Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh! Those suckers aint gonna beat me to the Crystal Star past page 10!

Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh! Those suckers aint gonna beat me to the Crystal Star past page 10!
And with that...pow! I'm gone!

Get the fuck off my board, Crump.

Hey not so fast

*gohan blanco blocks your path*
Sorry, but the crystal star is mine.


Crump would have won if it weren't for bullshit Zombie powers.

Friendly reminder that TTYD was inferior to PM and SPM was actually significantly better than it. Only cubebabies disagree.


Objectively incorrect.

>Friendly reminder that TTYD was inferior to PM
>SPM was actually significantly better than it
This just seems contrarian. TTYD went a little too hard on backtracking and padding but at least the combat and gameplay was engaging and not just a stupid easy platformer with very mild perspective shifting puzzles. SPM had a good story and villain team, but that doesn't make a good game.

hand it over Chadhan

>and SPM was actually significantly better than it
I know Sup Forums is contrarian and all, but come on.

hol up

Ain't getting away that easy, fucker.

im going to die on this hill, spm had a melodramatic story and irritating characters and its writing was a large step down from 64 and ttyd

Hey you! In front of the T.V.! It may be pretty obvious to you who I really am, but no telling Mario! Or else!

i tried to tell mario and it didnt wok :(

You're right. SPM wasn't bad but most of it didn't belong in a Mario game. TTYD was better, 64 was better and, honestly, Color Splash was better.


spm was self-absorbed is what it was

Were you one of those anons who actually put down money for Meme Splash?
was it any good?


No, I pirated it.

Yes, I liked it. Nowhere near the first two but a lot better than Sticker Star and I also liked it more than SPM. The combat is'nt great and the lack of unique character designs hurt it but the writing is charming as hell and the settings and level ploines were all very imaginative.