Is this the worst PC port of the modern era?

Is this the worst PC port of the modern era?

I can't get above 40 FPS.

Runs flawlessly, you have shit PC's m80's.

Not the best, but a 390 and i5-6500 on medium settings. It just refuses to go over 40-45 FPS.

i5 4670k @ 4.3 GHz and 1080 here

runs perfectly :^)

1070/7600k/16 RAM

Can't get above 40 fps at 1440p

No that was Nier Automata.

You guys forget how Batman Arkham Knight was, Dishonored 2, and the first god damn Evil Within.

Anyone notice that even when you turn the AA off it's still blurry as hell? I have all the shitty options turned off. Also everything looks downscaled after a certain distance.

Just look at this, an overclocked 1070 can make 72 FPS in this empty corridor at 1080p. Isn't that good enough for you?

On Ultra i'm getting 70+ FPS minimum but it is making my system run pretty warm at about 60-70C


That stoner Aris can run it just fine, you plebs have no excuse other than being poor

You havent heard nothing about Forza 7 have you? That game is a hot mess

>put a lot of money into a gaming pc
>have to deal with shit ports
this is getting so damn old.

>70+ FPS minimum
Unless you're using DSR to play it at 4k, that's a pretty shit framerate for a 1080.

it is the same fucking engine use in the first game?

That being said, game is gorgeous. Had to turn off camera blur but left on motion because the two were too much at once.

Yeah i'm pretty disappointed with the framerate especially since the first one ran amazingly. Hopefully they get some performance issues sorted out soon.

>runs perfectly smooth
>Is this the worst port?
No, you just have to invest in your toaster.

Glad I only bought a key for $30. Fuck Bethesda, Dishonored 2 was a mess as well.

I'm getting 100+fps on ultra.