Are you still angry?

Are you still angry?

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I was never angry just disappointed

not after andromeda
that shit made ME3 look like a masterpiece

I'm still confused about how the original rushed and vague ending before Extended Cut even slid through, and the fact that they considered putting in a final boss encounter to be "too video gamey" for the finale of a video game series.
The thing that got me mad wasn't really the god child and the Crucible plot device - I concede that they had basically wrote themselves into a corner and needed some bullshit for the Reapers to lose.

It was the Earth mission. There is the utter lack of the war assets having a palpable effect in the final Earth mission. You only fight along side other humans the few times NPCs are present, and the 2 cutscenes of other races fighting on the ground only shows Turians/Asari and never differs. I was expecting something way better for the final assault than some generic alley-way fighting in London.

Someone post it

I used to replay mass effect 1&2 pretty often, but once 3 came out I don't think I'll ever even bother replaying those games again.

No, ME2 was where the anger kicked in. After that I knew not to even bother pirating 3

essentially this, although i played 3

2 was such an utter disappointment i didnt care much by 3.

what didn't you like about ME2?

>sometimes get the urge to play ME1
>never do because the depression sets in on how things ended

His name was marauder shields.

Nah, as much as I enjoyed mass effect I never thought of it as a top tier game really. I never understood the crazy hype over it.

Also lets be honest while Bioware did outright lie, it was cookie cutter as fuck, that last part with Anderson and illusive man was gripping as fuck, that one hurt my heart.

I fucking loved ME2. The fucking Vanguard is the most rewarding class I've played in a vidya yet.

>No, ME2 was where the anger kicked in. After that I knew not to even bother pirating 3

Not really, there's so much more wrong with ME3 than the ending. The "save Earth!" plot made no sense and ruined the game.

>essentially this, although i played 3

>2 was such an utter disappointment i didnt care much by 3.

This. What kind of story kills a character off and then brings them back from the dead all with the first 15 minutes?


But with that said...I don't know how such a terrible story got green-lighted.

>The A team was shifted to work on TORtanic


The crucible being a magical machine that would just instantly destroys the reapers would have been better than what we got imo also harbinger should have been the final boss

2 was fucking good you fedoras

This. Just knowing the game ends pretty much the same way no matter what, aside from a couple different super minor story bits but it was still half assed. Even if you got the 7 second bonus clip of Shep being alive, it still was not satisfying

I can still watch the original Star Wars trilogy just fine even though the series has been milked and mostly raped and ruined.

I cannot enjoy ME1 or 2 anymore for the same reason. It's bullshit and not okay.

Adored the hell out of ME1. Bought a 360 for it, wasn't disappointed with the purchase. ME2 was the most hyped I've ever been for a game, and it was releasing two days after my 21st. I got nearly everything I wanted out of it, it was nearly perfect but I was still worried with where things were going.

DA2 came out and I pretty much had no hope; nothing good can come after someone releasing that shitheap. Also, Old Republic was a nightmare. ME3 was just as bad as I thought it'd be.

There's no part of me left to be hurt by it anymore, I just don't care. Bioware's done and gone, can't imagine how Anthem will possibly do well.

If you're going to be a cunt, then I'm going to give them (You)s on your behalf.

what the FUCK were they thinking???

No. 2 was worse.

universal cooldown sucked all the fun any class might have had

Not really. After Citadel DLC and the Extended Cut I think the ending's more average than egregiously terrible.

Not the big bang of and ending I was hoping for, but I have more positive memories of the game and the series in general than negative.

When did Casey Hudson say that?

>If you're going to be a cunt, then I'm going to give them (You)s on your behalf.

I wish MEA's story was as cheesy and fun as ME2's was. For some reason Bioware humor feels too forced since Citadel.

Not even a little

The interview it originally linked to now forwards to a post about "how cool it is" that ME2 on the PS3 uses ME3's engine. Still trying to find the source.

>No. 2 was worse.

was never angry to begin with

That was a gay mechanic that fucked over engineers and adepts but the Vanguard goes WOOSH, punch, shotgun shot, WOOSH, repeat. It's crack in class form.


>that message from him

Me2s polish distracted from the deteriorating story and world
The management rushed to churn out a sequel to a successful new IP and then they did it again.
All the good developers must have scrammed by then because no amount of development time would have saved andromeda

They were going for the mysterious rival character again, but I don't think they ever really recaptured the personal tension they had with Saren as the antagonist.

Pretty interesting how fucked up Andromeda's development was.

I'm still angry, but its a soft anger. I gain pleasure everytime I hear something go wrong at Bioware.

I honestly feel bad for the team that got saddled with all the blame for it.

The catch was in the original draft, it WAS Saren. Bioware just went with Leng when they realized it would be retarded for Cerberus to resurrect a Turian.

There's an interview floating around where it was even planned that you could talk Saren down at Cronos station and just absolutely tear the place the fuck up together.

Mass efect peaked with 1.
Once i realized 2 had ammo i knew mass effect was dead.

If they didnt promise anything,
and i knew they didnt promise anything about the ending... it would be a "meh" for me. IDK.

At least they removed this.

After playing andromeda, ME3 with extended cut and the citadel wasn't really that bad. I still do a full trilogy run now and then and enjoy it, it's just sad the way the games went over time. ME1 was something special, and while the other two are good for the most part they lost that spark.

How was it not false advertisement?

I'll never understand how anyone thought that was a good idea, even if the ending was perfect it would still be a dick slap to the face.

im more disappointed in mass effect 2, for becoming a gears of war style action/cover shooter game. i enjoyed the first game much more than the 2 sequels. the rpg elements always get tossed when games become popular. happened to morrowind and it happened to mass effect. shame.

Yeah, not sure how that would have turned out.

