Will/can another game like this be released in todays world? If so, you think rockstar will make a sequel?

Will/can another game like this be released in todays world? If so, you think rockstar will make a sequel?

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Look up manhunt 2 senpai

They're too pussy.

no, mediocre stealth games arent allowed these days

Manhunt 1 was kinda shit
Manhunt 2 had a really good story and top tier voice acting that was carrying me trough the shit gameplay atleast

Kill yourself.

I kind of want a game where you're Jason or something, but not a multiplayer game. I mean, it seems like a video game about brutally murdering annoying teens would sell pretty well.

I thought Manhunt 2 was pretty on par with Manhunt, if not better
>Better PC controls
>Larger variety of executions
>Manhunt 1 tier OST

This nigga gets it.

I think they could, games are pretty gory today. That Friday the 13th game is pretty brutal, and you're killing teenagers. What would set a possible Manhunt 3 away from the typical gore of today would be the death cries of the enemy NPC's.

I'd like it to have a Dark web red room kind of theme to it. Just market it as a horror game.

Manhunt 2 didn't have the amazing voice acting or atmosphere of the first. The flashback shit was atrocious and lead up to the most predictable, shitty ending ever. Manhunt 2 was genuinely a bad game.

Totaly disagree but whatevs its an old ass game nobody gives a shit

What about Hotline Miami? Not a perfect analogy, since the latter is 80s arcade stylized.

I never played mh1, tried 2 when i picked it up at a flea market. one of the worst games I ever played.

Nah. Any game that tries these days is just edgy for the sake of being edgy. Manhunt actually had something to say.

>manhunt 2 having better controls
you can't even look up and down and it runs at like 15 FPS

>Manhunt actually had something to say.

And what exactly was that? Manhunt exists only because at that period of time dark and gritty was popular in cinema. It was heavily influenced by films like 8mm which came out shortly before it.

nah it exists because rockstar wanted to make a cool and super visceral violent game- which they succeeded in doing.

nugames arent allowed to do this in the AAA space

No. Rockstar are hacks who extensively rip off film and TV. Manhunt was ripping off films at that time.

Manhunt was absolutely dripping with atmosphere. The soundtrack made everything so much better including the voice acting from the hunters.


it has one of the most underrated OSTs, it succeeds very well in aping John Carpenter

cite your sources kike

>everything is bad!!!

I couldn't ever finish Manhut 1, I always get raped near the end by all the cops on the streets and the subway.
Manhunt 2 was good but the story took a dip at the end, I played the PSP version and I thought everything but the end was good.

What do you mean "cite your sources"? If you weren't even alive at the time to know what was popular in cinema then then that's not my problem. Ripping off film and TV is what Rockstar does. It's what they've always done. They used to do it under the blanket of "satire" but it's becoming more and more apparent now that they are just plain old plagiarists.

>still can't cite anything

at least try jew boy

What do you even want cited? I already gave you one film. Just look at the style of thriller and horror films being released from the late 90s through to the beginning of the torture porn fad in the mid 2000s. Rockstar was just doing the same shit they were a few years after them.

Closest thing I can think of is Saw. I don't recall any movies about snuff films from then.

manhunt is completely original compared to any movie and its implementation as a video game makes it stand out even more

fuck off to neogaf

other way round shitcunt. manhunt 1 was grounded, dark and full of meta commentary before it was cool. manhunt 2 is like a shitty B-movie. the violence almost feels out of place next to the dumb high-concept plot.

I wasn't calling Rockstar a rip off. Just trying to think of why the other user would say Manhunt is a copy.

sorry that kike just really pisses me off

a lot of people hate when the game turns into a cover shooter but it's one of the funner cover shooters i've played on PC because of how vulnerable you are

singleplayer for the f13th game is coming "soon™"