Why do you still play video games? Don't you think it's time to grow up?

why do you still play video games? Don't you think it's time to grow up?

i remember when cracked was kinda decent. there was this cracked article that exposed this buffy fan website where there was literally one person posting thousands upon thousands of times. eventually, someone on Sup Forums found it they shitpost the FUCK outta of it and it eventually got shut down. turns out it was just girl who was really autistic over buffy.

whoa... thats... a really... smart... image.........

would you say it activated something within you?

But didn't that artist make comics about vidya at some point? I seem to remember one about Spec Ops: The Line.

>if you think E.T. for the Atari is any different from Overwatch, you're the wrongest wronger who ever wronged.
The fuck is this guy talking about?

this, didn't he make a comic saying that spec ops is better than heart of darkness and apocalypse now?

>Bashing the versatility of vidya
Oh I am fuckin laffin.
Just because barely anyone uses the versatility doesnt mean it aint there dipshit

>Fundamental need for beauty/truth
Name one well written book in the past 10 years off the top of your head, Cracked

11/22/63 is probably the only decent one in the last few years and that was written by fucking stephen king.

>diluted combination of art forms
can someone name another entertainment medium that actually challenges you?

Some books are hard to read.

It armed his avocados

house of leaves can be a bitch to read.

>all this text
>convincing anyone

Don't worry about not being interested in cracked anymore. You just aren't their target audience anymore. You've been aged out.

Music can be challenging to listen to.
Visual mediums aren't challenging, but are more about "getting it".

All art is abrasive and elitist, requiring intellectual investment. Whatever is not that, is not art, but rather media.

Vidya, I'm not so sure about. Vidya can amplify whatever impact art has on you through direct involvement, but can it do that by itself, instead of relying on other art forms to deliver the actual substance? I dunno.

I can only think of a couple examples, where the immediate experience of playing the game itself delivered some kind of message, instead of being a gateway to content.

Vidya challenges you in a quantifiable way. Whereas growth in other mediums is vague, vidya gives you direct insight into your progress, and helps improve traits like strategy and perseverance if you put energy into it. Sure, most games are mindless fun, but that's not unique to this format.

Honestly, intellectual merit is a cop-out most of the time. Art that covers deep subject matter usually just borrows it to induce a sense of gravitas. Certain works use their mediums to explain these concepts in greater depth, but they're in the minority. Some of my favorite bands are modeled after philosophical ideas, but the effect is admittedly quite minor. Even the great classical composers' works don't contain many ideas beyond faith and beauty.

That's my issue with this topic. We never have a clear idea of what makes art valuable, and default to what is valued in our society instead. I'd try to answer it myself, but the problem's so extensive that I'll just say fuck it and go back to doing what I like.

What if I read this?

Art is bound up with the ideals of society so that's not unexpected.

So are visual novels the epitome of video games? Because they're essentially books with sounds and pictures meaning they're all three of the above. I never knew I was so refined. Bask in my weeb glory you western plebs.