Damn, this dude is handsome!

Damn, this dude is handsome!

Other urls found in this thread:


If you're into square-jawed types, I suppose

>his theme is sung by a woman


t. king dice

Pic related.

Currently stuck on King Dice. How do I beat this fuck

Just acquire proficiency.

Don't mess with king dice

Black women can hit that Baritone

One of the minibosses or king dice himself?

>tfw trying to get the achievement for defeating a boss using only small plane form
Does this work on the minibosses in the casino? Because it takes forever on a normal boss


What are you gonna do now?

Bruteforce the King Dice himself by fighting him with the invincibility super, red triangle weapon and a shitton of hearts. Activate invincibility right as he summons the first set of cards and keep shooting at him as you try to dodge the second set. You can stay under his face the whole time, eventually racking up a second super if your hearts dwindle down.

I started watching Betty Boop because of Cuphead. It's so fucking surreal and I've been loving every second of it.

I'm gonna do the best I can.

white people can't really be "handsome" just not-ugly.
I mean I've only ever dated white guys but honestly that's just because black guys can't be trusted.
It's not like I really have a choice.

I'm glad this game is sparking interest in 30's cartoons.

Betty Boop is super underrated, I used to watch her shorts all the time as a kid.
I showed my feminine friend some of them since they're in Cuphead fever and they were surprised.
They seemed to think Betty Boop was just some precursor to hentai or something.


Get ready for people to start a rally against them then for being 'racist'

they could say Cuphead and Mugman are actually black.
I'd love to see people complain that all dishes are white again, that's always funny.

That's a good way to continue softening the perception of racism as a concept.

Come back in DLC

She was the original waifu tho. She was/is pretty popular in Nipland

They're light grey cups dude. Stop being a faggot.

What happens to his soul?

What the FUCK are you talking about?


>everything from this point on
So good.

I'd fuck the flower, even though he's probably a guy.

So that's how Joe Swanson's daughter will turn out.

Don't fuck flowers!

Nobody cares about your faggot_(male) friend, dipshit.

Would you?

>she turns into a bull
No thank you, Sam I am, I will not fuck the futa blimp, even if she gives me ham.

You know it.

cuz they were you dumb fuck?someone doesn't understand how racist stereotypes are refractead and reified thru cullture!

No way.

I care about your friend and I am interested in your post.


samefag kike

Wow, this dragon is super cute!

He's a fancy lad.


>tomorrow theme
braindead faggot millennial

I love how wanting to fuck the flower boss has become a meme.

>older than 30
>still posts on Sup Forums and types like a teenager

dumb phoneposter

Acquire Acumen
Become Better
Create Competence
Develop Dexterity
Experience Expertise
Find Finesse

Is there porn of the dragon yet?

Mountains. Mountains above mountains of porn

Good, desu. Maybe we can start racially bantzing each other again.

I want to fuck her gemini form. Someone should make a edit where they don't have the bra thingies poking underneath the clouds.

The furfags got a hold of him, what do you think?

>deleting your own posts
embarrassing to be honest

>being a samefagger kike

samefag kike

>responding to the mentally ill
Just ignore it.

samefag kike

Well, there goes my boner.

He never sold it to the Devil because he knows better. He gets to keep his.



Man, false-flagging has gotten really stupid over the years.

really good pitch shifting





Every party needs a pooper
that's why they invited you
Party pooper

Kill yourself, nigger kike.

I don't even like Cuphead or its art style but damn King Dice is one suave looking motherfucker
He should've been the main villain outright, he's way more distinctive and interesting than some fuzzy incarnation of the devil. If Cuphead was a classic franchise instead of an indie game pretending to be ancient, I guarantee you this dude could be a widely-known pop culture icon.

>can inflate
>no inflation porn

idk i like the fuzzy devil too

I don't get it. How can people look at that design and think he's not a male?

fuck off Dobson