Saren had a solid end to his arc in ME1. Resurrecting his literal ashes just for him to side with Cerberus after blowing his own brains out seems like a stretch.

Yeeaah, I don't know if some marketer had them throw that in at the last second or what, but having the final note end on "now you can buy our DLC" almost felt satirical.

I'm still confused as to why a multi million maybe a few billion year old civilization of giant mind controlling space squids made their AI look like a little human boy?

The only thing of value that we missed was that Saren & Shepard basically shot the shit at Thessia over how this whole mess (the trilogy) started with a Prothean beacon before the fight got underway.

Some of it still remains though; the AI used for Vanguard!Clone Shepard is Saren's.

Not at all, I must have spent over 100 hours in the MP. That shit was incredible. They should have stuck with the original concept of selling that separately.

No. Andromeda was worse than I could have ever imagined.



>Vanguard!Clone Shepard
I thought you were talking about Marauder Shields for a second.

I'm mainly mad that they threw out the atmosphere, mood, aesthetics, etc. of ME1 and replaced them them with the same glossy aesthetic that was in every other game when ME2 came out.

No, I actually really like ME3 despite the disappointing ending.

Please name one so I can laugh at you.

Do not fall for this bullshit.

"Oh man I got shot...but oh hey that guy got shot TWICE! My life is pretty good after all!" Fuck off. Mass Effect 3 was insulting garbage that ruined the story, was lazy as hell in the animation department, and was the worst entry into the trilogy by far.

Having something worse like Andromeda come out doesn't raise ME3 higher, and you never allow it to drop the bar lower. ME3 was mediocre trash, Andromeda just somehow was even worse trash, that is all.

So what do you guys think of MrBtongue's video essays on the endings?


>Having something worse like Andromeda come out doesn't raise ME3 higher

Didn't say that. Calm down you autistic faggot. Im not angry about ME3 anymore because Andromeda was so bad i pretend the entire franchise doesn't exist.

I mean I'm already shilling so I might as well post

I actually like Mass Effect 2 more than 1. I guess it's because I'm more of a character-focused person; if a game/show has fun characters, then I don't really mind if nothing important happens.

The slower soundtrack, the skyboxes, the sound effects, the vast lonely emptiness of the minor planets, etc. The all came together to create a sort of melancholy atmosphere. It was like Bladerunner while ME2 was more like Total Recall.

I liked it, even had some fun with multiplayer, it felt broader in scope than the very social oriented ME2.

The ending left a sour taste in the mouth sure, specially before the "extended ending dlc", but the journey in itself felt reasonable as far as I remember.

So how did T.I.M. show up at the citadel console after shepard and anderson? Did he just hide under a rock? And since when was able to control shepards physical actions?

It's still bad, but I feel the citadel dlc was a nice send off for the most part. Although it was also the harbinger of awful quip centric dialogue in future bioware games which is a shame.

>People in rage for years, who still don't get that Mass Effect 3 was the ending. The whole thing, including the fate of the separate peoples, characters and so on
>They think just because they didn't bother to think about the last choice, it was meaningless by design, even though it's literally got the depth of the whole Foundation series riding on it, as the choice itself is a heavily re-adapted version of a very similar 3 way option presented to the protagonist in Foundation's Edge
If you're still mad, you deserve to be.

Everything past Marauder Shields is a dream.

It's the journey, not the destination


But my choices didn't matter

ME1 was god like set up, ME2 did absolutely nothing with it but the character writing was stepped up, ME3 was left in a shit position due to the middle chapter giving it nothing to build on, so it has to try and be empire strikes back and Jedi at the same time. I still think it's one of the better sci-fi vidya series out there but it's declining story telling quality was very noticeable and was just barely carried by the characters and world building.

>reapers take the form of the race they harvest
>lol no they don't

They literally do though. The interior form is of the species they harvest then the outer chassis is in the image of the Leviathans

>never got to see all those neat looking reapers from the end scene of me2
Damn shame.

The whole series was kinda bad to be quite honest. Pic related is the only thing I remember liking. Her people were made for sex.

>that shit made ME3 look like a masterpiece
That's physically impossible, Andromeda had the decency of not shitting up a good trilogy.

Citadel DLC is literally just fanservice and the extended cut added just about nothing. The ending is egregiously terrible from a writing and a player standpoint. It fails at being engaging as a video game, it fails to be well executed as a plot development. It’s garbage.

>le game is gud it's just the ending XD
It should be legal to euthanize garbage like you.

I think ME1 had a stronger sense of old sci fi atmosphere, but ME2's character quests made it all the more memorable for me.

We need to make excuses for 3, down to pathetically pretending 2 was just as bad. It's all towards contrarianism, you see, we do it for hipster cred. Up is down and black is white, am I rite, lads?


That's actually the best explanation I've ever heard of what Star Trek is.

Liara or Tali, Sup Forums?

Its not worth my time to even think about it anymore. IP is dead

Yes we just strap uniform armor on a non uniform shape, it’s simple.

>Citadel DLC is literally just fanservice
And it doesn't try to hide that fact. Doesn't mean I didn't get a self-indulgent kick out of it.

Retard alert

Then how did citadel DLC fix anything about the main game? Or was some dumb character interaction enough to get you to overlook the entirety of the rest of the game?

Who the hell would even like the cheap knockoff Twi-lek?

Nothing wrong with a fan service chapter when you're closing something out. Just a shame it was dlc and not part of the base game.

>im more disappointed in mass effect 2, for becoming a gears of war style action/cover shooter game.
That was the first one as well, you blithering fuckwad.

>thinking about doing a tali romance in me2
>remember that this happens

You all need to watch this if you haven't already seen it. This represents everything that went wrong with me3.