its my first time what does Sup Forums think? What would you recommend?
Pc build
you're paying way too much for that motherboard. You could go for a $100-110 mobo instead and get zero performance loss
I recommend not falling for the PC scam. $1600 only to find there is nothing to play.
get a noctua cooler
fuck the optical drive
opt for a 1070
fuck the hard drive, and get a large ssd
You're overpaying by a lot.
You don't need liquid cooling at all (I have that same cpu and air works just fine, that mobo is excessive, so is the psu, and are you sure you want that much cpu/gpu power in your first build?
>paying for windows
exactly, and make sure u get an ssd
Don't fall for EVGA
1. Don’t lay $100 for Windows. If anything go on playasia and buy it for $20
2. Don’t spend that much on your first build
3. That build is stupid
what's wrong with evangelion?
Not him. Can you get somehow legally Win 7,8 in this year or do I have to suck Win's 10 cock.
>no SSD
>buying Windows
>1080 when the Ti exists
>useless optical drive
You're overpaying like mad for that mobo and that RAM. ESPECIALLY the RAM. 16 gigs is fine but you don't need DDR4-3000. Don't pay that much for windows. There is a subreddit called microsoftsoftware exchange. You can get W7/8.1/10 keys for 20 bucks or less.
No comp expert, but I did my first build recently.
>everyone tells me liquid cooling is overrated, prone to malfunction and difficult to maintain/repair
As long as you don't intend to overclock, fans are fine (just make sure to dust occasionally). If you do wanna overclock, just get a better CPU.
>why is that motherboard so expensive?
Anything special about it?
>paying full price for Windows
All you need is a cheapo digital key.
>CD drive
>no SSD
It's night and fucking day, holy crap.
-Dump the liquid cooler and just get a good regular aftermarket fan between $30-40.
-Trust me when I say it'll be a good idea to get a bigger HDD, also I'd suggest getting a smaller SSD to be your boot drive. Once you get 5 second boot times you'll never go back.
-You really don't need that CPU unless you're big on emulation in which case go for it, but don't forget to actually overclock the damned thing
-If you're dead set on paying for Windows you can get it a hell of a lot cheaper off of vendors from /r/microsoftsoftwareswap/
Oh yeah also lose the optical drive you don't need that shit
There are a variety of apps that revert the menus back to Windows 7, which is my preference. Beyond appearances, I can't see why you'd want and older OS.
Eh, I think a cheapo 1TB HDD is good for backing up files or storing large quantities of media. I never keep more than a few games installed at a time, so 250GB SSD serves all my needs.
Should I?
If you're willing to spend that much money on a card already, you should bump it up to a 1080ti
What the loving fuck are you doing?
also buy a windows 10 pro key off ebay for $10
The fuck. You don't need a 1 tb main drive. Get a 240+gb SSD and a 1TB HDD.
There you go. I didn’t bother taking time.
Go to a Microcenter for CPU/Motherboard, they have great bundles.
What are your intentions? Others have mentioned it, but your CPU and GPU are pretty overpowered for just basic gaming. Don't fall for the "future-proofing" bait. A decent i5 and a 1070 will get you through the next few years no problem.
Swap the literally who SSD for a Samsung. Also just get a 250 gig one and then a 1TB HDD. You can always get more storage later but having a medium sized SSD for your OS and a few games is nice.
Thats like another 200 bucks
>literally who
mushkin is fine lmfao
This, OP. OS and main games on SSD, everything else on HDD. Wait for SSDs to get cheaper before going with just the one drive.
8700k is alreasy out for the same price and 2 extra cores/4 threads. Just wait a week or two for release pricing to stabilise.
>1600 dollar pc without an ssd not even for a boot drive
*breathes in*
I have the need to play at blistering speeds and ridiculous resolutions. I will spend top dollar
>Wait for SSDs to get cheaper
love this meme
they have done nothing but get more expensive
>all that money for that little power
>not even a gtx 1080
prebuilts make me so angry what the fuck
It'll happen...
That's AUD
Why not get an 8700K or threadripper?
i'm a fucking leaf and that's still way too much. our dollars are similar
please, please don't go prebuilt
Keep the 1TB HDD and the SSD. I would still like to know why you need such a powerful GPU.
honestly the ryzen build is the only one there that would actually manage to get good performance
he may as well if he's got the money. "futureproofing" is always nice
Is this maplebux?
You still need a big secondary HDD, as the 250GB SSD won't amount to shit once you start getting games on the thing
>Why do you need such power?
I want to play Witcher 3, Crysis 3, and Dying light at max settings
Don’t get a cooler at all. It’s an intel processor, what’s the point of lower temps if the thing will run well within acceptable ranges anyway. Drop the cooler and get another hard drive or an SSD for your OS.
Can probably spend less on a mobo too. Don’t know why anyone spends more than 120 on those
250 is fine for games... unless you're getting fucking 100GB Shadow of War. What a joke.
How's this Sup Forums?
All I'm literally gonna do this this is play vidyah
r8 my build? Not sure what case I want though.
You don't need more than a 1070 for 1080p gaming.
Hell even a 1060 6gb is good enough.
not enough poptarts
Even a 1060 3gb is currently enough for 1080p. No idea how long that will remain true
Drop the liquid cooler. Get a fan.
Also, why are all these screenshots from Amazon? Y'all niggas ever heard of Newegg? They've got live chat Sup Forumsermin there than can clue you in to what you need for your budget.
user my emulation folder alone is 125GB, and I haven't even gotten big into downloading PS3 games yet
1070 time is coming out soon for 400 don't get 1080
1070s are pretty cheap now. Might as well spring for one and coast for a few years.
But why? Any games you aren't currently playing shouldn't be on your SSD.
Like I said to the OP, drop the liquid cooler and just get a decently rated regular aftermarket fan for around $30-40. Also like I said get a smaller SSD to be your boot drive
its shit, welcome to 2017 moron
>But why? Any games you aren't currently playing shouldn't be on your SSD.
Well no shit, that's why it's on my secondary HDD. I was telling the OP he needs more than a 250GB SSD because it won't hold everything he'd want to have on his computer. You gotta reread stuff user
Jesus christ... Yeah I over spent on my first build like the OP, whatever, I got over it and splurged a little on myself.
I didn't fucking spend quarter of ten grand on shit I could literally price match or do better just by shopping though. Pre-builts are fucking horrible now that I've built my own.
And I don't mean that in a "Eew, I built mine" elitism way, I mean it in "That's actually a fucking disgusting business practice" sort of way. What the fuck $2500 for that shit... Maybe if it shipped with a monitor included in the price but fuck that as it stands.
Please op. Please buy a PS4. Do not buy a PC in begging you. PS4 is the greatest console of all time and we have all the best game. Don't fall for the lefty pc scam
Not bad though there are some things to consider. You chose an overclockable CPU, so I would recommend checking out some guides and be prepared for a bit of frustration if you're looking to do it yourself and not be a retard and let the motherboard auto do it. Also, maybe drop the cooler if you aren't going to aggressively overclock. A decent fan one with do just fine. Last thing I'd say is get a better power supply. Out of all the brands I've used, my EVGA power supplies always last. I'd go for a 600w minimum.
literally nothing. it has the best costumer support out of all the nvidia manufacturers
Why does this being his first build have anything to do with CPU/GPU power.
We don't know what he wants to have. He never answered the question.
Because a lot first-builders wanna spring for the higher power when they really don't need it.
I did
>Order total: $615
just bought a 1080ti for about 750, barrel of fucking cash for this thing and it kinda hurt