Is it worth upgrading from a 970 to a 1080?
Also speccy thread.
Is it worth upgrading from a 970 to a 1080?
No, just wait for the next series of cards.
hell no
I'm still happy with my 970 for 1080p so I'm gonna wait for the next series
no, all the performance hog games are garbage nowadays
Stop running windows at 144hz you mong, it makes your card idle at a higher clock speed
Why are you morons still using Avast's speccy? When they proven to be so incompetent they let themselves get backdoored
>muh russian hackerz
>Why are you morons still using Avast's speccy?
As opposed to what?
I thought the monitor needs to be set to run at 144hz so it will work on games though? Or do games just do it automatically now?
They were chinese funded by the government you retard.
Nvidia Inspector
Too late, 1070 is from mid 2016 & it's almost 2018, plus prices have gone up instead of down thanks to miners
Wait until Volta early next year
I'd rather stick to speccy than using all those. Speecy is easier to screenshot.
Newly built PC. Needs to buy an SDD, I'm using the HDDs that were on my laptop. Can someone tell me why Speccy show my ram is unknown?
>1070 is from mid 2016 & it's almost 2018
>my 1070 will be a year old in december
Didn't realize how fast time went.
For how much longer can I keep pic related ? A few more years I guess, assuming nothing breaks
I'm also still on haswell refresh here, I'm not upgrading any time soon.
>1080P/60hz with a 1070
you're fine you fag
I've had this build for like 4 years now, what should I upgrade? Hoping to get something VR capable
Nice, I'm thinking about getting a 1440p monitor. As long as I don't go 4K I should be good to keep 50-60 FPS in most games
In my experience speccy is shit at identifying ram
upgrading the cpu to a 8700k in a few weeks
if you can find a good deal sure. But I would wait and pick up a 1070ti
>4 years
>kaby lake