>I'll never have an edgy thic Asian GF like Juri
Fuck my life, why must I be black abd dorky
Juri thread I guess
I'll never have an edgy thic Asian GF like Juri
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I want to suction my mouth around that navel and dip my tongue deeply into it!
I thought I was the only one who liked doing that to girls
>why must I be black
why indeed
It's such an underrated thing that plenty of girls like even if it might seem weird.
haha nigger
If I were white, what type of white should one be?
Also post juris
is this the power of Unreal Engine?
It's so goddamn unfair, whites can get asian qts for free on autopilot. White men are the women of men.
This. If there's any white guys reading this, please score some thic Asian girls and have them dress as juri when you smash, we need secondhand experience from you bros
Fuck off with that cuck shit. *I* want to bang a qt korean girl in juri cosplay.
How ?
I live in NYC. It's not possible 100% of them hate blacks.
but juri does NOT look asian what the fuck is up with you people
Brooklyn? I'm in Brooklyn. The only Asian girl I know who likes blacks is soirt as fuck, fat, and crazy.
Also Does Anyone Here Main Juri Pretty well?
I fucking love that outfit for Juri
it's pure sex
Nope, Queens.
At least you guys still live in NYC, I'm stuck in my 3rd world country city
What city is that?
Oh I meant what white ethnic background
Hey at least it's not the bum fuck bronx
Is Juri good for beginners?
Broom Broom Man has a pretty good theme
The hottest thick asian girl i personally know is my best friends sister
Fuck me for this bullshit predicament
>my brother has a decently attractive asian gf who likes video games because he gives her free pot
>played smash with her a couple times, apparently they never fuck
what a waste
Is Sup Forums ready for Zeku this weekend?
Wow, you're a dick
t. nigger
>used to get bullied by all the Korean girls
>hated it
>decade+ later
>please spit on my face again
Not even an American one, heck I'd even take South America if it means the chance of visiting the US is slimmer
I'm white actually. Just not a dick
there's a good chance they hate niggers, not blacks. my girlfriend is black, and i really hate niggers.
kek okay Jamal
I'm on Sup Forums, so you can already know what I probably act like. The problem is actually meeting these qts. Online dating apps are worthless.
>tfw have a beautiful korean gf but is very thin and delicate
How do I ask her to get bigger thighs?
you're in NYC ding dong.
where to cop qt asian girl as an asian?
Unless i suddenly learn any mother tongue I think i'm cheated
friend circles/cliques are incredibly hard to break into if you don't have a natural method of doing so, and cold approaching, hitting on some girl in a store? Fuck no.
You missed a lobby wavy
just feed her a lot, u gotta learn to cook now my guy
>that arm hair
You a wop user?
>he doesn't already know how to cook
If that user doesn't have the single greatest skill, he's already lost
Go away normalfag
Give you a hint. Idi nahui
Asians that weren't born and raised in Western culture come off as cultural robots and that's partly because they're expected to support their parents and grandfolks financially at some point.
Modern, Westernized Asians are best. Fuck with caution on the rest.
NYCbros, is the city as fun as movies portray it to be?
It's possible pretty much every female Asian I've met living in New York has been psychotic
>niggas actually pretending asians that are part of thr ugly trinity of Japanese,Korean and Chinese women ever look anything but ugly
Bitch is flat!
You start working out with her, inviting her to the gym with you, and actually put effort into getting yourself /fit/ while encouraging her to do the same.
If she starts to get suspicious or questions this new trend, hide behind "I just want to spend more time with you and this is something I think we can both do and enjoy", "I want both of us to have long lives together and be healthy and am happy to improve myself for you" or "It'll give us more energy and better bodies in the long and short run for great cuddles and sex" as excuses whenever they apply.
Yes it means you'll need to actually get /fit/ and work, but how badly do you want a more muscly girlfriend with toned thighs?
Do guys prefer muscular or fat thicc
Cheeky Blots
I want to impregnate Aqua
always muscular (not steroid) thicc is better
fat thicc is all smokes and mirrors, it looks like shit irl, only fit girls can look good and have huge asses
That's New York for ya.
If not Asians, Puerto Ricans and Jewesses will fill the same gap.
No worries, even if you were white there would still be no thic and cute Asian gf like her unless she had huge plastic surgery all over her body.
Yeah and nah. Fun with a lotta cool shit, but it's not all golden and it smells like piss and hot death. Especially in the subways.
If you're new here it's a dreamlike wonderland, but as someone who's lived here my whole life it's just another day.
I am thankful of the sheer immediate access of so many things though, took a vacation to florida and just going to the store is a 30 minute drive, fuck that shit.
Yeah m8
You have a self destructive taste in waifus
She's not asian, she's Korean
Oh yeah this guy's right, I'm so used to the hot morning garbage scene I forgot to mention it. Also I'm so used to crowded buses/trains some part of me has come to like it.
I'm so used to this I don't think visiting Tokyo would do much for me besides the overwhelming amount of qts
But Aqua is a goddess and I love her
She would laugh in your face if she saw you dying...
tfw no wholesome Yaeji gf
This. They just don’t exist in enough numbers to ever meet one. They’re either instagram cam whores, pornstars, or with some extremely rich fuccboi. Or they’re hyper feminist and all grr muh objectification. It’s hopeless.
Also OP. Want an actual gf? I know a girl from Brooklyn
i've literally never seen an asian american girl date another asian
i went to school with a korean chick that pretty much exclusively dated the rednecks despite there being asian guys at the school
>why must I be black
Actually, you've got more chance than others.
off my board nigger
it hurts man it hurts
>juri will never leg scissor your neck until you're unconcious
why even live?
You don't want a gf like that. Maybe a fuck buddy, but GFs should be sweet and pamper you like Chun-Li.
Man I really need to pay a visit there, my westaboo needs would be sated to oblivion
Chun-Li's proportions scare me. I feel like she'd snap me in half if she leglocked me.
My thick Jap gf told me she cosplayed as Chun-Li once, but no matter how much I beg, she won't show me the pic (too embarrassed).
That's a lie
That means she never did it user
You op? Answer me damnit
Or even just say its for you and you need a buddy to stay motivated
Literally no reason why she'd lie to me about something like that.
I showed you my tail
There’s plenty of reasons why people lie, one of which is to fit in.
>not getting the reference
>being that much of a dormir
>be black
>no gf because no friends
>no white friends because black
>no black friends because of """white""" interests
>after classes come home and play warhammer, 4x, and senran kagura while studying moonspeak
no regrets
Wanna be friends?
i'll be your friend user, whats your PS4 gamertag?
Depends on the state. You're less likely to see that in states with barely 50 Asian families. Plenty more in California.
>tfw southern asian
Someone hold me while I cry in my sweet tea
My nigga.
Southern Asian? You mean Indian? Asia is a clusterfuck where each cardinal direction is basically completely different.
What the fuck no lmao
I mean literally in the South ie South Carolina, Georgia, you know