What if.... what if we made Witcher 3.... but in Egypt

>what if.... what if we made Witcher 3.... but in Egypt

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>what if... because everyone loved our sailing in a previous game... we set the new one in a fucking desert?

Well then it sure as hell wouldn't be developped by ubisoft.



>what if we add paddle boats to it, but they somehow go as fast as a fucking motorboat


Looks like Witcher 3, but with somewhat passable gameplay


crime rate =/= arrest rate
An arrest is an arrest conviction or not
Unsolved crimes are a part of the crime rate but not of the arrest rate.
And white collar crimes aren't counted in either

>Poor people with a bad upbringing have to resort to crime to survive

>Slavs copy Ubisoft
>Now they call Ubisoft is coping the slavs
WEw lad

It's not being poor though
Poor whites in teh same bracket as poor blacks commit less crimes
Rich blacks commit disproportionately higher rates of crime than rich whites as well

>rape is survival
Okay, Donovan.

Shadow of war is a boring repeating mess. No way I’m buying this game before it’s $30 or below. Screw aaa western games.

I know liberals believe that crime should be decriminalized so I encourage them to move to California to see how that worked out for them.

>with a bad upbringing

Exactly. Except nowadays when you point out how shitty black culture is and how often they excuse or even glorify crime and violence, you're told that's racist and bigoted.


>implying that the police go around arresting innocent black people
>being poor forces you to murder others
here, a free redpill

You’re gonna trigger lots of folks.

>what if.... what if we made Witcher 3.... but bad

Ok but none of that has anything at all to do with my statement.

>implying that the police go around arresting innocent black people
So you're saying that there are never not guilty verdicts with black defendants?

why are there always so many neogaf/reddiots in every thread? Sup Forums is shit nowadays

you already got black flag, fuck off

maybe try proofreading your post next time before you hit submit

Deniro wasted away any good will as an actor he had over the last 20 odd years. Guy was a really good actor though because he is nothing like he is in his movies. Like not even an inkling of any of his real self is present in his old good films.

stop, those are hate facts!
you'll hurt the redditors' feelings!

The Witcher 3 wasn't good though

What a stupid reply

My statement is perfectly correct.
Naturally a not guilty verdict means the person was innocent. And you are saying that the police don't arrest innocent black people.

Therefore you apparently believe that in all the criminal trials involving black people, there has never been a not guilty verdict.

Do you follow or should I use smaller words?



>not racemixed

>mfw my thread turned into a pol thread

Because poor whites are generally not in urban environments conducive to crime

>Posting we wuz creed
>Not expecting Sup Forums to shit it up
No one to blame but yourself.

>a not guilty verdict means the person was innocent
No it doesn't. The law does not conclude whether someone is "innocent" or not. It only convicts people if they are proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be guilty.
>you are saying that the police don't arrest innocent black people.
No I am not. Innocent people of all races get arrested. But blacks still commit crime at a much higher rate and are found guilty at a much higher rate.
>you apparently believe that in all the criminal trials involving black people, there has never been a not guilty verdict.
I never claimed this. Nice try though.
>should I use smaller words?
Yeah, maybe you should. You're clearly pretty slow.

be grateful

some race mixes are better than others
especially when the parents are from the same continent

assassins creed origins already has 3x better combat than the witcher 3. The only reason people like the witcher is because of the story and sex scenes and because they're too dumb to understand rpgs.

>being poor forces you to murder other people
how stupid are you?

So do we just ignore the fact racism exists? Or the fact that white people actively keep blacks down.

>white people actively keep blacks down
blacks keep themselves down
why do blacks exhibit far higher crime rates in countries like sweden where there is virtually zero racism?
ask yourself: why is every single black country on earth a total shithole?

Without games like The Witcher to draw inspiration from, you'd play another (((decent))) Assassins Creed game.

>virtualy zero racism
Holy shit this delusion
>A shithole
Your perspective.

Swedes literally pay africans to come fuck their wives and you're whining about Swedish racism. Amazing.
Go live in Uganda and tell me it's not a shithole.

>Asians have the lowest arrest rate
Model minority, bitches!

