Just got Shinobi versus for the Vita. What am I in for?


Best girl

A refund, if you still can. It's trash like the rest of the SK franchise, get rid of it quickly.

Too late.
already downloaded it.

I know right


is this game kind of fun or is an awful chore to play
is this at least viable for jerking off

>is this game kind of fun or is an awful chore to play
Chore, they are only for fanservice and fapping. Don't need to get the game, just fap to art.

Is it even possible to refund a Vita game?

do you like dynasty warriors? hope you enjoy an extremely simplified version with more titties and silly characters
don't listen to this fag you don't fap senrans, its mindless button mashing fun

i actually prefer shinovi versus to estival.

never played dynasty warriors

How do you simplify an already-simple genre?

>its mindless button mashing fun
AKA shit
I don't know, but wherever he bought it, people would probably accept it back out of pity for someone who bought that garbage.

>I don't know, but wherever he bought it, people would probably accept it back out of pity for someone who bought that garbage.

that's not how it works lol.

I downloaded it online anyway.

By making it worse.

>What am I in for?
Long loading times, short stages, fun game, wonky difficulty if you take on higher difficulty levels early (up to a certain point all enemies have super armor, so it's a matter of low challenge or one single repetitive attack as your only option). The story swings between rather nice and endearing, such as realizing what the Ryo- sisters went through and what they're willing to do to stay together, to outright annoying, such as the endless string of "Oh were you trying in that fight? Well I wasn't using my real power!" with nearly half the Hanzo fights.

The biggest question is why you didn't pick it up from Steam, and got it on Vita instead.

I'm stating to think I may have let my exhibition fetish get the better of me and spent $30 on a mediocre game.

ah well.

I don't have a gaming pc

No wonder why nobody ever talks about the gameplay of SK games, lmao.

Does it bother anybody else that their breasts are fucking delicious and huge in concept art but in the actual game they're just average sized?

Will the next game have good character models?

to be fair, the gameplay probably isnt the main appeal of the games

ok so like there are waves of faceless mooks that you can easily defeat that are really challenging due to their sheer numbers and the only real difficult enemies are other students the game is piss easy on normal so play on hard
>waaaah if a game isn't super technical its baaaad
why are you such a faggot?
there's no rock,paper,scissors mechanic like warriors and it extremely linear you just want a straight path for the most part

>What am I in for?
hours of shitposting on Sup Forums and not playing the game because you're fucking addicted to this shithole like I am

I can't wait for the latest Beach game to come to PC so I can rig big juicy dicks to all the models and publish the mod on steam workshop or Nexus. Plan to utilize existing skeletal rigs for the titties, since they have physics.

It definetly is not the main appeal.
Why would you even buy a game with shitty gameplay instead of just watching videos of it online.

When the gameplay isn't the main appeal of a GAME you know there's a problem

>I'm stating to think I may have let my exhibition fetish get the better of me and spent $30 on a mediocre game.
Honestly? Yeah, you probably did.

I mean, it can still be fun, but the game is limited in scope. At least you'll get to see Katsuragi as a character, more than just "grope boobs".

sounds fun

>average sized
u wot?
have you even seen a woman before?
The breasts in this game are cartoonishly gigantic

Wait, you SPENT 30 BUCKS ON THIS? I'd understand if you had gotten it on a sale, but paying $30 for any Senran game is just ridiculous.

but dem anime tiddies tho

Is it even possible to refund a downloaded game?

How should I know. Probably yes, unless you played it already.

>but paying $30 for any Senran game is just ridiculous.
You do realize finding a physical copy for around that brand new is impossible, right?

>why would you watch someone else play a game instead of playing it yourself?
gee i dunno fucking know
>shitty gameplay
its not shitty at all just really simple light attack, heavy attack, super, block, and parry I feel like you're under-aged if you can't find enjoyment in a simple beat em up games like streets of rage and double dragon stole hours of my childhood away from me, do you consider those games shitty too?

>What am I in for?
Happy boobs.

I dunno, why play games at all?

that doesnt look happy

He got it digitally. And even physical, paying 30 bucks for a SK game is still ridiculous.
Why would I want to play a game I know it's bad.

An obsolete version of the game.

I don't want to be that guy but you really should have just gotten it on PC instead, since it comes with all of the dlc included for the same price that you paid for on the PSN store.

>I don't have a gaming PC
Dude, it's a vita game from 2013 with sub-par visuals, my shit laptop can run it just fine.

