>One of these 2 games will win GOTY
how do you feel about this?
One of these 2 games will win GOTY
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fine because i'm not a sonybro
>win GOTY
What does this even mean? Who decides this?
the rigged votes
Game of the year
I decide it
I think most people refer to that dumb awards show each year. Not that it matters, it's only used for shitposting purposes anyway
the man himself
I’d say it’s about time. I think it’s been over twenty years since nintendo’s won a GOTY. It’s also been a few years since a console exclusive won it.
It's not like it's an election. There's no decisive "GOTY official award" or anything.
Anyway GOTY is meaningless when 2017 has at least five games better than any game that's come out since 2010.
I use the gotypicks blog as the official voice, since it tracks all GOTY awards that each game gets and gives the one that has the most the overall title. It’s been pretty accurate for the past ten years or so.
that zelda is some nightmare fuel
dont talk about her eyebrows like that
I don't care because neither are my GOTY
How do you know Odyssey will win any GOTY awards? Sunshine and 3D World didn't.
Doesn't matter. My switch won't even fucking turn on. It won't charge or anything. Black screen no matter what I do.
I don't really care but it's nice, I guess. It's nice to see hard work rewarded.
Zelda might, but I don't see them giving it to Mario, which is fine.
My GOTY is still pic related.
zelda is not a good enough game to deserve goty.
mario might be, but it's not out yet. we can't know until we've played it.
Fucking great. Its unbelieveable that after the disappointing WiiU, Nintendo releases a both a new Zelda and Mario, both genre transforming games, in the release year of a popular and innovative console.
No one can do this but Ninty. Its 1998 all over again.
but we all know deep in our hearts what the true goty is
yeah, remember when the walking dead won?
I've been replaying it, and it's pretty bad, by all standards
the official body of award givers for video games headed by the Dorito Pope himself
>Sunshine and 3D World didn't.
hmmm, I wonder why
Of course. Nintendo wins, they deserve it. they Grand Slammed this year. Switch had the best opening year of all time. I love Nintendo.
I'd much prefer nier or D:OS2 to get the award, but it's not like game awards matter anyways
Doesn't bother me at all
feels amazing man
They'll win kids game of the year. Not real game of the year.
Extremely happy. The Switch had a lot of memes to go through.
>January presentation: lol Nintendo DOA
>March release: LOL 1 GAME, your best game is a PORT
>April shortages: PS4 outsells switch lol
>August NPD: PS4 outsells switch AGAIN how dead is this console?
>kids game of the year
>not real game of the year
kids aren't real confirmed
Nier Automata deserves it more for being the underdog and trying to elevate video games by attempting novel implementations of gameplay as a narrative tool, but BotW was fun and Mario will be too so it's not terribly galling.
What I find fucking offensive though is that AssCreed and Mario have a GOTY nomination and they aren't even out before polling started.
>implementations of gameplay as a narrative tool
MGS2 did that back in 2002.
I like this idea. In retrospect the GOTY voting on TV does really feel a lot like watching the Teen's Choice Awards on Nick more than it feels like watching a professional, high quality award shows like the Oscars. Thanks user.
>trying to elevate video games by attempting novel implementations of gameplay as a narrative tool
Eternal Darkness
No More Heroes
Video games is commonly viewed as a kid's hobby
Fine because I do my own research and form my own opinions instead of getting whatever a bunch of literally whos tell me to get.
>Nier Automata deserves it
This year will be the first ever year the reward goes to two games, BotW and Mario
It'll be BoTW, by Odyssey will be the patrician's game of choice.
I love BOTW
And I'm really looking forward to Odyssey
But for fucks sakes, exclusives barely win GOTY
If fucking Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 didn't win GOTY, what makes you think Zelda and Mario will
>fun games won out over muh narrative and games carried by gimmicks.
>make a typo
>pick [laughs in genius] image
goodnight Sup Forums.
Then you better not fuck it up user
Or else
It don't care what wins GOTY, but I don't like that anything gets GOTY because I hate awards shows
I know.
It's actually a really fucking rare thing.
I can only think of a few other examples:
Final Fantasy VII: During the Nibelheim flashback, when you check Sephiroth's stats they're all way-the fuck higher than Cloud's and he has all kinds of ridiculous materia and gear the player can't currently access; emphasizing what a big deal this guy is.
Crisis Core, where the slot machine mechanic (digital mind wave, DMW) becomes unhinged and the reels start go blank as a representation of Zack's life flashing before his eyes.
Persona 3 where the ability Great Seal in the final battle costs 100% of your HP to cast.
The original Nier, where an indelible mark is left on your game data after finishing the final ending which prevents you from naming your character the same.
The sanity mechanics in Eternal Darkness, like fucking with the game's volume output and things like that.
No More Heroes in a couple ways, but my favourite is the squeaky-voiced fast-forwarded exposition dump that you can slow down and is perfectly intelligible. Also presumably Killer 7, though I haven't played it.
It's because of its rarity that I feel gameplay implementations like these are deserving of such honour. Mario meanwhile is a very fun game, but it's not doing anything to push the boundaries of the medium. I'm probably barking up the wrong tree though, whinging about why a Cannes Film Festival movie didn't win a Golden Globe.
This, I think BOTW will appeal to western journalists more, plus it can actually pass for an adult game (by the media's standards).
Yes I agree. People need to buy more Nintendo games and consoles. Nintendo games are expertly crafted. Other games are not. Buy the new games and support. They are fun. Play them. Support Nintendo. The games are good. Vote with your wallet. Fun.
People called this 3 years ago
It was inevitable
>People being dismissive about GOTY now that Nintendo has the biggest chance they've had in ages.
