with that camera

>you just arn't a gamer i guess
>implying people play video games on this board

no, I played 7 hours before quitting it

>it's fun and way better combat-wise than the first one

>DMC2's combat is floaty as fuck
>Combos are tied to a fucking analog stick
>Stinger hits like a fucking noodle
>Guns just OP as fuck
>Bosses where you can literally do no damage except shootan guns
>The missions are bland open as fuck levels that follow absolutely no cohesion whatsoever
>Guess i'm teleported to a cave to fight a giant moth for some reason
>demon tanks
>demon helicopters

I could go on, but you are fucking retarded and I sincerely hope you are just baiting and I fell for it. I really do hope that. Even then, you should have your posting privileges revoked for having such a shitty display of taste.

Sleeping Dogs was good. Sad you can't enjoy it.

Dishonored and Sleeping Dogs are good, though.

>sleeping dogs
Time to upgrade your PC, you fucking neet faggot

Evil Within is wasted potential, Dishonored and Sleeping Dogs are pretty good, Shadow of Mordor is fun until repetition kills it, Devil May Cry 2 is shit (how is it even possible to think otherwise?).


Sup Forums has a reputation for loving shit games like dragons dogma, mountain blade and fallout new vegas

>demon tanks
>demon helicopters
those were pretty retarded tbqh
>Bosses where you can literally do no damage except shootan guns
ah I see, you didn't figure out you can jump up to Jokatgulm's head :^)
>Guns just OP as fuck
they were in DMC1 too
>you should have your posting privileges revoked for having such a shitty display of taste
>Dishonored is good
retarded AI ruins the whole game, guards notice you hiding in the shadows from the other side of room, but won't notice when you throw a bottle before their feet, not to mention the story is boring af and the characters have no personality

If Sup Forums says something is x, then the reality is -x . Simple

actually it runs pretty smooth with everything maxed out

>fallout new vegas
isn't that just one guy who makes a new vegas thread two times a week?

>ah I see, you didn't figure out you can jump up to Jokatgulm's head :^)
Huh, that's a thing? Not that it will do much good with the limited aerial moveset. You can also fly and shit with devil trigger, but the damage is really negligible.

>they were in DMC1 too
No they weren't retard, did you even bother to play the first game? What, did you watch a fucking let's play instead? haha.

In DMC2, it's entirely possible to just stroll down the steet, spamming your guns as they magically lift people up in the air until they die because enemy health pools are pathetically low.

this guy gets it
>guns weren't OP in DMC1
>can spam Phantom with the shotgun
>can spam Griffon and any type of enemies with the grenade launcher
what did user mean by this?

It's crazy how all of your opinions are shit, and how all of Sup Forums opinion are good.

Thoughts on Evil Within 2? Can get it for 30 bucks and might just impulse buy it.

>Dragons Dogma, Mount & Blade, Fallout New Vegas
>shit games
Name some games that you think are good then.

>sucking /v's dick
holy cringe

Found the 12yo

it sounds like you like cookie cutter games and repetitive 'safe' gameplay
the TEW is not the game for you at all
it is a game that requires some skills

story is good, but it has the same pitfalls as the first one.

>The Evil Within aka poor man's Resident Evil 4 requires skills
wew boy

what's next? Shadow of Mordor requires skills?

no one plays games, here everyone is just a bitching autist

>actually my tastes are terrible

I never come on here any more, this is my first time in years, and this is probably why. People here take comfort in giving up their individuality to the hivemind cause they're afraid of people not liking what they have to say, so they shrink into the background of their echo chambers and become impossible to target cause they don't have anything close to guts. Little punk-ass bitches, in other words.

So here's what I gotta say to you. Fuck what people say, like what you like, and form your own opinion and share it on another board cause this place is cancerous. I'm outta here.

if I had any doubt you were being a faggot, it was dispelled when you said DmC2 is good. That game is truly an abomination.

>op in DmC 1

it's like you didn't even play the game.

DmC1 GL and Shotty are not even close to the same level as DmC2 pistols. You'd have to be deluded to think this.

>>Devil May Cry 2 is shit
>>actually it's good

Too fucking far

>op says a dumbed down version of Resident Evil 4 with shitty Last of Us stealth elements is shit
>op says a poorly revived True Crime game which tries to be a GTA clone but has horrible driving mechanics is shit
>op says a game is shit, in which you get superhuman powers that makes you overpowered in close combat but instead you are supposed to sneak through clinically retarded enemies
>op has terrible taste
the terrible is the fact, that autists like you exist

Show us you clearing akumu

what is wrong with DMC2? ok I admit it's been a while I played that game but I don't remember it was that horrible

>retarded AI ruins the whole games
and it happens in Thief and Deus Ex too. Literally invisible infront of people or in the case of Deus Ex sometimes they can't notice you down a hallway and other times they see you across the map

Side note, the whole bottle throwing to make noise so guards turn shit is so fucking bad in modern games. Dishonored, TLOU, Evil Within, Deus Ex HR/MD

>People STILL listen to Sup Forums about anything

hell, I remember in TEW I threw a bottle behind a zombie while hiding in a bush and he started running towards me- and it happened multiple times
guards in Pandora Tomorrow noticed you hiding in complete darkness
in Hitman 2 in the second half of the game guards noticed you through doors
the pinnacle for me Hitman Contracts -chinese mob boss noticed you from the third floor and ran down to fight you with his poisoned sword
that shit was hilarious

DMC is all about using a variety of cool moves, weapons, and abilities to destroy vicious demons in stylish ways, with generally small environments to increase the tension and force you into a direct confrontation with the enemies. DMC1, 3, and, to an extent, 4 all follow this basic structure, with the later games adding more over-the-top moves, weapons, and enemies to ramp up the gameplay.

DMC2, in contrast, has massive, flat, and bland environments completely devoid of anything interesting or challenging, toothless enemies that you can ragdoll by holding down a single button, and a stripped down moveset with only a single weapon type that looks like shit, feels even worse, and is generally meaningless because just using her default pistols obliterates the majority of the enemies in the game. Basically everything that there is to like about DMC as a series is inverted to it's exact negative in DMC2

oh ok thanks
tbqfh I don't remember the game too much it's been 10 years I played it, but I enjoyed it that's why I was surprised people here talk about it like it's the anti-christ of video games

> dmc2
> good

need to reevaluate your taste user

It's nobody's fault but your own that your taste is fucking trash, OP.

the saddest part is just only a few people explain why x is good or why x is shit
the majority of the posters (and this board) is just authists that can't even defend their opinions only say
>shit taste xD
>you are a faggot xD

t. faggot that can't come up with any counter-argument

>Liking Evil Within was as unfashionable as liking RE6.
Not not really. That's blowing it out of proportions.

What’s it like being so contrarian you are physically and mentally incapable of having good taste

I said the evil within was shit

You realize that any major "AAA" title that is hyped to hell and back is mediocre. Unless you are in your early 20s or earlier, you should know this by now

>look mom I commented it again xD

this user gets it

all those games are shit
Name an actual good game.


have you read the posts? there is only two authists in this thread - the guy who bitches about the DMC2 guns (and DMC2 overall) and the retard who posts the 'shit taste it must suck to be you xD' comments

Everyone is a couch critic. I blame YouTube and stupid fucking like AVGN and Yahtzee. It's "cool" to call something bad without giving much explanation as why you feel that way.

Dishonored was pretty good. Too easy, but solid.