Is this the Dark souls of 3D platforming?

Is this the Dark souls of 3D platforming?

Other urls found in this thread:


when will "people" stop pretending dark souls is hard

>Is this the "Dark Souls" of [Thing]
This kind of shit needs to stop.

when will people stop pretending dark souls is "hard"

when will people "stop" pretending dark souls is hard

When will people on Sup Forums understand when a statement is a joke?
>inb4 lol he is just pretending to be retarded

Is fun and more easy

Is the thread back?

name 16 hard games

Is this supposed to be impressive? Literally a game for children. Also shit camera angles


"when" will people stop pretending dark souls is hard

>Dark Souls of platforming

Hat Kid's ship looks comfy, but I bet it's kinda lonely.

Not a fair comparison, A Hat in Time is much more difficult than Dark Souls could ever hope to be.

It's not the level or game that's impressive. What's impressive is the fact he got the editor to run and build without crashing.

what happened with the previous thread?

it was pruned for having the audacity to discuss video games on the politics/eceleb board.

>mods delete actual AHiT thread
>leave the bait thread up
>delete the bait thread after bump limit anyway
The mods work in mysterious ways

Wait. Was that previous thread deleted after 519 posts, as it was already at page 10?
I wanted to read what the devs said about the tools.

The art just keeps coming.

I love this game but wallrunning and the grappling hook are piratically autoplatforming.

why does this game look like a cobbled together romhack of super mario galaxy it looks like SHIT

the devs literally copied Super Mario Sunshine

I know everyone loves Your Contract Has Expired and it's a damn good song but I actually like the Chapter 2 boss music better.

I legitimately don't understand the complaints about the game's visuals.

Honestly ALL the boss themes are pretty great

It looks bad because you need your eyes checked.
It's honestly kinda impressive from a team of 7 or however many, I heard 7 somewhere but it feels like every indie game talked about on Sup Forums has a team of 7.

When will people stop pretending "dark souls" is hard

it's "impressive" but not all that good, they're running into the problem that makes 3d platformers rare: you need high production values to clear the bar set by nintendo (who make sure core mario games are perfect to preserve their company's brand)

I don't understand why so many people like this game, I've watched some gameplay and it doesn't look challenging, fun or unique at all. Whats the rub?

I know, and all of the platforming in the base game is too easy for kind of mobility.
I wonder what would actually be considered challenging for Hat Kid's level of movement

Being a fun 3D platformer is unique in this day and age.

source on that? looks like some sort of digimon movie.

Maybe more moving platforms? There was barely any in the game and most of that was delegated to time rifts

Movement feels good, has some good platforming (like the second train level or all of Chapter 4), has a few entertaining characters, good music, and some really fun boss fights.

even the moving platforms in game were too easy
I'm hoping faster speeds and more complex patterns of any sort
pic related was someone's attempt

kill yourself pedshit shill rat

No, it's actually a fun game

Wow, didn't think the spinning platforms would've been THAT buggy

The game just recognizes a GC controller?

Has anywhere compiled all of the diary entries in the secret fort? I found it late and would like to read the earlier entries.

>page 10
>is unironically not using catalog

It's natively supported, but you need the mayflash adapter and you will probably need to do some tinkering

Tetsuwan Birdy Decode Cipher.