You're buying my game, right?

You're buying my game, right?

>game has a negress
>it’s not even a hot negress like beyonce

Yes, but since it's using denuvo I'm going to buy a used ps4 copy 3 months after release.

Beyonce is white.

Maybe a couple years later when I can pick it up for $10.

why do western devs do this

>Video Games must provide fapbait

End yourself, my dude.

Yes. I give this thread 3 posts before it goes to utter shit like the 1000s of other Wofl threads of late.


No, digital minorities trigger me because I am a highly insecure white male.

Don't blame the threads, blame the game

What did he mean by this?

I guess they get tumblr cookie points for having ugly girls. Maybe they are pandering to what they believe gamers want



>No, everything triggers me because I am a highly insecure white male

fucking kek

how much does it cost to rent a cherry picker?

So diverse and brave

They must if they want my money

>self taught intellectual
>karl marx

He's a bay area moralist in a position of power benefiting from a system he is radically opposed to out of time.

holy fucking shit

3 of 4 of those games are set in the 60s, where that hair style was common

>if I plug my ears and say "LALALALA" that means im right

There are probably 1 or 2 black people working at ID software tops.

Nobody wants fuck-ugly characters, especially when they're shoehorned into games for diversity


I think you're not getting that these are all diversity cast characters and all they do is obey stereotypes of how whytes think of black people.

That's 1 or 2 too many

>You're buying my game, right?

quit trying to ruin the narrative, user. logic is no fun.

Nope. Pirate in one day. Suck it up, nigger

and in the fourth one the hair is pretty different. Not every curly cut is the same

I would join a resistance with her.
>has seen some shit
>can probably turn any ingredients into gourmet meal
>grew up in a poor ass rural state before moving to a poor ass neighborhood in NYC so is probably streetwise and a survivalist that can shoot a gun
>makes great wise cracks

>implying characters need to fit the times
What are you, a bigot?

Goodnight Alt-Right. You'll be shaking in fear when I come for your head

>Not from the US
>never understood why you guys think beyonce is so hot.

no, i've never played wolfenstein and FPS games aren't my style to begin with


>You're buying my game, right?
Thanks for the free game cuck


>whenever someone mentions "diversity", they immediately think "we need black people"
>not hispanics
>not asians
>it's always fucking blacks
Why? This is not what "diversity" is supposed to mean.

Blacks are the least white, so it's cool.

suck it up bigot, white people need to atone for their racism. hell, by 2050 you won't even be around any more :)

>all people of a certain skin color need to atone for an act, regardless of their actual proximity or involvement to said act
kill yourself, shitposter

>Self taught intellectual
>Influenced by Karl Marx


This is an edit, right?

>Blacks are the least white



That is what we made the German and Japanese people do...

Mmhmm das rite! Suck it up, whitebois


sorry user, it's not our fault your race commit more crimes than all the other races combined. Sorry, user, it's not our fault your race has lower average iq than all the other races. Sorry, user that niggers kill more niggers than all the other races combined. It's not our fault.

>Wolfenstein TNO came out May 2014
>No thread bitching non stop about "MUH WHITE GENOCIDE"

>Wolfenstein TNC comes out in 2017, well after GubberGate, and r/the_donald kek Sup Forums shit invaded


I hate you newest of newfaggots.

100% legit

No, that's on their official twitter page

This game is literally cultural-marxism in playable form

We needs mo money fo dem programs.

that doesn't make it okay


rain drop
drop top


Is having black characters really gonna go well with wolfenstein fanbase? I know the game is technically anti-hitler but you can bet a large portion of the fanbase has some kind of nazi idealisim.

also what the fuck kind of name is 'super spesh' especially for a lawyer

Why western devs can't into delicious brown?

because, it sells,

this is what the GG retards tried to warn us about

TNO wasn't overly politicized garbage, it was just BJ killing Nazis

I like Nazis and all and I don't mind them getting killed in games, but this new Wolfenstein is just fucking chock full of political garbage that's barely even related to nazism

>Video Games must provide fapbait
Yeah, pretty much. Sex sells, dickhead

You're the biggest newfag here, newfag.

what's wrong with her body?

I don't buy games with blacks in them anymore.

>No one's coming after your games! Relax!

Worked out pretty great considering Germany now leads the free world. The current US president can't even align with the policies of a right wing UK, nevermind the rest of the world. Look at Trump decertifying the Iran deal while the rest of the Western world (besides Israel) stands around asking " waht are you doing you dumbass?"

>white face with dark skin

That's just a tan white woman you fuckstick

more like
>No, everything triggers me because I am a highly insecure black or female who gets upset when im not represented in a video game i dont even play

>I like Nazis and all and I don't mind them getting killed in games, but this new Wolfenstein is just fucking chock full of political garbage that's barely even related to nazism

>leading anything
sources on that? what are your metrics?

>self-taught (((intellectual))) influenced by Karl Marx


We're hitting levels of social justice that shouldn't even be possible, lads.



I liked New Order, so maybe. I'm gonna wait to see more on the game.

Sup Forums loved TNO because TNO was fucking amazing nazi killing fun. TNC is over-politicized garbage that has you fighting for a communist america alongside black supremacists.

>I like Nazis and all
'course you do, kid.

Been here since '08. I bet you started when you found out mean old Antia was coming to take your video games away.

>right wing UK
Theresa "sharia has its benefits" May and her cabal of cronies, sitting on record levels of immigration, isn't right wing.

Twitter told me Merkel is leader of the free world.

admit it, you're just jealous because Sup Forumsacks have more fun than you

The ladies sure loved Nazis, even French girls spread their legs for the Aryan seed

Only virgins hate nazis

Because, postmodern philosophy leads to a worldview in which everything must be ugly, because ugliness is truth.

Or just maybe

>i thought that wolfenstein was about american patriots fighting against the nazi menace so why the fuck does it have communists and race baiters as prominent characters instead of say american patriots

No, it's just the US conservative party is in "what the fuck are you doing" territory.

ah, okay. a platform for shouting opinions told you so. I'm not entirely sure you're the user who i replied to, but even if you are, that's not a valid source

Actually I'm Filipino, And unlike you niggers, we don't mind getting fucked in the ass if America-senpai becomes our sugar-daddy afterwards.

what do you mean.....there was like 100 black women with afros in old games and now you have a problem with it.


>why the fuck does it have communists and race baiters as prominent characters instead of say american patriots

No I wasn't, just funposting.

So... the point of the new order and its sequels are that the wrong side won world war 2 in reality, and we're playing the bad guy in game?

Look at the great movies from the 50s. All they had their femme fatales and beautiful women.

>Germany now leads the free world
lol people actually think this

tfw the main protag is a white cowboy in Red Dead 2