Hey, fuck you buddy

Swedes are cucks, water is wet, etc.

it's a little of both and it's mostly jews and a good amount of blacks keeping us down and using us to fuck everything up just like hitler said

Yep. That's because the average asian IQ is higher than whites, so asians commit less crime.

Why is it racist to point out that whites are more intelligent than blacks on average, but it's NOT racist to point out that asians are more intelligence than whites on average?

Only white people can be racist

Also weird how the more intelligent your race the smaller your dick.

Funny thing is Eastwoods kid always get that lousy kid who tries to act tough but he actually isn't and always being made fun of type of role


i say jews and mudskins are the most racist muds still practice slavery and it's mostly the jews and muds fault that black people became slaves

nah, Germans have pretty big dicks and average 100 iq

>rape and murder are necessary when you're poor

>Have some sympathy for Jamal, he needed to rape those girls to feed his family

The shit happens in every culture dipshit. except blacks sing about it, whites and chicks make tv and movies about it.


>white media involving crime examines aspects life, such as morality and justice
>black media involving crime does nothing but glorify specific actions, such as shooting cops

Yeah, it's exactly the same.

that kid is still caucasian because he come from the seed of a white man. you are what you father is after all. its not about color but seed. that defines who you are and where you come from

I mean, if that's what Assassin's Creed Origins ended up being, I'd fucking play Witcher 3 in Egypt. That sounds fun as shit.

I haven't played an AC game since 1. I have 1, 2, 3, Brotherhood, and Revelation. Never played any past 1

>white media involving crime examines aspects life, such as morality and justice
Your clearly projecting with that black media also examines aspects of life as well as morality and just it to you dumb ass.

>black media involving crime does nothing but glorify specific actions, such as shooting cops
Same crap with whites too

Sure thing, Tyrone. Black people are definitely making classics such as Reservoir Dogs and The Godfather. That's why you can name so many, right?

he's not wrong though
do you really want to run the sailing mechanic into the ground just like every other thing in this fucking franchise?

>gets robbed
dumb niggers

i'm going to report every single post in this thread

Boyz n the Hood
House Party
Coming to America
A Time to Kill
but yes i do agree black people commit alot a crime but it's mostly the jews and the black people who stay gangsters after 30-40 and i dont mean the rappers that say they are gangsters ghetto fat black women and Mexicans fault im talking about black Americans not the niggers in Africa

For some reason your meme is making me interested in this game when I didn't give a shit about it before user.

Witcher 3 in anchient egypt sounds good.

Who are you qouting

If there is not any conclusive evidence that a person has committed a crime, then yes they are innocent of what they are accused of.

>No I am not
>>implying that the police go around arresting innocent black people

>call police when you've been robbed
>they do nothing but take a statement
>never see stuff again
Cops don't do shit to prevent crime.

But that's a walking simulator with microtransactiond

>Cops don't do shit to prevent crime.
they kill niggers so they do prevent crime. BAZINGA.


>3x better combat
>"press X to atack, and Y to do a random counter animation when the flashlight appears"

Assassins Creed, Batman series, Shadow of Mordor, Mad Max, the gameplay of all those games are shit. SHIT. Only a true casual faggot would look at those craps, and say their gameplay is good. It isn't you cunt. Literally anything is better than that.

It is disgusting, those are the kind of games where I avoid combat just because how generic they are, and how I have completely no control of what the character is doing. Will he kick the guy? Will he trow him in the ground? Will he break his arm? I don't know, after all the animation is random, and made so the imbecile playing get amused seeing cool shit happening in the screen even tought he have no control over it.

Never put "good" or "better" gameplay combat in the same sentence refering to one of those games. Never ever, you cocksucker cunt.


And yet they are gooder and better.

So what's the point of these threads? No one discusses the game. It's just the same old memes and jpegs.


JoJo reference?

That doesn't prevent crime, that just punishes it. Doesn't do shit about all the crime that happens and they hire people too retarded to actually investigate things.

Nothing is worse than this type of combat, bitch. Literally nothing.

I hope ass creed has lots of Egyptian cuties. All I could ask for in the 17th installment of such a mediocre franchise

there won't be a one.

It's fun as fuck and satisfying even if it isn't challenging.