why does Sup Forums insist he's not /Ourguy/?
Why does Sup Forums insist he's not /Ourguy/?
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I agree with his point on Wonderful 101, and that’s my favorite game.
Ratchet 3 is a good game though.
He likes re6
TGB is a fucking edgelord, so I guess he would be Sup Forums's guy.
And no, challenge isn't the be all and end all of video games. Not everybody wants to play a super punishing game, and that's perfectly fine.
let me guess: you don't like re6 because of the shit story or action oriented gameplay
Stop posting your shit here. No one is watching your videos or donating to your Patreon.
Oh and Yakuza sucks.
>And no, challenge isn't the be all and end all of video games.
But he doesn't say this, brainlet
does doing this significantly boost your traffic? are you banned from reddit and gaf or something?
He talks about how DMC3's impact would be diminished by having a chapter select and ironically the Special Edition allows you to easily unlock everything before you start the game
But I heavily agree with his point about how difficulty is supposed to make you stressed out and make you feel the pressure the character you play as feels and making it easy or skippable diminishes that
hes been recycling the same arguments and ideas for years
Vids are ok but he needs to ditch the faggy drawn persona.
/ourguy/ list
>James Rolfe
Who else does Sup Forums on average tolerate?
JonTron, maybe?
What's the consensus on Matthew Matosis?
Thanks for the commercial
Remove that one, other than that you're fine.
Sup Forums loves him even more but he produces content at a snails pace.
People like ragging on him, but I think they're just salty because of his release schedule. Joseph Anderson is also pretty well-regarded.
Pretty good vid.
but fuck Sup Forums's opinion on anything. it isn't a hivemind
Literally who
He doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool but I don't see much disdain for him. Seems like a chill dude.
Good video, I agree. Watching the cut scenes or reading the story of a game is never as satisfying as sitting there in the moment interacting with it. it's a large part of why even if a good moment is spoiled in a game you can enjoy it, while in a movie/tv show/book it can ruin a huge portion of the experience
Nice vid saint
All video games need some level of challenge unless you want a boring slog fest.
>Games are only allowed to be hard
>Things nobody said
not him but yes
it's nothing like a resident evil game
vinesauce i guess
Because as much as I love DMC3 not every game in existence has to be DMC3.
DMC3 wasnt that good
You forgot your trip charlie
What does Sup Forums think of Clemps?
His buddy Clemps is a much better youtuber.
Aside from his Fallout 3 video, Hbomb has terrible opinions when it comes to video games. I personally like DaS 2, but the way he defends it is full retard, and his video about Bloodborne doesn't do a whole lot aside from state the obvious and show Harris jacking himself off for being so "smart".
Decently entertaining and I appreciate that he covers more niche titles.
Too much division. Also, he's an obnoxious commie
>Frequent rant about politics and things that don't have anything to do with videogames
It fits.
>implying that's a bad thing
It's the future.
hes friends with all the top tier traps on twitter
hes okay in my book
let me guess: you don't like it because of the bad things
>Jak II
but why?
Good taste.
Not bad, but why are almost all of the games ps2 and beyond?
>challenge isn't the be all and end all of video games
...He literally says that in the video. Not every game needs to be difficult
But bread lines and poverty already exist in the present day
But that's captilist bread lines and poverty. Communist poverty is better.
>Action is his favorite genre
>Doesn't like God Hand
Almost like God hand is a medicore game that Sup Forums pretends to like in order to be contrarian despite billions of other action games being superior.
Good bait.
>it's nothing like a resident evil game
who cares?
Not bait
>let me seriously talk to you about art
>you are in a demon castle fighting your twin brother with a giant sword and you have currrrrraaaaazy techniques...
>>let me seriously talk to you about art
He actually mocks the whole "games are art" debacle though and just talks about the experience you have playing the game
>liking the worst pokemon
>liking the worst zelda (tww)
>not a single snes game
>it's shit but who cares because I like shit
>He actually mocks the whole "games are art" debacle though and just talks about the experience you have playing the game
Playing the game IS the art you dumbass
That's what he's arguing and he's right.
But he argues it like a fucking 15 year old.
He thinks DMC3 is art though.
because he grew up in the 2000s
when did anyone said it was shit, you cumtaster?
I along with fucking everyone said that it's shit you ignorant fuck
damn user
you are slow
>Yakuza 0
Fucking lol'd, he's one of the anons who keep spouting GOTY about Yakuza 0 isn't he?
To be fair, DMC3 is a masterpiece.
well, suck my dick because that's wrong
>shits on GZ and tells us not get hyped for TPP
>gets himself hyped for TPP and then complains that he got hyped
dumb fuck
If it weren't for the Gigapede, Leviathan's Heart, Lady and Arkham fight I would agree. Also fuck that boss rush level, what the fuck were they thinking?
>this post
Was he right?