What an odd coincidence.
>search for PREY
>no results
Aww... Nobody else thinks it's one of the best games released this year ; _ ;
>I'm probably barking up the wrong tree though
I wasn't trying to be confrontational just pointing out that weaving gameplay with narrative isn't something particularly innovative, you could even argue that Majora's Mask did it before MGS2 although nowhere near the same scale.
It's a great game but it's completely overshadowed
Welcome to Sup Forums.
>Switch hasn't even been out for a year.
>Already has the best Mario game of all time, the best Zelda games of all time, and the best Mario Kart game of all time.
Nintendo is back, baby.
But why?
It must be completely based on franchise power, because PREY can easily stand toe-to-toe with the other releases in gameplay, story, etc...
It was pretty good but the devs lying about making DLC kinda rubbed me the wrong way
>the best Zelda games of all time
don't forget
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Pokemon RPG
>Mario and Rabbids spinoff
>Metroid Prime 4
Switch is fucking stacked, all we need now is an F-ZERO game
He didn't stutter son.
I can't wait for fans to turn on it like they did with Skyward Sword
Hell, we're already seeing that happen all over. Dtoid comments/blogs, even on fucking NintendoGAF and Leddit
>best Mario Kart game of all time
That's not Double Dash
>More Musou shit
>Games that aren't even fucking out yet
Happy if Odyssey wins, disappointed as usual if BOTW wins
Hey man I love Double Dash to death, but I honestly think MK8 Deluxe surpassed it for me, especially since it has online.
BotW doesn't belong anywhere near GOTY listings, but I'll accept Mario Odyssey.
Until she bends over.
>the best Zelda game of all time
Eh, I put down BotW the instant I finished it and I probably wont play it again. The boss mechanics were garbage, the combat was floaty and the inventory management is probably the most tedious shit I've ever dealt with in a video game; and I've played MMOs and Skyrim.
I still come back to Majora's Mask on a biennial basis meanwhile.
>>Games that aren't even fucking out yet
It's ok when sony does it.
>Why are you listing games that are going to come out?
Why is it not ok? We already know we are getting them, and if they're good they're going to keep stacking the switch lineup
Fine as long as it isn't actually BotW. Game is good, but seriously overrated
I'd put Divinity: Original Sin 2 as GotY anyways
>Skyward Sword
I mean is it just turning on it because it's now older, or turning on it because the honeymoon period is over and people can unbaisedly judge it for the game it is?
No, it's fucking not
However, at least they show more than a fucking logo or some dude just say "oh yeah, we're making a new pokemon."
Call nintendo support and get that fixed
It's not quite what you're talking about, but I loved how Cait Sith's ultimate weapon can be discovered going through the shinra building on disc 1 and cloud basically goes "this is worthless; it won't help us."
>elevating anything but virgin dicks
What the fuck is this shit.
Charge it for a full day.
Remember to use the dock.
Personally I think it comes down to mario, Nioh and Xenoblade.
BotW was good but I didnt like it that much, same as Persona. I really liked Nier overall but the enemies and boss fights are extremely lackluster.
That's more of an easter egg.
What I'm talking about is instances where gameplay props up the story in some way; where a game does something that, by virtue of its interactivity or non-linear medium, does something a film or book never could.
Take the Persona 3 example which is the simplest of those:
Some abilities in P3 cost health to cast. The game will tell you how much health a move will consume; a weak move might take 10% of your (full) HP, a really strong one might take as much as 36%. Reaching 0 HP will obviously kill your character though, so the game will never let you use an attack if it'd be fatal to do so.
But Great Seal, a skill that only becomes available in the final battle, uses 100% of your HP. That's the game telling you, "using this ability will kill you". It's a beautiful moment because of that, and it's not something any other medium could do.
I take it you've never played it then. 2B isn't even the main character.
The latter
I firmly believe people just want this to be a proverbial "City on a Hill"
"Wow! What a stunning return to form!"
People, for some reason, seem to view Nintendo as the underdog and Zelda as a diminishing series.
The comeback story. Always great for clicks
Are you having this problem when docked only? If so, unplug all those cables on the dock
Plut it into the dock
Then plug the power outlet
And finally then put the HDMI / USB cables on it, so you can dock the Switch normally
That's how I fixed it anyway
There's a reason we call him the pope kiddo, this man single-handedly has better taste than 99.9% of the internet.
meant for
Did someone say GOTY
>That's more of an easter egg.
More of foreshadowing/a chekov's gun, but I see where you're coming from.
Fable 2 had a great one where you got punished for letting the final villain monologue (considering you were aiming to kill him the entire game) by letting someone else get to kill him if you let him go on too long
Can I start my Ys career with this game or is there an overarching story that require past entries?
This is so good.
>Laxia drops the towel
Yes, I love modern Ys.
>elevate video games by attempting novel implementations of gameplay as a narrative tool
Many video games do this yearly. They have done this since the PSX era. Hell, the original Nier does narrative better than Nier:A does.
Nier:A is a great game, but the only reason anyone thinks Nier:A is a GOTY is because they want to fuck 2B and A2.
Imagine being this gay
There's a bit of continuity between the games but you can start anywhere in the series and not feel like you're missing anything, go ahead
I would walk through 500 miles of broken glass to motorboat Laxia's buttcheeks
It makes me mad that a GOTY exists. BotW is one of the best games I've played so who gives a shit about some cancer award?
the people
>so who gives a shit about some cancer award?
Console war posters.
>2B isn't even the main character.
But she sure was the poster girl for the game's promotion to bait virgins to buy the game.