What is it about the Sup Forums community that makes it social poison?

what is it about the Sup Forums community that makes it social poison?

I'm an idiot, but something like a removal of feelings like guilt or fear of consequence due to the anonymous nature of the board?

i'd argue anonymity has nothing to do with it, on Sup Forums at least. everyone sees eachother the same way: as a fat neckbeard with no taste, so it doesn't really affect anything.

Nah i see all of you guys as closet pedo's who need to be shot on site

I view everyone on Sup Forums as me, so if you disagree with me you don't belong on Sup Forums

Lack of moderation. Rules are not enforced due to a lack of staff.
Not visibly banning anymore doesn't help either as a site without signup needs to show all the dumb fucks who stumble in randomly what's alright and what isn't.

i see everyone here as my nigga

Lack of its previous mod oversite and new user base. Alot of old Sup Forums went to ate Chan too after moot took an anti gamer gate stance.

>you guys

stop pretending

my nigga.

for rules to be enforced to a point that people stopped doing things on Sup Forums would require literally hundreds of moderators to be on at every time, and for the user base to actively and diligently report things as well

it's impossible

This too, I don't know why they started not public banning. Also perma bans are way more rare now. A policy change. Anyone else have something to add that I'm missing?


Thanks ma China

my niggas

Fully automated bread makes me smile.

but why would you see a board full of other people as an extension of yourself. that doesn't make sense.

Curious do you have anything you would like to add to my posts? Even a passing observation?

I'm in this screenshot.

how are you sure

Make a thread where the OP is unironically left wing and see what happens

I know, I saw you posting it. Clean your bedroom.

>letting Sup Forums influence how you interact with people outside the internet

>unirinically mentioning you're left wing on your Sup Forums post

but what's the point? how does that add to the discussion at all (it doesn't)

I remember because people were posting "this is Sup Forums in a nutshell" in that thread.

Fuck you.

i don't, believe you me. i'm not even a part of "old Sup Forums" so i don't even understand the buzz. all i found was some internet board that had decent discussion on video games crippled by groups of freaky narcissists.

In real like i don't talk about video games, anime, or anything except for with my friends.

It's fucking horrible when you meet someone in real life who clearly spends hours on Sup Forums every day and does nothing but speak in a Sup Forums way and hasn't got a single opinion outside the Sup Forums consensus. You bring up any topic, any game movie, tv show, anything at all, and they rattle off the same shit you have to read here over and over.
I mean hell, I use Sup Forums too but fuck me, it's sad when people genuinely use it to fill in a blank personality, or worse, use it as an actual gauge of what's considered good taste.