Normal-looking old guy with a shovel

>normal-looking old guy with a shovel
>is still more terrifying than anything in a horror game in 10 years

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Lisa in PT was scarier

Well yeah, Trump voters are terrifying.

more terrifying and also more funny

here's your reply

Yeah, until he started talking like he was written by Rob Zombie. He was more funny than menacing at that point.


>le normalfag
stopped reading there, this is trash

honestly him talking like a crazed enthusiastic hillbilly was way more intimidating than what you usually get

Fucking corporate Konami.

>one of the possible deaths is her breaking Norman's neck and giving the corpse the succ

What did Kojima mean by this

The phenomenon of the uncanny is highly exploitable to great effect


I want to FATHER Eveline!

Why am I emitting semen

this is what I imagine the chad from virgin/chad images does all day

Reminds me of my childhood.

>redneck horror
>libs shitting their pants

Your father would beat you with a shovel?

>he's not afraid of backwards cousinfucking rednecks
Hello there Cletus.

>other chad picks up his cigerette and smokes it

It feels like you could maybe reason with him, and that's why he's scary to me. You would never be able to reason with his character in the state that he's in. There's not much scarier than going up against something that's just completely unreasonable. It's like coming across a bear in the wild that's defending it's cubs. You know you don't want anything to do with it, but the bear doesn't give a fuck and it's going to maul you to death regardless.

not him but I would say the bakers are more hillbilly than redneck, and yes there is a difference. t. Midwesterner

>Feel awesome when I finally kill that old bastard
>Get to the flashback scene
>"I never wanted to hurt you son"

Makes sense, Bakers seemed like a really nice couple who just wanted to help a little mutant girl before they got fucked. And everyone knows that hillbilly's>>>>rednecks.

They werent evil rednecks besides maybe Lucas , but the infection ruined them

Wasn't Lucas working for New Umbrella? I forgot already. Did they ever say what happened to him in the DLCs?

Goddamn this game shits the bed as soon as you leave the Baker house.

Playing this right now, having a pretty good time. Just got that disgusting fucking arm and lit some dirt zombies on fire. What can I expect from that little shitstain I'm about to go up against?

The back yard with the trailer is probably the comfiest I've ever felt in a video game.

I agree though, rest of the game felt like shit compared to the first part.

Not really, everything except the Boat is pretty good. Lab is just ok but still solid. The Old House would have been GOAT if there were more enemies than fucking bugs 90% of the time.

There was a lab under the house so he was part of something, he also was immune I think.

The plot is still interesting but I agree, especially because of the bland map layouts. I honestly wished the Baker plantation was larger and that there were more harder puzzles like the Happy Birthday videotape.

Fuck that game was so good up until the ship.

He wasn't immune since his hand still grew back. I think he was just already a bit sadistic so had no problem giving in to Eveline.

>normal looking guy

w-what do you look like op?

>Ethan... free my family

Thats the thing though, he wasnt under Eveline's control according to one of the journal entries in the salt mines IIRC. I'm not exactly sure what happened to him

>game teases that Lucas is some kind of riddlemaster
>his portion of the game has the lease amount of puzzles

They really dropped the ball on that part

>just got the grenade launcher

Aw shit, son.

>The Old House would have been GOAT if there were more enemies than fucking bugs 90% of the time.

Margarite needed to be more of an ongoing threat. Instead she just stands there and queefs bugs at you while you light her up until she runs away.

Except for the whole puzzle room part. I don't remember any puzzles before that besides those two shadow ones.

Werent some of the areas of the house also made by Lucas? Its a shame those were mainly the same exact shadow puzzle.

Nah, I find that area to be one of the most boring areas in the whole game. The bugs are just a constant annoyance the whole time, and the crazy mom is just kind of unthreatening compared to Jack. I will admit I did shit myself during that boss battle though, mostly because at first I didn't realise it was a boss battle at first so was just trying to leg it and hide.

Thanks user


He got caught by an organization that injected him with something that suppresses Evie's control over him. He then acts as the inside man for them being given resources for some as of yet unknown reason.

I think we needed one more character in the Baker family to act as a pursuit monster like Nemesis. Maybe a big retard Sling Blade type kid who's more of a constant threat.

I think you actually find the receipt from the company that did that somewhere. It's that or the shotgun door lock.



They badly needed one of those for the ship. Then it could follow Ethan to the mine where you finish it off for good.

>everything is politics
fuck off to your other cesspool.

>got so freaked at the spider jumping fuckers I wasted all my ammo

I need to actually fucking aim. This is embarrassing. This ain't fucking RE4.

Would have made a much better final boss than just two of the fat guys we had already fought before.

Yeah, the game felt too safe in a lot of places.

Ghost blowjob?

>awesome game
>pretty original stuff for the most part
>get to the end
>le little spooky girl

Why? I was getting hype for grandma then they give me little girl

What's the story here?

hahaha fucking ebin diss user, put those normies (REEEEEEEE amirite XD) in their place!! SHADILAAYYYY

I think she's actually just fucking you, since her first child turned out to be a deformed chicken boy.

Quick question. Do you need to have a treasure photo on you to get the hidden shit or will just looking at it once and then putting it into storage work?

The first treasure you don't even need the photo. The second you only need to look at it once then put it in storage.

Ah, okay. I still hadn't found the second one so I was wondering what to do with the third. Thought that one would be in the basement but couldn't find jack. Figured the second one would be in the old house but couldn't find shit there either. I think I'm just retarded.

the same person who made the traps the original mansion in resident evil 1 had made the traps in the bakers family home

Huh? Nothing in RE7 was scary at all. Jack was borderline comedic.

i wouldnt say terrifying but they're invariably dullards. culture warriors in general are retards.

>that webm of him driving and Ethan just standing there

>the fact that his first bossfight involves driving a car around a 15x20 room and running him over/getting run over

Even if it's mostly scripted I loved it as a first fight. The claustrophobia of how small the room is and how fast shit escalates is just fantastic.

buy how is the main character hard if he's dead?

That shit was fucking hilarious, it alone made me want to play through the rest of the game.

ugh, that's actually kinda fucked up. so the ghost bitch is gettin down on his death erection. damn. why not just fuck him while he's alive?

Fuck me, just completed the happy birthday tape. Poor Clancy.

>invariably dullards

I know! Lets burn down another black city in order to help them.


I just wanted more enemies than Mold, Fat Mold, Fast Mold, Armor Mold

That guy is a walking meme, I lost my shit when he went full Initial D in the garage

Not him but you're proving his point.

Don't worry, we're getting a Giant Mold in Not A Hero.

>unconscious grandma who stalks you the entire game
>lol fuck that have a spooky loli
Its funny too because spooky lolis have been done to death, the grandma alone would have been a more interesting antagonist

me and my mates


>RE7 garbage


t. Berkely cuck

Can't build a wall with a shovel, u fukkin moran lmeo

Resident Evil was never about the spooks, honestly. Why be afraid of something when you can shoot at it?

Agreed user, it's like they changed writers at the end

I just thought it was annoying how he would teleport behind u all the time. Played on Madhouse.

this logic works in real life but not in the video game world

>>normal-looking old guy
Only in America, friend

Yeah, the degeneration of the minds of the Baker parents is legit sad.

The voice actors make them sound really sweet and sympathetic when they're not infected in the flashbacks which was extra jarring after having seen Jack grow his head back and Marguerite's insect vagina.

Sane Jack's acting when he sits down with you and does the plot dump is pretty great