Isn't this imagery too lewd for this game?

isn't this imagery too lewd for this game?

I really really want to be witch mercy

post your feet

I really really want to impregnate Mercy

I have spent ove $300 On this game and I feel dirty

Before the summer skins right nipples were

Don't act like you don't know what the fuck Blizzard is on

Be sure to buy more lootboxes user, wouldn't want to miss out on your favorite skins this season now would you?

>mfw blizz fans object sexism in >MUH GAMES
>mfw blizz is the most sexist of them all in char design

Your reddit is showing overcuck

maybe if my name was reddit

This hit me right in my witch fetish.

isn't suicide too forgiving for roverwatch fans?

That would actually be better because it would be ironic and humorous. R9K4CHAN is just desperately pathetic.

>LE Sup Forums USER NAME
reddit, go home and stay there

>isn't this imagery too lewd for this game?
Its Mercy,she's too PURE to be lewd at anything pleb.

Imagine not having a shred of personality outside of the fact that you browse this shithole

my name is ironic hence the r9k. i think they are a laughing stock

How do you think they get people to buy this game?

someone who works at blizzard doing character design is a fucking hero

This. Post your feet

Reminder that TF2 isn't going to have a Halloween event again this year.

I bet the furries are behind this

I want to sniff her broomstick.