When did Blizzard dethrone Nintendo as the king of creating household name IPs and ideas?

When did Blizzard dethrone Nintendo as the king of creating household name IPs and ideas?

>household name
I'm not even a nintenbro and I can see the delusion.


Overwatch is already pretty irrelevant. And kids don't love Starcraft of WOW the way they love OOT or Mario 64.

WoW is absolutely loved as much; maybe by a different group of people or a different generation, but it is as much a househould name as any recent nintendo game.

Hearthstone plays a big role. OP is still retarded though. So many people will know Mario yet not msny will know murloc

Is that a Skylander?

>Overwatch is already pretty irrelevant.
And Splatoon is relevant? Or was relevant, ever?

>And kids don't love Starcraft of WOW the way they love OOT or Mario 64.
Yeah, that's why I said "dethroned", they used to make them, now they don't. Making another installment in a household name series doesn't count as creating a successful series altogether.

Nintendo created a household name with Switch.

>Making another installment in a household name series doesn't count as creating a successful series altogether.
By that logic no new game has been a household name ever since Minecraft.

Dark Souls

Dark Souls is in no way, shape or form a household name.

Besides capeshit games and sports games based on existing real life branding, the last game that was a household name was Minecraft. If we include mobile game shit then Candy Crush.

>House hold name
>4.7 million switch consoles sold.
>Sold less switch consoles than how many people purchased "Just Cause", or "Rugrats", or "Army Men".
>Household name
The delusion of nintentoddlers

How does Overwatch not qualify?

dude Mario is more recognized by the masses than mickey mouse, what does blizzard have that comes close to this ? Fucking nothing.

>make a dumbed down version of warhammer and everquest and name it WOW
>make a dumbed down version of magic the gathering and name it hearthstone

Household name doesn't equal sales dumb ass.

Overwatch is flash in the pan compared to household names. Even until now shit like Farmville and Candy Crush and Angry Birds are more popular than Overwatch.

WoW was Blizzard's household name. Other than that, none.

Warcraft thread?

Warcraft thread.

Anyone else read You Awaken in Razor Hill? I just finished it.

And yet, out of all those games they copied, WoW survived.

Warn me when green jesus is the main mascot of the next summer olympic games.

Or just kill yourself and save us both the time.

>completely casualize a genre which is know for being tough as fuck with grouping being essential even for levelling
>using the Warcraft brand, a complete ripoff of WH, to promote it
>it does well
No shit. It still destroyed mmo as a genre

blizzard saw the effect ragnarok online had in asia.
>muh everquest
everquest wasn't a hit among casuals, ro was

Wait WTF The Warleader is holding a SWORD? I thought it was the top of a hut or something like that

When was the last time Nintendo created a world-famous character? Donkey Kong in '94?

Rosalina, 2006.

why do they need to create more world-famous characters, testicle goblin? did you forget who Mario is?

Well if they want to be the king of actively *creating* IPs, they need to do more than make a few during the industry's infancy and then milk them forever. Sure they have the most known characters by far, but could they repeat the success of any of them in today's highly competitive market?

anyone who has not played Overwatch has jacked off to at least one of the characters

that's a household name to me

Yeah, I personally measure it by the amount of tagged pictures on the boorus. Overwatch is fucking huge.

I don't think you know what "household name" means. Nintendo is still THE household brand because of their early domination of the video game market.

>kids love OOT or Mario64
you meant manchilds right?

>King of household IP
Fucking KEK. Blizzard has been pumping history, science fiction and mythology since forever to create anything. They've got nothing truly original.
Also they don't have something as outstanding and big as Mario, Pokemon or Zelda. Those IP went beyond video game culture.
>inb4 Nintendo fangay
didn't even touch one of their games for 10 years (despite Pokemon gen 1)

Nintendo always push innovation. Whereas When's the last time Blizzard came up with an original idea? 2004?

>Nintendo hasn't made a successful IP in 20 years
>Nintentoddlers trying to argue it's still king of making household name IPs

>Tard is retarded

If i say mario to my co-worker, they ALL know who it is. There was 2 different group doing pokemon GO run last summer

Meanwhile, if i talk about tracer i'll get response from the highschool dropouts and the redheaded guy who read anime (he's cool tho, he read berserk during lunch hour). That's it

But are there any video game characters from the last ten years that have the recognition of early Nintendo characters? Literally none, their success is unrepeatable because they had the advantage of getting in early. But out of all the devs making new IPs now, Blizzard's have the most recognition, however small that is. Even new Nintendo IPs are literally who status, like Splatoon.

Nintendo's record is nearly flawless at the moment when it comes to 1st party games.

Blizzard is really close but they still have some stuff like Diablo 3 or Starcraft 2 that didn't see the kind of success they were expecting.

shit niggh, those goalpost are rocketing waaaay fast.

You gotta stop them

Hint : Just because Nintendo has created the greatest IP ever 30 years ago and nobody compare yet doesn't change shit

Please, continue being asshurt for the next year or so once odyssey is out.

thats a cool fishfriend. what's its name? what game is it from?

Same goalpost from the OP famalam.

Diablo 3 sold 30mil copies

so, blizzard are king at creating ip yet can't beat a 30 years old one

I guess they aren't that good, then. WEW

lets be real, it did due to hype and goodwill accumulated from DIablo 2 and their other games.
DIablo3 is the point where most of their IPS took a nosedive.

1 word: Overwatch


>muh mahrio
>muh shitty microtransaction flavor of the month p2w normie app

Nintendo is a Publisher, Blizzard is a dev, as in Pokemon isn't Nintendo, that's Gamefreak

If you want a fairer comparison, compare Nintendo EAD to Blizzard, which imo leads to an easy win for Blizzard, since it's not the fucking 90's anymore & Nintendo just too much talent

*Lost too much talent

Though JUST works too, less people around to challenge Miyamoto's stupid ideas

>Original idea

>rumors that Murlocs will be the next playable race

Been playing on and off since vanilla.

This would make me sell my account.

Not a snowflake's chance in hell.

Started from the bottom now we here.


That's overestimating blizzard's chances.

You've already got rabid fanboys from all over the globe to eat Nintendo's shit on a monthly basis they didn't even need to make splatoon some silly "esport".

Blizzard NEARLY had that. Instead of pandering like Nintendo, they alienated their original autistic backbone for more casuals and idiots, because they thought the esport scene consisted of those people.

Well, they were fucking wrong. The people interested in esports will NEVER actually buy the game, they only watch one person play it.

Blizzard is not having some technological breakdown

Oh no

It's on a road to hell.

WOW is hated by it's playerbase, I've seen the community cry that the game is shit from cataclysm and it never stopped.

To be fair, its been especially bad recently given the devs being rather hostile and noticeably bored and ignorant of the game itself.

The devs on WoW dont know what they're doing and dont want to be there and everyone knows it.

Overwatch is a dumbed down TF2, and everybody's getting tired of this shit. Blizzard tries to push a bad lore for which nobody cares, and now they have pretty much copied every TF2 character/build in some way, they won't have any idea for more heroes, and they will never push a spy/disguise build because people will never be intelligent enough to spycheck.

It's pretty much already dead. They re going to make a overwatch 2 but I can see it fail if it's not different enough.

People have jacked to Samus Aran too. But yeah, Nintendo doesn't have another fap worhy character.

You mean the developer that released one of the most critically acclaimed games ever just last march, and are probably about to do it again in a couple weeks?

if you're talking about BOTW and Mario im fucking laughing at you