RIP Humble Bundle
RIP Humble Bundle
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realistically, what's the worst that could happen?
Humble bundle begins to shill for IGN and the games they're bribed to review
>humble "we're totally not sponsored and totally gonna donate the proceeds, goy" bundle
>joining forces
I hate this "we're hip too" garbage that companies try to present themselves with.
willingly supporting IGN
IGN could start offering bundles only for games that support them or games that they rate highly, and they could throw the whole charity aspect out the window. The whole purpose of Humble Bundle was to support little known indie games and charity. You really think IGN is gonna spend it's time reviewing those games?
Also, IGN's parent company Ziff Davis is notorious for running acquired sites into the ground. GameSpy, UGO and 1UP were all acquired by the company and subsequently shut down.
>was about to buy a hat in time on humble
I guess it's back to the bay of pirates for me.
>company whose business is rating games joins together with a company whose business is selling games
what could possibly go wrong
>giving money to 'gaming journalists'
>implying humble bundle won't only be able to host games that IGN allows
>implying there won't eventually be an investigation that proves money is being embezzled by IGN
>Humble Bundle will be destroyed as a result of the investigation, and IGN will walk away scotfree
What are you implying user.
>digital distribution being hurt
Humble "10/10 IGN Reviewed Games" Bundle
>tfw new Humble Bundles are actually fucking something
>not sending all to charity every time you buy a bundle
j2 global is shit
>what is embezzlement?
As long as I can still send my whole payment to EFF I don't really give a fuck.
Remember Gamefaqs? IGN buying the site killed its reputation overnight. Realistically, why does IGN even still exist? Fake news from a corrupt industry.
HB got an investment of $4.7 mil in 2011 (see
>Joining IGN, a media conglomerate, doesn’t really seem like a natural move, I’d say, but it’s more than a little possible that Humble Bundle has aspirations to move beyond a variety of storefronts — aspirations that require more resources than a young 60-person company has access to.
>I asked about this and co-founder John Graham offered the following:
>>Jeff and I started Humble Bundle in 2010 living in our parents’ homes, and never dreamed that we would be where we are today. We were not looking to sell the company, we were just focused on what we’ve always been doing: creating great games for our community while supporting charitable organizations around the world. We made a business we were passionate about without an exit in mind, and found a partner who understands who we are and what we do. IGN wants to give us the support and resources to help us do all of the things we already do better and faster.
>IGN has a rough reputation among gamers, some of whom think of it as being too friendly with the greater gaming industry — trading access for favorable reviews is a common accusation, though almost certainly an untrue one. But the idea that the same parent company that owns a game store also owns a major game review site does raise some pretty obvious (although far from unique) conflict of interest concerns.
Just the fact that they allowed one of the most corrupt 'journalistic' companies to purchase them is proof of their dishonesty.
Cancel your humble monthly, hide your kids, they're raping everyone out there.
I bet 99% of you fags didn't even play Party Babyz.
>HB got an investment of $4.7 mil
Oops. Wrong link and wrong amount.
Honestly I can't see how much worse it could get. They literally give away fucking trash and software bullshit that have nothing to do with video games so maybe having IGN tell them games to bundle MIGHT have some good in it. Probably not though
>software bullshit
Their gamedev shit was pretty good.
What's wrong with the EFF?
To what end? They've purposely hidden the dev/charity/humblebundle sliders from the start, with their slider at 20%. Most gamers are lazy faggots who just click "next" and don't care, as long as they get their games and get charged the correct amount of money. So if they made $100M for "charity", rest assured that they made at at least that in revenue (actual revenue, not turnover).
The only reason I can see for a take-over is because their 50% ROI yearly is dropping to 20%.
Another reason: Valve recently changed their key generation policy for devs. In older times, they could generate unlimited gamekeys for free. That has changed with the massive flood of shovelware using those keys for trading card farming.
Long story short: Humblebundle's source of income completely died with this decision by Valve and they're cashing out now by selling to literal retards with no knowledge of gaming (lol IGN).
Yeah, the key policy was probably it.
Did you all miss when humble bundle did a huge bundle to help people smugglers get "refugees" into Western countries?
Please tell me you didn't forget that massive bundle they did after Trump won. You can't be that retarded Sup Forums
You could just wait for a steam sale
Gamefaqs is still around, and still one of the best places to get little tid bits of information you need on something you're stuck on.
>Supporting valve
I hope it fails because it supports shitty liberal games.
They have an active Dead or Alive Xtreme community somehow.
>implying humble bundle hasn't been shit for nearly a decade
No doubt they could change what games are offered in bundles but given the nature of the site I doubt review score comes into much effect for this, a lot of it just comes down to the game either being old enough where the devs don't care anymore or it being an indie title to shove in. Humble Bundle already doesn't focus much on the indie point anymore and frequently has more well known titles on there.
Removing the charity aspect would be fucking suicide for the site and kill their purchase. The dudes up top at IGN aren't dumb enough to do that. They WILL however push that monthly box service a lot harder that's for certain.
The sites they ran down and got rid of were all also competitors to IGN that were popular but not as big as say Gamespot where they have no chance of buying them out. It's the Rockefeller method, buy out your competition so you consolidate a hell of a lot more control over the market.
Honestly? My guess is that IGN has seen the whole YouTube ad fiasco and probably senses the winds may change regarding advertising online soon, something that will effect how much money they generate, so they want to stake out into other markets. In this case Humble Bundle already has an established storefront and a monthly box system, something they can rely on to generate cash regardless of how the winds flow in the advertising sphere. Even if you may say it's a bit silly for a bit site to worry, considering that their ENTIRE revenue stream is based off of advertisers, I'd probably be a bit scared too if I ran any journalist website that didn't charge a subscription. The whole YouTube fiasco blew up in such short notice that nobody had much time to truly prepare for it, so IGN is probably pre emotively taking measures and if nothing happens then they probably can end up pulling a profit off of humble bundle after several years. Plus they probably hope to drive the normie crowd on IGN over there to buy shit.
you should really be asking yourself how j2 intends to make more money from subscription services not what ign branding means
The last bundle I bought was the Humble Gems bundle, just to get Technobabylon because I pirated Gemini Rue and liked it well enough.
Before that was some shit year or two before that I dont even remember.
I used to buy them routinely before they started putting hard price caps on "tiers"
You weren't even going to buy the game anyway.
>Jeffrey (((Rosen)))
I had no idea
What do I do with my unclaimed games all the way back to 2013?
I had grand plans of trading them for games I actually wanted, but I said fuck it and just started mass adding random games to my Steam account.
It locked me out after the first 20, and I probably have another 30 keys im going to add to my account.
I have like 15 duplicates, im probably just going to dump them in a thread somewhere.
Did you honestly think anyone would believe you were going to go out of your way to buy it on Humble instead of just on Steam?
Sell it before it's too late.
Buy it on fuckin GoG you faggot
Why would you even use Humblestore when GoG has it?
i dont care
dont use this site anymore
and i dont care about charities
die all of you cancer patients
pieces of shit
As long as I can get a bunch of decent games for a few dollars, NOTHING will change. Who cares?
memelands goty: 3AVKY-V04CV-H6NM2
Why did they even do this? Was it a buyout? I mean, was HB doing poorly? How can a middle-man not make money for just peddling goods?
like one user already said valve is changing how devs generate game keys aka valve won't foot the bandwidth bill for traffic covering sales they didn't get a cent from.
thank you for memelands, my man
Man, 1up was my first gaming site. I used to love it. Seeing it close down was sad as hell