I assure you it's very happy.

>And even physical, paying 30 bucks for a SK game is still ridiculous.
Well that's the reality of it. I paid $50 for SV and $40 for EV and I think SK2 at $40. BA and Burst are the only ones I got on sale. The physical prices immediately jump after a year, SV is now like $100 physically.

It's not that bad tho

Titty ninjas were a mistake

What's going on there?

Are those actual screenshots?

It is. I had to refund it.

because its not? it payed $20 for SV and have about 45 hours i have no real reason to play any more cause I've beaten all the content the game has to offer and i enjoyed it for what its worth yeah sure its not award winning innovation but it was still fun

OP here.
I bought Shinovi versus.
then I masturbated.
Now I think I may have made a mistake.

What now?

Refund if you can, or just cry if you can't. Because you fucked up.

Keep masturbating.

>Keep masturbating.
always good advice


become a homosexual

Why is she upset? The water washed the dried sperm from her body?

are you offering?

Ninja titties but also feels

But no feeling the ninja titties.

OP here.

I thought the anime tiddy game would distract me from my crippling loneliness but now i'm just $30 poorer, have about 30% less self worth cause I know I'm a pervy loser, and now I kind of want to die.

What now

>But no feeling the ninja titties.
Not yet at least.

keep going deeper at some point you'll reach a turn around

You bet they are.
Group shot is from Burst
Small Hibari is from Versus

You live with that mistake and try it anyway.

f u t u r e o f g a m i n g

You just got scammed, but feel free to finish the game and browse the threads with no shame.

haha I wish

Are you all retarded or something. These games are fkn amazing. Fkn reddit fags.


people are allowed their opinion user

>It's another "user wouldn't bother to do his own research to check out how a game plays and asks Sup Forums instead" episode

I hope the student becomes the master one day and Ayame gives Katsuragi more of a dose of her own medicine.

I don't think thats how it works

thanks I guess?

>tfw never actually played the SK games
>tfw downloaded SV and EV but that was just to rip models from it

Kat was terrified of Ayame before PBS since she groped back. In PBS she just mindbroke Ayame

what did you with them?

As I was saying, I want Ayame to reclaim her spot.

what if your girlfriend dressed like this? would you allow her to go outside like this?

is that a nipple outline?

Holy shit, do nipples actually exist in the senranverse?

Yes, that's old news.

Yes, they've always been there.

>"I'm going to kill you but not right now" the game

art is non canon.

nipples still don't exist in the games

So far I only ripped Asuka from EV a few days ago and I'm still trying to put that shit together. This is honestly the first time I ripped a model so I'm learning a lot of shit along the way.

If you want a specific model ripped just let me know and I can probably manage it eventually.

Some PBS outfits have nipple outlines, the real explanation to never shown them naked is ninja magic.
The OVA is canon to EV and PBS.

>Story CGs aren't canon
>the OVA isn't canon
>PBS isn't canon

ITT puritan Anglos pretend to hate something that they love. you should all kys

Please tell me there's no "I was only pretending to be weak" moments in Hanzo's PBS

Will 7 finally be the time when we get to fight demons?


>the real explanation to never shown them naked is ninja magic

wait, seriously?

When do they say that?

Only Hanzo shit in PBS is Ikaruga being distraught about graduation and not wanting to leave her friends and Kat training Ayame to be her clone.

Oh thank you but no thanks, I was just
interested because I've never seen anyone use senran models for porn even though the game's been on PC for about like 2 years now?

At this rate, we should get a CG of one in 7, but it gets taken down offscreen.

No, but they do start a fire instead, and by they I really mean Ayame.

Not exactly, but in EV there's a "mysterious ray of light" that appears everytime they get naked. But really, they can make clothes appear out of nowhere, I don't think hiding nipples is something hard to do.

>SK thread
>no Yumi
Let's fix that.

>mysterious ray of light
well, yeah thats classic anime censorship.
Do they actually acknowledge it tough.

Ayame is the thing that Hanzo needed. Now they can kill of Yagyu to the first demon that eventually shows up and literally nothing will be lost

I remember Ikaruga's heart story does at the end.

Not him. But they do actually.

OP here.

I have accepted that I am weeb trash and I probably will not kill myself anytime soon

Ikaruga's EV heart story ending mentions how light rays just instantly appear after her and Haruka lose clothes in a struggle.

ok that's actually pretty funny

>there are people out there who unironically think Yagyu is best girl
