Where were you when Nintenbro get BTFO again?

where were you when Nintenbro get BTFO again?

pcmasterace always wins


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This is stupid and your retarded

hey bros dont listen to my friend here

i think you're a great guy

That's fucking neat. Got any more?

This is neat and all, but until the mods get more advanced than glorified texture packs, they aren't worth shit. Maybe we'll get some cool ones eventually, I'll try em on a second playthrough.


Way to ruin art, PC beggar race.

Mmm delicious salty tears. Thanks friend


Fuck I love PC gaming, Consolecucks on suicide watch

haha I these love epic meme mods! PC For the win! Here's Le upvote for you good sir!

~House Bain: We do not Pre-order~

why is this shit so funny it's fucking awful unoriginal garbage but I can't stop laughing fuck im retarded send help

There is this old saying that I just made up.

If you throw enough shit at a wall, people will start to see it as art.



Stop being a fucking faggot for once in your life.

>people are so emotionally invested into pixels on a screen they got mad if someone mods them

>fucking buzz
Ok you got me

Well, in less than two weeks we'll be playing Mario Odyssey. Post when you can emulate that, user :^)

>People actually argue which platform is better
PC has more customization, freedom, and performance. Nintendo has Nintendo games and potability now. Get both they aren't even comparable. These threads are always stupid.Play games on what you want you want to play on faggots.

I was playing Icewind Dale again today and I wasn't really a fan of much of the voice acting so I went to look for soundsets hoping to find something more subtle than some of the really grating voices they have in there but most of the soundsets were really low quality voice clips from movies like Austin Powers because that was the height of comedy in the early 2000s. LOOK GUYS I MADE THE CHARACTER SAY 'GROOVY BABY YEAH' EVERY TIME YOU CLICK ON HIM, WHEN HE DIES HE SAYS 'OH I'VE FALLEN OVER, OH I'VE FALLEN OVER AGAIN' ROFL

This is effectively like that.

>pcfriends who couldn't afford a switch now get to also play this great game

enjoy it, my dudes. you're missing out if you don't at least pirate this game and play it

pc has nintendo games also retard
nintendo is only good for having inferior versions of a game on the go

>"Nintendo games don't look as good on the console as they do on an emulator!"
If it was any other console I'd agree that PC does it better but it's portable. This is like saying the 3DS is worse than the PC, no shit the graphics are worse but its supposed to be played on the go.

i can play any ds/3ds game on the go and if i upgrade wii u

>On the go
>Wii U
How can you play anything on the go with a Wii U? That thing disconnects if you walk out of the room.

>Le ironic weeb memes
Internet cutlture is the worst, how long until the russian shrek and san andreas mods

im talking about emulation

I have a PC and a Switch, how the fuck else am I posting here, I don't really care about Breath of the Wild being emulatable, I've played through lots of games through Emulation, and it's great, but I get to play Odyssey in two weeks and you don't.

How playable is BotW on CEMU right now?

>Open video
>Initial D trash
>Dislike and close immediately

Last I checked was months ago and steady 30fps at 4K was possible everywhere. They were still working on the 60fps hacks but they were working well in shrines.

lol so epic

Rad. Looks like I'll finally be playing BotW then.

the only correct opinion


>pcmastertace wins
>when you can load these mods on a wii u no prob