Best MegaTen game coming through

Best MegaTen game coming through.

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Horrendous story and characters though.

It picks up at the end.

>it picks up in the last hour of a 70 hour game if you do the forced edgelord ending

>horrendous story
it really isn't, though.

>horrendous characters
They're not bad characters, people just exaggerate how bad they are because muh megaten reeee.

Check your image before you post OP

It's honestly a better Persona cast than Persona 5. I get why people are annoyed at it though.

This is my actual favorite mainline game. Overall it's probably Digital Devil Saga 1/2.

>Doesn't use turn press

They had perfection in their grasp but soiled it in the end.

>abandoned its dungeon crawling roots for literally Persona 3 onwards
the real SMT4 was SJ, SMT4 and 4A are trash. A good combat system can only carry so much weight

Stop this meme, the version of Nozomi we got is the best Atlus design ever.



No, it honestly just gets worse the further you get. Horrendous is obviously an exaggeration, but they're certainly not that good.

>it really isn't, though.
It's average at best, and the bonds ending is actually legitimately horrendous. Haven't done massacre yet, because I very much doubt it's any better.

>people just exaggerate how bad they are because muh megaten reeee.
They're generic to a fault, with no outstanding qualities.

>short haired Nozomi
>showed more skin

My nigga


im new to this entire series, which ones should i play


4's gameplay goes to the trash after the first boss. The only thing that carried it is the atmosphere which is why it's the worst mainline to replay. An example of how the worst game always end up with the best OST alongside half the Sonic series


Oh, if only the remake used Press Turn instead of that stupid fucking alignment attack.

smt iv, or sj, maybe noc

Start with Nocturne, it'd be too hard to start with a new entry and work your way backwards due to all the QoL improvements. Nocturne has aged really good though for the most part, the only really annoying aspects are having to reroll when fusing and the random teleporter dungeons.

Best girl

>An example of how the worst game always end up with the best OST alongside half the Sonic series
I'm still mad about this.
No OST has a right to be this good.

Persona 4: Dancing All Night

tokyo was fucking great

if you have taste
Old Testament which is the SNES remakes of Megaten 1 & 2, SMT1, SMT2, SMT3, SMTSJ, the Digital Devil Saga titles which feel like mainline MegaTens anyway

Unironically this.

Fact: SMT IV: A would have been a 10/10 if Toki didn't betray you if you went god route

Ok, thanks anons, ive been dying to play smt games for ages

Lads is Soul Hackers any good?

Great characters, negotiation and atmosphere. Gameplay can feel dated though

>best megaten
>not Persona 5




I think we can all agree on best MegaTen girl

They didn't say best smt, they said best megaten.

>they don't even fit.


Only correct answer.