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The only people I feel bad for are the retards who spent money on lawbreakers.
I mean you had to know it was going to be a failure, but you bought it anyway.

on OP's picture i see 2 niggers and a SJW type girl.

No wonder people dont want to play this game.


Just like how Battlefield 1 flopped


did you just assumed xe gender? cis scum

>giving your hard-earned money to this gentleman

Does this game even have a single player offline campaign? I feel zero mercy for games trying to force mandatory online play, yet charge full retail.

>on OP's picture i see 2 niggers and a SJW type girl
How do you expect law breakers to look like?


>A game must have a forced shitty single player mode that no one plays even though the engine wasn't meant for it for devs to ask money for it
Are you a bit on the slow side?


I'ver never even heard of this game except as a joke on Sup Forums.

I'm assuming it's another also-ran hero based shooter?

What's lawbreakers?

Well BF1 will for damn sure not get as low as 10 fucking players online lol

How did the game devs not realize the joke themselves?

This game truly is a law breaker



That doesn't even make any sense

>10 people
12 of them are devs

f2p when?
I might have a look then

stop samefagging

>tfw more posters than players

>black woman character
>flat ass
were the people who worked on this game by any chance retarded?

Even worse, they're white man.

Pretty sure the "question" about the games future has already been answered.

LMao there's prolly more people at Cluffords AA meetings

They never charged full retail. It's always been 30 bucks

This is literately the character they use for all of the recent promo material.

Did you hope people would continue posting reaction images after you were finished?


Do people still talk about it? Check mate atheist.

Not exactly Tracer...

I don't get it. I thought Cliff was going on about Lawbreakers not being anime but in that picture she's got Japanese writing on her armor and isn't that dumb hand heart gesture an anime thing?

there goes the billion dollar IP
hope faggot hangs himself in the attic

i enjoy watching waifuwatch crush video games with shitty artwork into dust, even if it is a babby game

>10 players online
Imagine being Cliffy B right now, spending years and thousands of dollars, just for this moment

My favorite thing about this whole shitshow is how Cliff went into it assuming Lawbreakers would be a massive hit.


He doesn't give a fuck. He got a huge amount of money before release from stocks and went on vacation and bought a Lambo. Dude stopped caring the second he got the cash.

I think they got the wrong message from Overwatch. People don't like Tracer,, Pharah etc because they're "strong" or female. People like them because they're fuckable. No one in LB is fuckable.



I thought the same thing.

He's literately loaded so it won't even affect him at all.


>32 people on a friday night
>one week after the free weekend

It had a free weekend?

FYI it was all scam by him and the state of North Carolina, studio is in Raleigh, as part of their newly reformed small business initiatives to boost the local economy.

Cliffy B on suicide overwatch

Honestly I never heard a single thing about Lawbreakers until after it launched, and then the only thing I heard was how bad it was doing.

People jumped on the class-based FPS fad way too hard. Even Overwatch is struggling to retain players month-over-month. It's a really shitty genre because almost by definition it's too technical for casuals but too casual for FPS players.

I suppose if he doesn't make any more games after this shitshow. I'd fucking take the cash and rest easy, but if he wants to do another game, he's fucked

There was a funny reddit screencap someone posted here talking about how it's their big chance to grow their community and how they all have to play to get the numbers up, and to let the new people win some so they have fun
Someone probably saved it

How is it possible for a game to be this unpopular. Surely something like this would appeal to at least a couple hundred people

Is that even enough for a full match lobby?

is that girl like Saki from Emergence or worse?


maybe he'll become a mobile dev if no one is dumb enough to keep the lights on at boss key

>be rich as fuck with a hot wife
>kill yourself because one project failed miserably
cliffy would probably do it considering his knack for making stupid decisions


Battleborn players said that exact same thing about letting new players win so they're not discouraged. It's so funny but sad someone would genuinely do that.


there is billion games like that already
they don't even have to be better

>stop being a NEET
why the fuck would i ever do that?

I mean fuck user, if you just want to lose all pride, going mobile dev is the best way.

The marketing for it was shit. It also released at a horrible time. This video sums it all up nicely:

>It had a free weekend?
yes, during the fucking COD WW2 open beta weekend.

I'm dead serious.


Just like Randy

It feels weird to think that the post game development team for Law Breakers is probably larger than the playerbase.

You know what? This. This is what fucking pisses me off the most. This whatever the fuck she-boon is suppose to be. The gall that they have to use these characters in promo images is just astounding. Who the fuck is this even suppose to appeal to? No one. And I can bet my left nut that even black people are not attracted to this thing

Trying to force realism into a fantasy/sci-fi setting is disgusting. But why the hell do they feel the need to create the character's appearance with ugly aspects of reality is just beyond. Just look at it. I can fucking see it goddamn skin pores. BUT. But guess what? This was suppose to be the token "lolkawaiiXD" character. This was suppose to be the cute and spunky tech girl.

Every day I see this shit I curse the gods that allow it to come to be.

>we were working on this game before we even saw overwatch

does he expect anyone to actually believe this. the WarZ devs said the exact same thing about DayZ.

What a weird feeling it would be to play a multiplayer game and know it's absolutely the only match in the world happening at that very moment.

>This was suppose to be the
Supposed to be the what?

>Cliff's fw

>It's a really shitty genre because almost by definition it's too technical for casuals but too casual for FPS players.

Don't forget that in addition it combines the autism of a MOBA with the teenage faggotry that infests online FPS.

On PC I assume. Is there any reliable way to get console numbers?

>they hired "progressives" and expected them to make appealing characters and not just use it as a virtue signal soapbox opportunity

How is it possible to be less popular than Battleborn? What the fuck Cliff


He Uwe Boll'd it?

Hey Cliffy


But doesn't that mean people will be too busy playing that weekend?

you know what she was supposed to be

What console numbers?

You've never played Ricochet? this has been happening since Moses invented the Red Sea

Reminder that Titanshit 2 unironically used Linkin Park in a pitiful "please buy our game" trailer


I played ricochet.
Strange game.

>It feels weird to think that the post game development team for Law Breakers is probably larger than the playerbase.

>Monday morning meeting Boss Key studios
>15-20 managers sat around a meeting table
>Window looking on onto a team of 50-100 or so people
>statistics on the monitor showing 32 players online over the weekend
>the awkward glances to each other when they realise this

Being a fly on the wall for this moment would be more enjoyable than this game could ever be

I'm pretty sure you just check your console population and look. Some Sony friend posted the top 5 PS4 games and it was something like Fornite at 10k and games like NBA 2017

bf1 underperformed long term. if they make another underwhelming game the series is finished


I can't even begin to imagine how awkward that would be. Holy shit.



Please lord in heaven above, put me in the screencap!
