Ouch :(

Ouch :(

Well they're getting thrown into a home when he's older

he probably deserved that

is there a template for this? we can meme this

Can I remake boomers so they don't destroy the economy and culture?


Sup Forums wouldn't exist without America

yes the american culture. we'll leave it at that. go to Sup Forums if you want to complain about americans

my parents are dead though

that's not culture, that's cancer

You're right, we need to make it more cultured by bringing third-worlders in. Did you go to a liberal arts college too?


>be a shitty parent
>act surprised when you end up with a shitty kid
what did they mean by this?


Man dawkins is a cringy faggot these days

or >>>trash or write in your diary about your hate for america. no one here cares

Dawkins was always a faggot who missed the point of his own philosophy entirely.

>these days

>implying it doesn't work like the Princess Maker games
>implying it isn't their fault you are like this

I guess it's just more visible recently what with twitter becoming so popular

ameriburger mad

>tfw we're destined to end up this bitter and jaded someday
>that is if we aren't already

Why do millennials hate boomers so much? Seems like they blame them for anything


>america in one sentence
>image contains five

it's a mutual hate

I'm bitter and jaded, but at least there is justice in life - I don't take this bitterness out on other people in my life and don't hurt anyone. Because I'm lonely.

So obsessed


A lot of people come off as fags now because of Twitter. It was a mistake.

>missed the point of his own philosophy entirely.
how though? do you know what his philosophy is?
hint: it's not "religion is evil cuz warfare and muh feels :^("

Boomers had a much easier time affording things due to the economy, and then they went and ruined it. They then started blaming millennials for not buying the things they can't afford anymore.

That's about it.

maybe they shouldnt have failed as parents if they wanted their kid to be great



>parents don't realize roles reverse when they age and treat their kids like shit
What goes around