>Metroid Prime series is all out of order
>MGS4 over 3
>Weird taste in platformers to put it kindly. Just weird to see so many of them indicating he's a fan, which makes the absence of ANY Mario title stand out.
>Fucking Pokemon RUBY over HGSS or Emerald
>Telling lack of SNES progenitors of favorites that do make it into the list like Metroid and Zelda
Nothing here is enough to make me call his taste shit but some of this is just so fucking weird. It's like, normie contrarian? I don't know what to call this.
Guaranteed this guy comes into Automata threads and complains about combat.
It's a good game ruined by shit controls.
He'd like Automata's combat though.
terrible RE game and average 3rd person shooter
>Jak 2
>R&C1 over R&C2
>Kingdom Hearts
What a weirdo.
>faggot goon
>shit opinions on everything
>our guy
fuck off with your kiddie underage shit, you fucking faggot
>Not knowing TGBS
Lurk more.
>The scripted sequence "boss fights" are super impactful guys
Man he was so fucking wrong, none of the bosses in RE6 were satisfying because they were either fucking tedious or have as much interactivity as a QTE
Naw video games are toys. And people are free to enjoy toys in whatever way they fucking feel like. Some people like genuine challenge. While others like to treat shit like a sand box and just enable cheats and god mode and enjoy themselves that way.
If anything a "CORE" of a video game is like what most good crpg makers tend to believe makes a good game. Which is to say that more or less the vidya maker can do whatever they do but at the end of the day the individual will make of it what they will and have their own personal experience due to the nuanced nature of every single individual.
Hell like god damn. It is like theses newfangle immature fag nerds like the fag in ops video have forgotten. That before the ps2 xbox cheevo era cheats were prevalent and popular as fuck with shit like the god damn konami code being a part of "gaming history" due to what it did and what it let people do in the games it was in.
Fuck whomever that was really. Since like god damn again remember before chevo shit was prevalent and how there was actually a market out there for third party shit that let people cheat at their vidya. Hell cheat engine on pc is such a thing that still carrys that spirit even though it is free.
So overall naw. Vidya is a luxury item. A luxury item that with time has become more and more mainstream. So unless people want the futere of mainstream vidya to turn into lootbox faggotry where publisher and game devs will just follow the mobile mainstream market and sell pay to win stuff for people who cant deal with the difficulty. Devs should instead listen to the shitty casual game jurnos while at the same time taking lessons from the past and include shit in their games reminiscent of cheat and level skip codes of the past.
So i who enjoy playing shit on the hardest setting possible recognize that i am a niche. That is how I enjoy my toy. I still want toys like that. But if casuals have to be catered by implementing cheats so be it.
Yeah, it's expansive. But it's broken and half the missions are bullshit. The game clearly wasn't built around its guns the way Ratchet was.
Jak III was a bit more polished but got too into the vehicle combat for what's supposed to be a platformer.
>dumb story
>action scenes
Surely, none of those were in a resident evil before
I will never fucking understand how people conflate flashy shit like that with interesting or deep. Shit is god damn DmC tier looking.
>fucking tedious
>Play RE6 on the hardest difficulty for trophies
>Ran out of ammo in multiple boss fights
>Had to reset multiple times because their was no way to defeat them
>Literally Who: The General
>My first RE was RE4: the post
Go play REmake dumb squidloliposter.
Deflect some more, faggot. Or are you saying RE4 isn't an actual RE game?
RE4 is the only game that has aged well.
>Or are you saying RE4 isn't an actual RE game?
Nice straw man, I'm saying REmake doesn't have any action sequences in it unless you count shooting a rocket launcher at Tyrant at the very last encounter as action.
Why does this guy keep memeing this game?
Ok fine, there was some interesting meta-narrative to dig into there, but just because Kojima almost tried to make it intentionally bad doesn't make it some masterpiece.
Other choices like Jak 2, inFamous, re6 and Pokemon Ruby just make me puzzled.
Props for Twilight Princess I suppose, it gets a bad rep from the Zelda community even though its only real issue was how painfully easy it was.
>Why does this guy keep memeing this game?
He has entire video on it.
>only real issue was how painfully easy it was.
Every Zelda since the SNES has been painfully easy, TP's issue is that pacing in the beginning.
I played a demo of re6 at a sony store and I never really played a re game since or before and that experience made me want to play the series if I never played it I probably wouldnt care about re at all.
>Why does this guy keep memeing this game?
Dude, sickass cutscenes and sick asses, man.
>Challenge is the core of video games
FUCKING DUH. If they were all easy, they'd last like 30 minutes
video games are a timesink
> Games should always offer a degree of challenge
You fucking moron.
I believe Arin Hanson(Egoraptor, host of game grumps) is our real guy, his opinion and intellectual understanding of the basics of gaming is really spot on. Did you know they use his sequelitis videos as a teaching standard in colleges teaching game design?